Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4257

The golden armor worn by level 7 master Gongsun xuance appeared chapped in many places, including his pair of world-class secret treasure boxers. Under the endless wear and tear of war, the durability decreased significantly.

After all, it is only a treasure obtained by Gongsun xuance from a top civilization relic. In addition to the wear and tear caused by the fierce war, after millions of years or even longer of erosion baptism, this fist is not as durable as Locke\'s twelve products destroy heilian.

At this time, the master of the immortal realm in front of Gongsun xuance was still a saint introduced by Buddhism.

Jiupin merit gold lotus blocked Gongsun xuance\'s retreat. Sometimes, it suddenly took the God pestle to add another injury to Gongsun xuance.

"You can\'t fight like this anymore. I\'ll help you break through!" A sound of divine thought appeared in Gongsun xuance\'s ear.

Then, the dominant breath, which was much more exaggerated than before, came from the battlefield where Lao Tzu and Dugu crazy were located.

The regular virtual shadow of the Tai Chi diagram alternating Yin and Yang was smashed in a violent energy impact.

A figure with the breath of extremely fierce power rushed out of it, and then flew to the battlefield where Gongsun xuance was located.

This is the lone madman in the full burst state. At this time, the burning speed of his master soul even exceeds that of the demon God cassoro in the terra battlefield.

If cassoro is in that state, with the characteristics of level 8 eternal soul, he may last for decades.

But for Dugu Aotian at this time, he only had half a year at most.

In addition to burning the master soul faster than the demon God cassoro, Dugu crazy devil also has a disadvantage that his master soul itself is not abundant.

"Remember what you promised me!" Dugu crazy devil, who broke through the rules of the Tai Chi diagram and the virtual shadow, didn\'t hesitate for a moment, so he plunged into the Jiupin golden lotus that attracted the sage.

Even though the meritorious Golden Lotus has one-third of the most precious feet of civilization, it suddenly exploded into pieces of golden lotus petals in the suicidal impact of Dugu crazy devil.

At the same time that the golden lotus of the nine virtues suffered a heavy blow, there was Gongsun xuance who received the sage with a white face.

Lingbao Lianxin, as the preaching secret treasure of the sage in those years, the importance of Jiupin merit and virtue Golden Lotus far exceeds the world-class secret treasures such as blessing God pestle and green lotus treasure color flag.

After being hit by Dugu crazy devil, although the nine merit golden lotus was not scrapped immediately, it could not be used in a short time, and it would take a long time to warm up the sage in the future.

Without the shackles of the golden lotus, Gongsun xuance was able to get out of trouble.

A tear ran across the corner of the tough guy\'s eye, and he knew that he was not allowed to be indecisive at this time.

At the same time, the golden armor suddenly emits a milli light, and a golden column of light rises into the sky, which can be seen in all regions of the blue fist martial arts world.

Everyone who sees this golden pillar of light, a strong person of level 4 or above of the remnant of blue fist martial arts, knows what this pillar of light means.

No matter how unwilling their hearts are, those who still have reason at this time can give retreat instructions to their army.

There are rational fighters, and naturally there are irrational fighters.

Like martial uncle Gongsun xuance, there are not a few martial arts strongmen who want to die in the hometown of the blue fist martial arts world.

Even the number of strong people in this part exceeds those who want to retreat.

Not only to cover the retreat of compatriots, but also to send out a touch of light and heat at the last moment of life, more and more self explosive movements appear in all regions of the blue fist martial arts world.

Hundreds of self exploding images of creatures above level 4 make the blue fist martial arts all over the world rise up dense mushroom clouds at the same time.

Among them, the most powerful is the self explosion of a middle-aged man in the later stage of level 6.

The strong man in the later stage of level 6 was surnamed Ximen. His father was a general of the prosperous Tang Empire.

Now he, together with his father, marks the end of his life in the hot land of the blue fist world.

"Damn it!" In the spectacular scene of self explosion of the powerful of the remnant families of the boundless martial arts, Yuanshi Tianzun once again felt the disappearance of the breath of the two disciples who expounded the golden immortal level of Da Luo.

In this civilized scuffle, the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty led the interpretation, which is undoubtedly the most depressed among the major saints in the immortal domain.

Other major sects in the immortal region plundered and drank hot and spicy food on the Tara star. Only the elucidation was forced to defend the Wudao star region by the remains of the martial arts.

In terms of the degree of grievance and resentment, I\'m afraid no one can compare with Yuanshi Tianzun.

Under this premise, how can the emperor of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty sit and watch the enemy chieftain escape.

If you let the other party leave this time, it\'s hard to guarantee that the other party will make trouble for yourself next time.

In fact, the rebellion and violence in Wudao star domain It is not because the teachings of the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty are rampant here, but because the three martial arts survivors with dominant combat power have greatly expanded the ambitions of some people with ulterior motives or trying to recover the glory of martial arts civilization.

If there are no three masters to take the lead, even if some martial artists in the Wudao star domain seem to be separated from the immortal domain, they will never dare to have any crooked thoughts under the suppression of absolute strength.

The destruction of a large number of powerful martial arts families and the bottom Legion can not satisfy the appetite of the emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. He wants to keep all the three masters in front of him!

The Pangu flag in his hand is waved again. Compared with before, the Yuanshi Tianzun has brought more pressure to Rika yadunbu.

Sanbaoyu Ruyi quietly appeared in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun. It is the first sneak attack weapon of Yuanshi Tianzun. Sanbaoyu Ruyi has killed many opponents with Yuanshi Tianzun over the years.

At the same time, the Wuji apricot yellow flag also emits bursts of muddy yellow earth system rules halo. Like the practice of using the nine merit Golden Lotus before introducing the sage, the emperor of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty did not use the Wuji apricot yellow flag for defense, but used one of the innate five elements flag as a treasure to trap the enemy.

Ruika yadunbu, who was entangled by the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, was not like Gongsun xuance at this time. Dugu crazy devil came to help.

His own strength was crushed by Yuanshi Tianzun. Even if he had several world-class secret treasures in his hands, and even treasures such as annihilation mirror wheel, he was beaten by Yuanshi Tianzun.

On the other hand, Gongsun xuance, who got out of trouble, wanted to help RickA ardenburger.

But then the breath of the sage Lao Tzu broke out again in the sky. Gongsun xuance, who felt that the crisis was coming again, did not hesitate. He directly stimulated the golden armor on his body, turned into a streamer, and broke through the world with other strong martial arts survivors.

When the breath of Gongsun xuance disappeared in the vast star world, the sage Lao Tzu also rushed out of the plane barrier.

Looking at the distant streamer, I could not help frowning.

If the sage Lao Tzu chases hard, he is still a little sure that he can catch up with Gongsun xuance.

But at this moment, Dugu crazy devil and RickA yadunbu are fighting back more and more, and even they have the idea of dragging one person into the water.

After weighing the pros and cons, the sage Lao Tzu did not choose to pursue.

This is a steady sage in the immortal region. Compared with chasing Gongsun xuance, who led a small number of martial arts survivors to flee, it is obvious that killing the two level seven masters in the plane is the result of holding hands.