Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4190

Two hundred years later.

The world battlefield of Zisha yanhun with blood and flesh has completely become a war mill.

The wizard alliance has invested a total of 400 million troops in this large area, including 40 million elite knights and magicians above level 1 alone. The remaining legions are all ectopic surface legions and slave biological legions carefully selected by Wizard civilization.

Strong enough external pressure, as well as the civil war of fire and thunder elements in the world, led to the collapse of Zisha yanhun world faster than people thought.

The death of billions of elemental creatures has set back the development of the whole zicha Yan soul world for at least more than 100000 years, and the eye damage at the rule level is not so easy to recover for the will of the zicha Yan soul world.

Today, the defeat of Zisha yanhun world has become apparent.

The more than 100 planes that are still fighting tenaciously outside the plane have fallen by nearly 70% in just 200 years, and the remaining 30% are just surviving under the invasion of the wizard Alliance Army.

It was also this year that the iron tower world legion, which had been watching on the border of Zisha yanhun world group, finally set off.

On the alert of the powerful wizard civilization represented by Lilith and phantom Riel, the nearly ten million tower world Legion did not rashly enter the occupied area of wizard civilization, but directly headed for the remaining more than 700 element worlds that were not ignited by the war in the purple chayan soul world group.

The action of the iron tower world Legion completely lost the last glimmer of hope to the elemental creatures of Zisha inflammatory soul world group.

Since the wizard civilization has hit the main force of the element biological legion of Zisha inflammatory soul world group one after another before this, the occupation process of the iron tower world Legion should be much smoother.

From a macro point of view, this is the iron tower. The world took the occupation right of more than 700 element planes from the wizard civilization without any effort.

However, from another perspective, this also foreshadows the gap between wizard civilization and the iron tower world in the future.

Wizard civilization is not afraid to go to war with any large-scale world civilization at the same level. In the past, the iron tower world did not border with wizard civilization. However, with these iron tower world legions resident in more than 700 planes of zicha inflammatory soul world group, subsequent friction and direct interest relations are inevitable.

More importantly, the rear of the purple chayan soul world group is directly adjacent to the wizard alliance, and the wizard world can easily mobilize the strength of the whole alliance to the front line.

But the tower world is not. In addition to the more than 700 element planes, the star domain where the tower world is located is still a distance from the purple flame soul world group.

On the convenience and logistics support ability of mobilizing the Legion, the iron tower world is inferior to the wizard civilization.

More importantly, the iron tower world\'s massive occupation of the element plane of Zisha yanhun World Group will inevitably lead to the situation that has been peaceful and stable for hundreds of thousands of years in the nearby star domain and change again.

For those weak small and medium-sized world civilizations, an iron tower world with their claws and teeth put away, they will not be afraid, and even have been used to each other\'s existence.

But when the iron tower world has also stepped into the pace of foreign war and expansion, what should those small and medium-sized world civilizations think?

Therefore, the loss of more than 700 planes is nothing for wizard civilization.

If we can take this as a guide, many world civilizations in the nearby star domain will not be able to form an effective alliance. No matter from which point of view, the wizard world will make money.

Moreover, the lost will be recaptured one day.

Perhaps the tower world will regret in the future. Why didn\'t it firmly follow Yanzu\'s suggestions, fight hard for the heavy loss of its own civilization, and force back the expansion momentum of the wizard world to this star domain.


Level 7 peak element dominating meteorite is a difficult opponent, but no matter how difficult the opponent is, it also has its power exhausted.

The innate power and eternal soul characteristics of level 8 creatures over level 7 creatures make this war less suspense.

The star meteorite wants to pull one or two hostile dominant creatures on its back before it dies, but it also depends on lockken giving it this opportunity.

In addition to the existence of twelve grade destruction Black Lotus and solid bone armor, Locke\'s defense ability is full. In addition, the huge dead descendant femton is also a difficult opponent for the meteorite to break through.

And compared with the unrealistic idea of killing two level 8 creatures, in the late stage of the war, the meteorite was more concerned about pulling the fire element to dominate the fire.

The arrogant thunder element master can\'t tolerate betrayal, and even if he doesn\'t have any ability to predict the future development of the purple Cha Yan soul world, he can probably guess that if the fire master lives to the end, maybe the purple Cha Yan soul world will continue, but the thunder element biological group will be destroyed.

Again and again, they tried to break through the blockade of Locke and dead femton, and failed again and again.

The killing intention of the star meteorite master to the fire master can be sensed by many people even across most of the battlefield.

It has to be said here that Locke and wizard civilization still have basic principles and trustworthy attitude.

From beginning to end, Locke failed to make the meteorite master achieve his wish.

The meteorites broke out one after another, which not only brought the deterrence and fear to the fire master, but also made the fire master firmly stand on the side of wizard civilization in the future.

It\'s good to enjoy the cool under the big tree. For the fire master who has betrayed once, the wizard civilization is the big tree he can rely on.

Xingmeteorite dominates it. However, in order to show his sincerity and have more promotion funds when joining the wizard alliance in the future, xingmeteorite decides to dominate the thunder that has not yet gained a firm foothold in the level 7 realm as a gift to surrender to the wizard alliance.

Compared with the extreme power of destruction, death and thunder on the other side, the fighting activities dominated by fire and thunder are much smaller.

But no matter how small the movement is, it is also an unimaginable Holocaust for lower creatures.

The collision between fire and thunder indicates the millions of years of development history of zicha yanhun world, and also indicates its future and final outcome.

What is the future of the remaining elemental creatures in the world of Zisha Yan soul after the war?


"Boom!" Five hundred years later, the first round of the battle of domination finally came to an end.

This is the result of the duel between three level 7 creatures: blood curse eye Montana, fire master and thunder Master.

The total war is often close to 800 years. For thunder masters who have just been promoted to level 7 and even have not fully mastered the specific means of the master level, it has been an unexpected result to persist for such a long time.

At the same time as the thunder dominates the body meteorite, there is also an unprecedented element shock wave near the umbilical plane.

This is the means by which the thunder Master attempts to detonate the navel of the plane and destroy the world with Zisha Yan soul.