Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4155

Locke\'s gentle refusal did not annoy the Lord of light, who had not thought of annexing the fifty civilizations so far.

Up to now, in fact, neither the wizard civilization nor the anti light Protoss alliance represented by the galent Federation and the rose Dynasty civilization can be eaten by one or two main gods within the light Protoss.

To deal with such a powerful large-scale world civilization, Rao Shiguang Protoss also has to integrate the forces within the whole civilization in order to completely defeat and conquer each other, just like in the war between the demon world and hell.

Now, most of the focus of attention of the bright Protoss has been on the star direction of the occupied demon world and hell. The weak and small foreign civilization that has not yet become a climate and has not formed an alliance in time is the main goal of the bright Protoss in the future.

After all, there are few large world civilizations in the star world as powerful as the wizard world and the galent Federation.

On the premise that small and medium-sized positional civilizations occupy the mainstream of the star world, even if individual large-scale world civilizations emerge, they are often weak large-scale worlds such as Wanquan world, Wanhua psychic world and rose imperial civilization.

In other words, large world civilizations as powerful as the wizard world and the galent Federation, although they are still a large world at present, they are actually qualified to be promoted to the top civilization.

One or two can be seen by observing that they far exceed the overall civilization strength and level of the large world at the same level.

"Well, you can come to me directly if you need it."

"You saved me once on the battlefield of hell. I still remember this favor." The Lord of glory said to Locke.

He nodded to the shining Lord. Because the wizard civilization is at war, Locke didn\'t talk too much with the shining Lord and guest. After a few more words, Locke took kakarot to the star region where the wizard civilization is located.


Dark star border.

When Locke and kakarot just arrived in this medium-sized star domain, the wizard civilization was experiencing the smell of civilization war, Locke had clearly felt it.

After all, the dark star field is close to the brain eater star field and the Wanhua psychic star field. When the elemental creatures and their allies in the purple chayan soul world are in trouble with the wizard civilization, let alone the specific fierce situation of the front-line battlefield, as a transit station connecting the hinterland of the wizard civilization, the dark star field must have great strategic significance and value.

"It seems that the situation is not too bad." Looking at the dark star region where space fortresses and floating boats continue to fly, Locke is a little sure.

The orderly and continuous material line indicates that the wizard civilization has not lost the front star domain.

In any case, the total number of planes of the brain eater star domain and the Wanhua psychic world group is also close to 3000. With Locke taking the dead femton and the desperate spider mother as his backhands in advance, it is impossible to lose such a vast star domain in just 2000 years.

In the transit command center of the dark star domain, Locke met mayuda, the level 5 Summoner of the commercial alliance capec.

Although the personal combat power of the summoning master is at the bottom of many high-level leaders in the wizard world, Rao Shylock will not despise each other because of his long qualification and deep position in the business alliance capec.

Master mayuda was not good at fighting on the front line, so once the war broke out, the level 5 Summoner took on a very important part of the logistics supply burden of wizard civilization.

In front of the powerful financial and material resources controlled by the business alliance capec, master mayuda is responsible for not only the supply of knights and magicians in all aspects of the wizard world, but also some funding for the civilization of the members of the wizard alliance.

"How\'s the front line?" When Locke appeared, he directly asked mayuda, who operated the command center.

Seeing Locke and kakarot behind him again, master mayoda was excited.

However, the level five old man\'s psychological quality is not generally strong. He did not show too many superfluous feelings at this time. After a little thinking, he told Locke all the war reports on the front line he knew.

"Now there are three major wars between us and civilizations such as the purple chayan soul world."

"One is located in the Wanhua psychic world group, where the war is the most intense at present. Because we didn\'t invest too much Legion combat power in the Wanhua psychic world group in the early stage, the elemental creatures on that battlefield are about to reach the Wanhua psychic mother plane."

"Another place is located at the junction of the ten thousand flower psychic world group and the brain eater star domain. The front we set up there collapsed rapidly after being attacked by the world such as zicha yanhun. Unexpectedly, we regained that front after joining the dead femton and the desperate spider mother. Up to now, the war has been going on, but it is the safest and strongest front."

"The last place is in the brain eater realm. The tower world uses some kind of transmission technology, and nearly ten million legions have been invested in the brain eater realm. In addition, two foreign masters who do not know the details appear in the brain eater realm, which is second only to the ten thousand flower psychic world group. Not long ago, Lilith and her summoners have rushed to support, and master Douglas of the wizard world has also arrived Appeared there. "

Due to his position and height, master mayoda\'s information is basically the first-hand information on the current civilized battlefield.

After considering for a moment, Locke said, "the Wanhua psychic world group is the only large world with practical interests related to our Wizard civilization. We can\'t sit back and watch it completely destroyed. Then I\'ll go to the Wanhua psychic world group first."

Locke made this choice partly because of the other two main battlefields, including dead femton, Lilith and her summoner, and the mother of the desperate spider.

With these powerful masters in charge, the war situation is not worried for the time being.

In contrast, the only dominant combat power of the Wanhua psychic world group is the eye of the blood curse Montana and the Golden Jade mother flower.

It\'s a dream to expect the eye of the blood curse Montana to give full play to the Wanhua psychic world group. In addition, the Golden Jade mother flower, as a guardian, can\'t leave the mother plane. No wonder after the front-line defense front was broken through, the Wanhua psychic world group is the fastest battlefield to collapse.

Moreover, Locke\'s personal support to the Wanhua psychic world group can also give a sigh of relief to the civilizations and foreign gods of the members of the wizard alliance, proving that the wizard alliance is not stepping on the corpses of its allies.

Only this benign view of development can help the wizard alliance expand in more star regions and civilizations.

After saying goodbye to master mayoda of the business alliance, Locke and kakarot turned into a black and a red rainbow and flew to the depths of the star domain.

And before leaving the dark star domain, Locke also released Princess Yuni, Augustus and other sanolas in the paradise lost.

At present, the dark star domain is the stronghold of these sanolas survivors. Under the premise of increasingly anxious front-line war, every member of the wizard alliance must play its due role.

Before long, the sanolas army organized by Princess Yuni and Augustus will appear in the front line.

As long as their luck is not too bad, this magnificent civilization war, which is not inferior to the previous tripartite civilization war, is also a shortcut for them to rapidly expand their strength and enhance their civilization.