Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4314

"Didi didi..." The interruption of communication with the rear base camp brought some bad hunches to the federal four-star general on the gph108 battlefield.

He seems to have foreseen what will happen next, who is familiar with the wars of the past 200 years and the style of the silent civilization war.

The masters of the jiluogulian civilization rarely compete with the wizard civilization and the galent Federation. Especially 142 years ago, Lilith, the seventh level master of the wizard civilization, with her corpse synthetic beast, almost killed a jiluogulian civilization master creature named silent swallowing bream. After that, the undead masters of the jiluogulian civilization were even more cautious to the extreme.

The wizard civilization and the strength of the high-level combat power of the galent Federation make these lonely civilization masters can\'t help mentioning their hearts.

Now, whenever they personally participate in a battlefield, the masters of the dead of these lonely civilizations are determined in advance that there is no dominant combat power of the Federation and wizard civilization in the battlefield.

Over the past 70 years, the defeated tyh base, fb80 transit fortress and f9n battlefield have all been thwarted by the sneak attacks of these undead masters.

Not to mention the two main front battlefields where the war of domination is breaking out, four-star general Marion feels that he will soon face the threat of the dominant creatures of the lonely civilization.

Perhaps it was the premonition of four-star general Marion that, unfortunately, before he got in touch with the federal base camp again, the attack of undead creatures on the frontal battlefield came again.

And different from the countless exploratory attacks before, this time the undead creatures almost poured out.

Only the undead lords who are comparable to the fourth and fifth levels of combat power appear in more than 20 life radar signals.

There are even two undead strongmen with six levels of life.

On the gph108 battlefield, the number of ships on the federal side of galent is no longer small, otherwise there would not be a federal four-star general guarding here.

As for the two undead creatures with six levels of life, four-star general Marion can cope with everything, but what makes him feel more stressed next is that the tide of death elements on the whole battlefield is increasing, and the force of hidden rules is gradually coming.

In the fortress where four-star general Marion is located, the flashing red signal indicates that unknown is coming.

At this moment, the four-star general Marion has no fear of war or fear. He just hopes to pass the specific coordinates to the base camp before the communication is interrupted and be attacked as soon as possible.

In this way, even if it is martyrdom, four-star general Marion can give enough explanation to the galent Federation.

Maybe Marion\'s Prayer worked, or it proved once again that the federal efficient operation ability and long-range fire support means.

When the tide of death element is constantly pressing in and the rule turbulence on the whole battlefield is becoming more and more heavy, a scarlet energy beam passes through layers of death fog and gray clouds and reaches a coordinate of gph108 battlefield!

This is a blow from the doomsday weapon of the main gun of the Russian lobas war fleet. Because the dead masters of the silent civilization have always been reluctant to show up, the main work of these Russian lobas war fleets in recent 100 years is to provide long-range fire support to the battlefields on the front line.

It is comparable to the full force attack of the creatures in the middle of level 7. It will directly clear the starry sky somewhere in the gph108 battlefield.

Nearly a million undead creatures vaporized and disappeared in an instant.

With these low-level undead legions, there are several undead lords whose life level is above level 4.

Just the direct killing is so exaggerated, not counting the number of more undead legions hurt by the aftereffects of doomsday weapons, and the undead lords who escaped their lives under the power of doomsday weapons.

If it is other civilized legions, perhaps under this doomsday weapon power, there will be confusion and even fear of war.

But the dead creatures of the lonely civilization will not. Before the discovery of the star Zerg, even Locke had to admit that the dead creatures are indeed an easy-to-use and cost-effective cannon fodder Legion in the star world.

A doomsday weapon of the Russian lobas war fleet can clear a certain area of the gph108 battlefield, but it can not cover the vast whole gph108 battlefield.

Therefore, the arrival of this doomsday weapon only interrupted the rhythm of the dead legion of the silent civilization.

With more undead legions approaching, and those undead lords being more oppressed, the crisis appeared again in front of the galent federal army on the gph108 battlefield.

The performance of the undead army on the battlefield exacerbated the conjecture of four-star general Marion.

After sending a small fleet to try to break through and convey the news that there may be dominant creatures here to a federal fortress nearest, four-star general Marion took out his mecha and sat on the flagship of the first-class war fleet matri.

The general level existence of the galent Federation has more or less transformed its own body.

Either genetic modification or mechanized modification.

Because only in this way can they have more life or stronger physique and energy to command the federal fleet.

In addition to commanding the first-class war fleet martry, a star class war fortress and several planetary war fortresses on the nearby battlefield, four-star general Marion also has a five-level life level.

Therefore, even if the silent civilization Legion finally destroyed the galent federal fleet on the gph108 battlefield, they would eventually have to break a front tooth.

"Are our war plans and strategies really wrong?" Although he was ready to die for civilization, four-star general Marion, who was in the flagship of the first-class war fleet, could not help but bow his head and meditate.

As a four-star general of the Federation, Marion has almost stood among the small group of people at the peak of the power of the whole civilization.

Including the attack plan against the lonely civilization, Marion was also one of the participants and makers.

Leaving aside the local situation of gph108 battlefield, Marion thought about the trend of the whole civilized battlefield.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, Marion knew that compared with the expectations of their initial plan, the results of the galent Federation in the lonely star domain were not ideal after 200 years.

Even if the war continues to drag on like this, it will not take tens of thousands of years. In just four or five thousand years, the Federation may not be able to afford it.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The huge explosion and shock wave interrupted the four-star general Marion\'s thinking.

A capital ship with a length of more than 5000 meters was blasted, and in the fierce sea of fire and black smoke, a ferocious undead Lord dragged half of the wreckage of the warship to grin at the rest of the federal fleet.

This is a dead Lord with a life level of up to level 6. By observing the end of its left arm and small half of its head vaporized in a strong beam of light.

Obviously, the doomsday weapon just now did a lot of damage to it.

Thanks to this guy\'s big life, he moved his position on the eve of the arrival of the light column, otherwise the doomsday weapon would be more than half its head and a left arm.

At this time, the catharsis of the level 6 undead Lord was also its revenge against the galent federal fleet.