Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4117

The problem in Wanquan world is not what war this large-scale horizontal civilization has encountered, but that Quanzu, one of the seven creatures, has some conditions.

"Quan Zu has no intention to launch a war against the purple Temple burning soul world ten thousand years later. It even shows some disgust with the frequent war." Cecilia, the demon general, said with a bitter smile.

Quan Zu\'s character, in the past ten thousand years, wizards have been in contact with all senior levels in the world.

In a word, he is a kind old man.

Being able to become close friends with the southern sage Atlas of that year is enough to see the character of Quan Zu.

Around the Wanquan world star region where Quanzu lives, several large and medium-sized world civilizations are also famous for their vitality and love of peace.

It is conceivable that the seven level master Quan Zu, who grew up under this background, would frequently devote himself to the war of civilizations because of his pursuit of interests.

If we say that before the tripartite civilization war, Quan Zu continued to participate in it in order to rescue the wizard civilization in the hot water and rush to the shelves in the late stage of the war.

Now, Quan Zu thinks he has avenged his old friend atlas. Naturally, there is no need to continue to stand on the gunboat that will never stop.

Although Quan Zu loves peace, many of his descendants coincide with wizard civilization in terms of ideas.

The spring of destruction has almost completely boarded Locke\'s pirate ship. The frequent wars in the past ten thousand years and the experience of destruction in the demon world and hell have made the spring of destruction, the fifth son of the spring ancestor, the first person under the domination of the world of ten thousand springs.

Moreover, the fountain of destruction also shows great potential to promote the master, but this guy\'s inside information is not deep enough, and most of the benefits of his previous trip to the demon world and hell have been absorbed by Locke. In the future, it will have to be honed in a short time if it wants to be promoted to level 7.

In addition to the spring of destruction, the spring of moon trace, the spring of riyao and the spring of illusion are all son springs in close contact with wizard civilization, especially the spring of illusion is Locke\'s dry daughter.

Whether in the wizard civilization or in the fairy realm, with the face of the saints Locke and Nuwa, the magic spring can walk horizontally.

From a rational point of view, Quan Zu\'s "stubbornness" actually hinders the development of Wanquan world.

The growth of world civilization on one side can not only rely on internal promotion and slow accumulation of resources. Only war is the fastest way to accumulate capital.

And being in the big environment of the star world, if you don\'t invade others, there will be a more powerful civilization to swallow yourself one day.

In those days, the wizard civilization was invaded by the brain eater, the underworld and Mesopotamia?

For things like loving peace, just shout slogans at ordinary times.

Wizard civilization will never place its destiny on the kindness of others. Moreover, whether it is the expansion of the knight system or the magicians\' exploration of the truth, it needs a large number of resources and experimental specimens as the basis.

Over the past 100000 years, the frequent wars waged by Wizard civilization may not be the development potential and promotion trend of this large-scale world civilization.

After listening to general Cecilia\'s statement, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

There are good people like Quan Zu in the star world, but there are definitely not many.

Not only Quan Zu, but also the people of the Elvin mainland Vatican whom Locke once contacted, the group of ascetic monks who used the power of the holy light also adhered to similar principles.

Only for these people, there will not be too much soil in the star world to accommodate them.

Fortunately, the civilization atmosphere of Wanquan world is relatively mild. If you are in the wizard star domain, the galent Federation star domain, or the occupied area of the bright Protoss, I\'m afraid the days of Wanquan world and other civilizations will be much harder.

Quan Zu\'s opposition only made Locke and others sigh for a while, and did not affect their next decision.

Although Wanquan world is built and operated by Quanzu alone, this large-scale plane with extremely harmonious internal atmosphere is not a speech hall of Quanzu.

Several descendants of Quanzu also have a good voice in Wanquan world. If those Ziquan and more secondary Ziquan support the war of civilizations launched by Wizard civilization, it\'s not easy to directly refuse to come to Quanzu.

In the final analysis, Quan Zu just loves peace. He is not stupid.

Although the destruction of other civilizations is against the conscience of Quan Zu, Quan Zu should make the most correct decision for the development of the mother and children.

After a moment of dialogue with Sarah law and other high-level wizards in the world in front of the light screen, Locke waved to break up the element light screen in front of him.

The days of enjoying happiness in the wizard\'s position are cherished. It has been 700 years since Locke returned to the wizard world, but in Locke\'s personal opinion, it seems that it is only as fast as a moment.

"Master, is the strength of our service good?" At this time, beside the chair under Locke, a rabbit ear Niang with a beautiful and moving face suddenly put out her head and asked.

At the same time, another more shy and lovely fox ear mother emerged from Locke.

As Locke\'s two maids, Xiaoxue and Xiaoyue should be the maid who has followed Locke for the longest time.

Up to the life level in the later stage of level five, they will show such obedience only in front of Locke, the supreme knight.

Locke never mind enjoying it, and he is not interested in living in poverty.

The two attentive maids patted Locke on their heads with satisfaction.

Then Locke got up from the recliner, grabbed one by one, and took them to the room not far away.


Twelve hundred years later, the wizard plane.

We are about to leave for Locke on the half surface of howling stone, and several guests are welcome.

Avril, the mermaid king with a sea king staff and pink scales, appeared in front of Locke.

At the same time with Avril, there are Benjamin of the abbalut Empire, Roland of the Wimbledon family and so on.

These people can be called Locke\'s friends. In the past 1000 years, Locke has also had a lot of interaction with them.

When they came to the western islands this time, they planned to go with Locke to the half plane of howling stone.

Although this is just a small move, the meaning and influence behind it are much more.

With this close relationship with Locke, whether it is the sea family behind Avril, Benjamin\'s family, or the Wimbledon family led by Roland, they will enjoy themselves in the wizard world and the wizard alliance.

"Let\'s go." Ignoring the deeper meaning behind their visit, Locke waved his hand and said to the people.