Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4119

Douglas\'s method of restoring the master\'s soul really came from the idea put forward by the fifth level Summoner Rogge.

But more than Rogge thought, Douglas and Lilith also borrowed the power of the wizard world.

The force of the plane is also a higher energy, and the energy level of the force is much higher than the general element energy.

After the initial design and simulation experiments, Douglas and Lilith found that this research direction is likely to be correct.

Soon after, Douglas returned the body to the wizard plane so that the follow-up experiment could continue.

Lilith continues to sit at the border of the brain eater star domain. It is estimated that Lilith can\'t return until the war threat brought by the purple chayan soul world is over.

"The study of truth is not accomplished overnight. I wonder if I, the old man, can really solve the mystery of the dominant soul and lay the foundation for the prosperity of the wizard world in the future." After the initial excitement, Douglas sighed again.

The more you explore, the more you know, the more you can find yourself small.

Having a certain understanding of the recovery method of the master soul does not mean that Douglas and Lilith will be able to solve the mystery.

Perhaps Douglas failed to achieve his goal for the rest of his life.

Including all his research results, it will be handed over to the newly growing casters of the wizard civilization of future generations to continue their efforts.

"You can do it. In another two thousand years, I will find a top civilization site with several main detectives of the bright Protoss."

"Maybe there are some research and restoration methods about the dominant soul in that relic." Locke smiled at Douglas.

Locke\'s answer brightened Douglas\'s eyes.

Exploring relics has always been Douglas\'s favorite when he was young.

It\'s a pity that Douglas\'s remaining master soul is not enough. He can\'t roam as wantonly as in the past.

And the top civilization relics can make the eighth level Eternal Lord suffer losses. I think the danger is not low.

After all, the wizard world belongs to young people. The era of Douglas has passed. In order to avoid Douglas\'s early fall by using the dominant soul many times, neither Locke nor other wizard world leaders will allow Douglas to take risks.

After chatting with Locke about his research process and suggestions for exploring Locke\'s ruins thousands of years later, Douglas stopped talking and began to close his eyes.

Douglas is not a lively person. Long term experimental research has made Douglas more accustomed to the secluded environment.

From the beginning to the end of the wizard alliance conference, it will take nearly 200 years.

For Douglas, who was only present separately, most of his energy was still in the experimental research on the ontology.

Twelve years later.

As a strong cloud of darkness and death appeared in the sky of howling stone, Lilith and Riel came at the same time.

Due to the tense confrontation on the front line of the world, Lilith and phantom Riel also came separately.

The appearance of the two masters once again attracted the attention of all creatures above level 4 in the venue.

It is getting closer and closer to the alliance conference, and the participants of the howling stone level conference are basically here.

The participation of more than 3000 creatures above level 4 indicates the growing strength and influence of the wizard alliance.

It is also a large plane. Locke has reason to believe that whether it is the civilization of the rose dynasty or the hostile Zisha inflammatory soul world, it is estimated that it is difficult to gather up such a number of gods above level 4.

In addition, these are not the full strength of the wizard alliance at present. In addition to the existence of level 4 or above that cannot be present due to various factors, Locke believes that in ten thousand years, the number of creatures above level 4 in the wizard civilization will be more.

At that time, the world war between the wizard alliance and Zisha Yan soul will start.

Along with Lilith and the phantom Riel, there were many strong wizards in the front-line confrontation area.

For example, danilis, the dragon mother, took a ride with Lilith and came to participate in the alliance conference.

In addition, Locke also noticed that a fat man in a gray robe in Lilith\'s hand was Rogge, the level 5 Summoner who impressed Locke not long ago.

Speaking of the fat man, Locke couldn\'t help smiling bitterly.

Originally, he wanted the fat man to become Douglas\'s successor, but after the fat man contacted Douglas, he found that there were serious differences between the fat man\'s casting concept and Douglas.

From the perspective of exploring truth, Douglas tends to be steady and rigorous.

But this fat man with a large tonnage has many wild ideas, and his style should be more radical and adventurous.

Douglas also admitted that the fat man with only five levels of life is indeed a talent, but unfortunately, the different casting concepts and styles make it difficult for fat Rogge to follow Douglas\'s old path.

Failed to inherit Douglas\'s mantle, but the fat man was unexpectedly favored by Lilith, a level 7 dark summoner.

Speaking of it, there is also a certain reason why the fat man can be liked by Lilith, because they are both summoners and coincidentally have high affinity with necromancer creatures.

Lilith is not interested in taking any apprentices. She is willing to point out the fat man just because she looks at the fat man.

And in the past 1000 years, Lilith has directly used fat people for experimental research.

It\'s also thanks to Lilith\'s seven life levels, and there has been no bad comment in the past 100000 years. Otherwise, according to the woman\'s research style, it\'s not too much to be judged as a black magician.

Locke has never forgotten that he was caught in the laboratory by the female magician with level 4 life at that time during his demigod period.

That period of unbearable years has led Locke to recall that he still has some toothache.

When he noticed the look of fat Rogge for help, Locke turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Leaving only one back of his head, fat Rogge wanted to cry without tears.

"Only one master and some foreign gods far away from the mother plane have not arrived. When they arrive, the wizard alliance conference will open." Sharafa came up to Locke and said.

"Is it Quan Zu? He\'s a little late this time." Locke said.

Hearing this, Sarah\'s law is to shake her head slightly. "She is the Golden Jade mother flower of the ten thousand flower psychic world. She will send a separate person to participate in this alliance conference."

"Quan Zu... The news just came shows that it doesn\'t seem to participate in the alliance conference. Instead of Quan Zu, it is the spring of life and the spring of riyao." Said sharafa.


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans.