Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4296

"Order all fleets to jump in time and space immediately!"

"All class II and III war fleets are ready to jump together at any time!" Trichi pan baesa\'s orders were instantly heard by every general on the federal battlefield.

It was also when old man trichi pan baesa started his attack plan that Locke had a small "accident" here.

It is a dark green regular Nebula covering an extremely wide area.

For the soldiers at the bottom of the Federation, this is a star wonder they can\'t understand.

But for a creature like Locke in the late eighth stage, what appeared in front of him was only the regular separation of a dominant creature.

Yes, just a part.

The guy who hides his head and shows his tail obviously doesn\'t have the courage to appear in front of Locke.

Locke doesn\'t know where this guy hides his body on the battlefield, but it\'s certain that in order to show some respect to Locke, he sees that there are many dominant souls in this regular star cloud.

If Locke blows up this nebula, it must hurt the other party for a long time, even as a level 7 master.

However, Locke did not do so immediately, but looked at the regular Nebula in front of him with great interest.

He could see that the guy didn\'t come with hostility.

And the federal warship wreckage spitting out from the dark green star cloud also marks that she encountered and fought with a large federal war fleet before arriving in front of Locke.

The unexpected visitor in front didn\'t keep Locke waiting. Soon, with the green regular Nebula splitting into a small part, and that part of the nebula gradually shrinks and gathers, a tall white bone beauty appeared in front of Locke.

Why should we call it "white bone beauty", because the seven level masters in front of us have no skin and flesh on the body surface, but only Mori white bones.

However, different from ordinary skeletons, the dominant creature in front of him used bones to piece together a woman more in line with the human aesthetics of the world of wizard Locke.

If Locke didn\'t know that the delicate body surface was bone, I\'m afraid many people would regard it as skin.

A pair of lavender eyes in the eyes were particularly eye-catching, but what attracted Locke\'s attention was that there was a closed gap in the center of the woman\'s eyebrows.

Through the induction of regular Qi machine, it seems that there is something mysterious there.

When Locke was more curious about the purpose of the separation of the top seven masters, the silent and restrained civilization master named Jing Ning also set off a storm in his heart at the moment.

To tell you the truth, Jing Ning is not looking for Locke.

She\'s actually looking for the dead femton under Locke\'s feet.

But when Jing Ning approached Locke for a distance and was obviously locked by Locke\'s dominant power, Jing Ning\'s heart was half cold.

The wizard civilization came to support the galent Federation, not only one level 8 master, but two!

Although the smell of Locke in front of Jing Ning doesn\'t leak at this time, Jing Ning knows that the human in front of him is stronger than the dead creature under his feet!

And according to the relationship between femton and Locke, it is obvious that femton plays the same role as Locke!

What a terrible guy this is, and what a terrible civilization wizard civilization is!

Jing Ning has not been promoted to level 7 for a long time. In her limited life, she has not heard about the top civilization.

Otherwise, she might rate the wizard civilization she has never met as the top civilization level.

No matter how surprised and shocked he is, at least Jing Ning is still calm and polite when facing Locke.

It really doesn\'t take Locke much effort to kill the startling condensation of the early strength of level 7.

Needless to say, the dark green regular Nebula in front of us is just a startling part with level 6 peak combat power.

What really scares Jing Ning is that she is worried that Locke will find her native place with her own separation.

Cadigan\'s star field is so large. If Locke really thinks of an early master of level 7, it won\'t take him too long.

Unless Jing Ning flees the battlefield and retreats to the deepest part of the star domain where the silent bone convergence civilization is located, it is possible to avoid Locke\'s pursuit.

Jing Ning is still sorting out the language, just when she said that jiluogulian civilization hopes to establish diplomatic relations with wizard civilization and gain the favor of Locke, the supreme being.

A violent space-time turbulence and energy shock wave came from the distant front line of the war.

Even dominant creatures like Locke are aiming at space-time turbulence and regular shock waves. Obviously, it is not a small scene.

More than 20 first-class federal war fleets, under the traction of the inducing force field, instantly reached the middle abdomen of the silent bone convergence civilization front!

The flash of red light represents tens of millions of giant warships and fighters with a scale of 10 billion. It appeared in the hinterland of the silent civilization army for the first time.

This was unimaginable in the past, because with the influence of death cloud and death element tide, and the power of death rules provided by those white bone towers, the silent bone convergence civilization almost blocked the whole star space in the middle and abdomen of the front.

The galent Federation has definitely made a technological breakthrough in this regard!

Although it is not clear when the Federation broke the time and space blockade of the lonely civilization, it is certain that they have waited until now to demonstrate this ability. Obviously, the purpose is not too small.

Violent space-time turbulence and energy shock wave did not affect Locke\'s expression.

Under his gaze, in addition to the tens of millions of giant warships and warplanes densely covered the whole starry sky, with the continuous generation of space-time ripples, a large number of warships and federal legions were put into the center of the battlefield one by one.

Compared with the first federal first-class war fleet capital ships, it is obvious that the fleet groups arriving in the battlefield in the second wave are not so exaggerated.

But no matter how exaggerated, it can definitely achieve the purpose of making dominant creatures.

The Federation\'s all-round counterattack has been launched. In this case, a seven level master of bone civilization sent a separate body to appear in front of Locke.

The coordinated combat between the wizard civilization and the galent Federation. Not long ago, Locke reached a consensus with trichi pan baesa.

It is also at a time when the federal army has made great movement on the front line. At the moment, more than 700 space fortresses on the front line of the war, tens of millions of knights and magicians, at the order of knights and magicians above level 6, boldly launched an attack on the lonely civilization front.

At this time, kakarot, who has the strength of the later stage of level 7, also came out of the space fortress and led a Saiyan legion of 400000 people to fly to the front battlefield.

When passing by Locke, kakarot, who did not turn on the super Saiya transformation state, obviously looked at the level 7 undead master Jing Ning.

Without Locke\'s definite instructions, kakarot did not embarrass the guy, and then turned into a beam of light and rushed to the front.

Being swept by kakarot\'s cold eyes, the seventh level undead master\'s startled heart was obviously mentioned.

Until then, Locke seemed to notice the white bone beauty in front of him again.

"What did you just say?" Locke asked the white bone beauty who was trembling in front of him.


In fact, Xiaodou likes to write about such little people on the battlefield, which can not only make the war three-dimensional, but also introduce the scientific and technological civilization of the galent Federation.

Of course, some readers will spray Xiaodou water. This is not the first time, but Xiaodou can\'t change QAQ

Because this is my writing style. Locke\'s level is so high that many low-level war pictures are almost impossible to write.

What I want to depict is a boundless, magnificent and bright star world, rather than Locke, as a dominant creature, pushing all the way.

Although judging from the current plot trend, he is really pushing.

In the past official account, we introduced many special warships of the gallant Federation, and interested readers could look over them again.