Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 409

"To the east coast? I\'m here to travel." Locke said directly, there\'s nothing to hide.

"Oh." Charlie nodded. There are many adventurers these days, especially in such a prosperous place as the east coast.

Charlie even met the official Knight adventurer in morrington port, which was a strong man who asked the port guard to send an entire team to monitor.

"How long do we have to get there?" Looking at the unchanged sea view day after day, Locke asked.

Following Locke\'s eyes, in the evening, the sun was about to sink below sea level. "If there were no other accidents, there would be 28 days left." Charlie gave an exact number.

From the three western islands to the east coast, there are many waves and hurricanes.

Locke, they happened to meet a calm period.

The days on the ship were not as boring as anyone thought. Both the occasional underwater Warcraft and the magical and magnificent underwater plants opened Locke a lot of eyes.

I can see so many underwater creatures thanks to Locke\'s Mount scorpion dragon.

Scorpion dragon is a rare amphibious Warcraft in the world of Warcraft. It only fluttered in the sea for two days. Fermo\'s water speed is no worse than that of general large-scale water Warcraft.

The only problem is that the durability is not enough.

Scorpion dragon is not an authentic water Warcraft after all. It can\'t live in the water forever.

"If only I could be promoted to Warcraft." Locke said to himself.

Scorpion Dragon Lord Adam LISS has a pair of vast flesh wings. He has amazing combat ability in water, land and air. It\'s really very convenient to have such a magic pet mount.

"Brother, you ask Fermo to catch two more waterline snakes for me at night." Still in the warm cabin, while tasting the delicious food made by Raffi, Christine didn\'t forget to look up and say.

"OK." Locke nodded. Scorpion dragon likes darkness and comes out at night. Usually Locke releases it at night.

Moreover, the speed of the ship at night is a little slower than that during the day. With the bridge of spiritual communication attached to the contract, Locke doesn\'t have to worry that Fermo will lose it.

There is a quasi order Warcraft following around the giant ship at night. Whether the crew or Locke, they will be more secure when they sleep at night.

After dinner, Christine went to sort out her magic notes at Locke\'s request.

It is said that everyone will show their best in front of the opposite sex.

Christine is a girl. She studies with Locke during the day and finishes her magic experiment at night. She works harder than Locke.

The three rooms allocated to Locke on the ship are three, one is specially reserved for Christine as a temporary laboratory, and the other two are the residents.

Usually Christine and Raffi live together, and Locke is alone.

Lying in bed, watching Raffi pick up the plate in front of him, Locke suddenly felt a little hot.

Having been on the ship for more than a month, Locke is not a person who can\'t calm down, but if Locke can calm down in front of a beautiful woman, it means he has a problem.

When Raffi was not prepared, Locke got up and carried him up.

Raffi\'s body was shocked, and the life in his hand stopped. He neither refused nor accepted it. The two were so deadlocked.

Before Locke left Forrest, his mother TIA said it clearly. She took Raffi and Christine to inherit his family.

Grace must have said something to the two women before she left, so that they had a psychological preparation.

It\'s one thing to say in advance, but it\'s another thing when it really happens.

The fire in his heart slowly faded. Looking at Raffi\'s stiff appearance, Locke knew that Raffi had not accepted himself at least now.

In the twinkling of an eye, Locke was thirty years old. Along the way, only four women had sex with him, including Angelina. Locke\'s lust can not be denied, but he will not force others, especially women.

Let go of Raffi in his arms, that is, Locke\'s iron face has a fever. What\'s the matter with him? A quasi knight can\'t contain the desire and fire in his body?

After a ha ha, Locke turned and left the cabin and ran outside to blow the wind.

Seeing Locke \'running away\' in a hurry and serving with a woman as smart as grace all the year round, Raffi thought about it.

"What a strange man." Raffi\'s face was also red. She inexplicably remembered the fight with Locke in the dark of Flanders ten years ago.

I looked down at the bracelet worn on my wrist. It\'s an ordinary gold-plated bracelet with some scratched lines. It\'s not worth even a few silver coins.

But Raffi wore it for twenty years because it was the only thing her mother left her.

Raffi remembered that Locke had found the bracelet and returned it to her.

With a wave in his heart, Raffi quickly shook his head, dispersed these shy thoughts, and washed up the tableware in front of him.

There are few creatures in the sea, and there are dozens of intelligent creatures in the light. In such a large sea area from the three western islands to the east coast, Locke can only see daonaga, which is a pity.

Molington port, the third pier, dozens of large ships returning from overseas docked here, and some ships about to set sail, nearly a hundred, spectacular.

This is the grand occasion of a wharf in molington port. The east coast is more prosperous than Locke imagined.

On the bow of the boat, Christine was equally excited. She was so big that she had not been away several times. Unlike Locke, she had even been to the ectopic face once.

Christine\'s eyes were really dazzled by the dozens and hundreds of ships.

This is also a legitimate daughter of Marquis\'s family.

However, both Charlotte and foster belong to the inland kingdom. Even if there are ships, it can\'t be such a huge ship on the east coast. Christine can be forgiven for being shocked for a moment.

To Locke\'s surprise, it was not the bustling sea transportation on the east coast, but on the bow decks of dozens of giant ships that passed by by by mistake.

In Locke\'s view, magic guided guns have been the cutting-edge props for receiving magic equipment. Has the east coast been prosperous enough to equip sea ships with magic guided guns.

Of course, ships like Locke, who "don\'t have" magic guided guns, occupy most of the dock. Locke knows that they don\'t have them, but hide them.

With the tense relationship between the three western islands and the east coast, the ship from the holy tower of the three western islands, the less conspicuous it is, the better.

Different people have different concerns. Christine is concerned about the prosperity of the east coast, Locke is concerned about the magic power of the east coast, and Raffi is concerned about the customs and strange scenery of the east coast, which are very different from the three western islands.

What Locke didn\'t expect was that the little maid from the Marquis house had a literary heart, even though he knew that Raffi\'s illiteracy was worse than him.