Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4095

In fact, compared with the bright Protoss with a certain risk coefficient, the immortal civilization that has always been friendly with Locke seems to be more suitable for Locke to visit as an envoy as an eight level master.

However, it is a pity that Xianyu civilization is now in war. According to the information obtained from her daughter-in-law Princess Iron Fan, it seems that Xianyu civilization did not show an overwhelming advantage in the war.

If the immortal strongman led by the leader of Tongtian cult invites Locke to help boxing, Locke will probably go willingly.

Human feelings need to be returned. Icing on the cake is far better than sending charcoal in the snow.

However, if Locke has not been invited to help in Xianyu, Locke will not take the initiative to go.

It is definitely not a large-scale world civilization that can make Xianyu civilization spend all its efforts.

With the promotion of the leader of Tongtian cult to level 8, the civilization strength of the immortal region with two level 8 masters has been raised to a higher level than in the past.

According to the information sent back by Princess Tiefan, zhenyuanzi immortal, known as the "ancestor of earth immortals" of Xianyu civilization, was also promoted to sage not long ago.

Perhaps for Xianyu civilization, the adhesion on the battlefield is only temporary.

With the immortal civilization launching its forces in all aspects, the next civilized battlefield will be prone to victory and defeat due to the details and strength gap of the participating civilizations.

If Locke goes at this time, he may be regarded as coming to pick peaches by the cautious Yuanshi Tianzun and the two saints of Buddhism.

During the trilateral civilization war, the saints of the immortal region made huge wealth in the underworld and brain eater star regions. However, it does not mean that they are willing to make profits on the battlefield of Xianyu.


Locke didn\'t intend to stir up too many people when he was sent to the bright Protoss.

Xinggang continues to stay in the Wanhua psychic world group, and Locke himself can go by taking a five generation space fortress.

In terms of envoys, except that sharafa, Bev and Theo of light were determined by Locke, other personnel were discussed by the high-level leaders of the wizard world. The total number of envoys above level 4 should be about 30.

Let sharafa and others go with Locke because they are pure users of the rules of the light system.

Even if the light Protoss is popular with the power of faith, it is undeniable that this top civilization has reached the peak in the use of the rules of the element of light.

Coupled with the fact that Locke has saved the Lord of glory, if the Lord of glory is willing to give some advice, they will certainly take many detours in the future.

I haven\'t seen Theo the God of light for many years. This Titan God with six levels of life has obviously matured his face.

Because he never interfered in the internal affairs of the Titan Protoss, Theo the God of light has a more detached position in the Titan Protoss. Similar to Theo the God of light, there is the more ancient and elderly centaur.

The hundred arm God was more exaggerated than Theo, the God of light. The ancient Titan God did not even build a temple or develop any believers.

With its long life span and profound precipitation, the Centaur who embarked on the road of "proving Tao with strength" has basically sat firmly on the throne of the strongest of the Titan Protoss.

But as far as Locke knows, the life of the Centaur is running out.

In addition, there are countless old injuries and solid diseases, and its life should be only 10000 or 20000 years.

This is still the best situation. If the Centaur continues to support his body into the war, he will fall faster.

In fact, the main reason for this state of the Centaur is the fall of his best friend, the Cyclops, during the defense war of the wizard civilization\'s mother planet.

He not only witnessed the death of the one eyed God, but also couldn\'t bear the desecration of the body of his best friend, so he personally erased the one eyed God parasitized by brain eaters.

After that, the hundred arm God completely lost the meaning of life.

The countless hidden wounds deposited were the result of the fierce and fearless battle of the Centaur during the defense war in the mother star domain of wizard civilization.

If it had not been for a major turn in the battle to defend the mother planet of wizard civilization, I\'m afraid the ultimate result of the Centaur would have died on the battlefield like the one eyed God.

Locke can\'t help sighing about the situation of the Centaur. Because he ended up fighting for the wizard civilization, the wizard alliance has provided top restorative resources or potions to the Centaur in recent years.

However, as far as Locke knows, these resources and potions were handed over to the guardian Hera and the Titan God system commanded by Odin.

This is a level 6 creature with little desire for survival. Except for taltaltalos, who has lived in the Titan world for a long time, the only change of Centaur is that it seems to have a son.

"You should pay more attention to your cultivation. You should have been stuck in the medium state of level 6 for 20000 years." Inside the Space Fortress, Locke frowned and said to sharafa.

As the first group of strong men to be promoted to level 6 in the wizard world, sharafa\'s qualification in the wizard world is beyond doubt.

However, it is such a light magician who was promoted to level 6 early. In recent tens of thousands of years, he has been frequently surpassed by the next generation strong men.

Now even Locke\'s daughter Bev has reached the mid-term level of level 6. Sarah law, who is a teacher, is afraid that she will be overtaken by her apprentice later.

"There have been frequent wars in the wizard world in recent tens of thousands of years. You don\'t know that all aspects need to be coordinated."

"Moreover, I also hope to pave the way for Bev to take charge of the Mamet alliance in the future." Said sharafa, raising her silver hair at her ears.

This is the private laboratory belonging to sarafa in the Space Fortress, and the opposite sex who is qualified to enter this laboratory is obviously only Locke.

He couldn\'t help touching Sara FA\'s cheek. In particular, he noticed that Sara FA\'s long silver hair was mixed with some white silk. Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

Although creatures above level 4 often have a life span of hundreds of thousands of years, this life span is also limited.

Only by paying attention to health and rarely participating in the war can we live for more than 300000 years.

However, for the vast majority of creatures above level 4, whether it is the outbreak of plane war or the injuries left by fighting with the same level, it is possible to reduce their source of life.

Since nearly 100000 years of wizard civilization, the average life expectancy of knights and magicians above level 4 is only 150000 years.

Frequent civilized wars are a big factor in this result.

Sharafa, as a veteran level 6 strong person in the wizard world, is about 160000 years old.

Including Locke, who looks young, he is actually an old man who has lived for nearly 130000 years. (PS: time in the world of despair is added here.)

The long life span and accumulation of details make sarafa have a charming mature intellectual temperament.

While there was no one to disturb, Locke put his hand on sharafa\'s hip Department.

She couldn\'t help throwing an angry look at Locke, but sarafa didn\'t refuse Locke\'s little move.