Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4321

"What on earth should we do? Escape from the home planet?" In the center of the silent bone convergence surface, in a huge basin where countless skeletons and the smell of death are accumulated and intertwined, the master of level 7 undead Jing Ning can\'t help but say.

More than one-third of the silver bones on the body surface are obviously chapped, which shows that the master of the early level 7 undead suffered a lot of injuries on the civilized battlefield.

Level 7 white bone master Jing Ning is actually quite good. She is more unlucky and miserable than her. She is also a dead man with the initial strength of level 7 and a silent swallow bream with the middle strength of level 7.

Needless to say, the other half of this guy is still in Lilith\'s hands. And it is very likely to become another body part of Lilith\'s corpse training synthetic beast in the near future.

Silent swallowing bream is more exaggerated than dead measure in terms of the degree of weakness of breath.

First, she was shot by the conqueror Titan ship of galent Federation, and then she was watched by Lilith for some time on the battlefield of civilization.

Seven hundred years ago, in order to rescue the iron armored ghost in danger, he was caught and beaten by kakarot on the way of support.

Up to now, it has not fallen, which only shows that the silent swallowing bream has a great life, and after it is promoted to the master, it has abundant reserves of omnipotent soul.

At the beginning of level 7, the master\'s query made other undead masters in the earth silent.

More than two thousand years ago, they still had the confidence to win the war, and looked forward to the silent civilization to enter a higher class with the help of this civilization war.

But today, two thousand years later, the cold reality and the strength of the enemy make it clear to these dead masters that they want to delay, and they may not really delay until they turn defeat into victory.

There are only five of the seven level seven necromancer masters left.

And without exception, these dominant strong people basically have some heavy injuries.

What do they get from paying so much?

Not to mention the deep disaster and death crisis in the hinterland of the star region where the civilizations of the galent Federation and the members of the anti light Protoss alliance are located.

Just the front line of the civilized battlefield, what they did was to hurt moraya, a level 7 reader of the civilization of the rose Dynasty 786 years ago. 431 years ago, the two federal Russian lobas class war fleets were heavily damaged by the assembled troops, and one of them was forced to return to the rear of the home star domain for reorganization and maintenance.

For this reason, it can only be said that these undead masters of the lonely civilization have tried their best.

I\'m afraid a large world civilization is far from doing well.

If it was 2000 years ago, Jing Ning, the master of the dead in the early stage of level 7, dared to put forward this topic of escaping from the home star domain.

No need for the sea of death to do it himself. Those other undead masters who had long disliked her would join forces to tear her up and divide up her heritage and the source of death.

But now, Jing Ning\'s words made the individual existence of these undead masters have a different mind.

Maybe others hide too deep to see their true thoughts. However, the death measure, which was the same level 7 initial strength as Jing Ning, was a slight rotation of two dark yellow eyes, obviously with some intention.

Just as the blunt snout bream said something in silence, the power of the infinite death rule began to roar in the sky on the silent bone convergence surface.

Soon the will of the sea of death came here.

The dark bottomless gray death vortex in the sky made the master of level 7 Jing Ning feel uneasy and afraid.

Although the sea of death is silent and the civilization has always been stable and low-key, who knows whether this powerful existence will express strong dissatisfaction with the words she just said.

Now the contradiction between the later stage of level 8 and the master of level 8 Knight of wizard civilization has reached a tit for tat situation.

The sea of death has repeatedly rejected the solicitation of the sea of death, and even mocked and sneered at the sea of death, which directly led to the violent rebellion of the dead that swept the whole star five hundred years ago.

However, for the sea of death, it is obviously far from its expected goal to hit two federal Russian lobas war fleets and force one of them to return to the home star domain for reorganization and maintenance.

And according to the final loss of combat power of both sides and the fact that the galent Federation once again penetrated the front into the middle of the silent bone connected star domain, the dead creatures lost in the end.

But no one dares to mention it at this time.

The low-key style of the sea of death in the past does not mean that these new generation of undead masters dare to challenge its majesty.

Even the most powerful emperor of the dead and the Lord of the dark will be respectful in the face of the sea of death.

Fortunately, the sea of death did not care about her negative words, a little guy who had broken through the dominant territory for less than 10000 years.

For different civilizations, the sea of death is a terrorist existence that brings them fear and infinite death crisis.

However, for the indigenous undead creatures who have lost their bones and civilization, the sea of death is actually an "elder" who has protected their growth and has a very patient character.

In non war times, the sea of death can even allow weak undead creatures to roam in its ocean of death elements.

For example, the silent swallowing bream is a seven level master transformed from the sea of death.

The gray death vortex in the sky gradually calmed down.

Facing the gaze of many undead masters below, the will of the sea of death was immediately conveyed.

"If you stick to it, there may be a turn for the better..."

The voice of the will of the sea of death not only spread to every dead Master\'s brain, but also spread to the whole silent bone convergence plane.

Countless undead creatures responded, and more and more ancient undead creatures climbed out from deeper underground on the silent bone convergence surface.

Some of them exude decay, antiquity and a strong smell of death. Their life span is long, even higher than that at the beginning of level 7.

This is a cruel war that determines the survival of civilization. Both the galent Federation and the lonely civilization will do their best for it.


Inside the star level war fortress called "fortress of light" in the middle of the Gulian star domain, Locke was frowning at the news in front of him.

Some of these messages came from the wizard civilization, and others came from the galent Federation.

Sure enough, the civilization war will not be smooth from beginning to end. What the wizard civilization and the galent Federation have been worried about has finally happened.

The iron tower world, which had signed an armistice agreement with the wizard civilization, began to frequently mobilize military power 102 years ago and reached a series connection with the false word civilization and many small and medium-sized world civilizations in the pan star region.

What makes the wizard civilization feel passive is that this time it seems that another large world civilization is about to be attracted by civilizations such as the iron tower world.

This world civilization is the world group of steel castles bordering on the border of the underworld star domain with the wizard civilization.

In the past, the wizard civilization and the world group of steel castle have always been in good contact. Although it has not reached the level of cooperation with the rose Dynasty civilization and the galent Federation, it is definitely not an enemy.

As for the iron tower world and false words, whether the civilization has pulled the iron Castle world group into the chariot or not, the wizard civilization has not been completely determined for the time being, but this sign and trend have been found.

There are exceptions in the wizard civilization. Similarly, the situation of the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance is not very good.

According to the latest war intelligence obtained by the Federation, an angel legion with a number of more than 8 million has appeared at the border between the Federation and the protoss of light.