Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 395

In the winter, flor had the biggest snow of the year.

Snowflakes are scattered, and few people are in the streets of Wangdu.

At this time of year, both nobles and civilians will choose to shrink at home and spend this cold winter with the warmth of the fire.

In the Royal Palace and courtyard, while others were still wearing heavy cotton padded jackets, Locke was naked and practiced in the ice and snow.

The cultivation process of knights is more boring and difficult than that of magicians. Any strong man, their growth process, is full of sweat and blood.

He was steaming and full of masculinity. After receiving the clothes and towels handed by the maid with a blushing face, Locke entered the hall.

"Honey, shall we go to the south?" Angelina crossed her legs and sat in a chair coquettish to Locke who entered the hall.

Last night, Locke spent the night with grace and Angelina did a half night experiment.

There is an interesting phenomenon in the prince\'s residence, that is, when Locke stays at Angelina\'s side at night, grace often takes Christine to meditate and do experiments, and when Locke is at Grace\'s side, Angelina will also occupy the laboratory.

This is an unspeakable tacit understanding between several women, and it is inevitable to compete for favor, although Angelina, the mistress of the palace, has a great lead and advantage.

The reason why several women fight so hard is that Locke finally found out the key factor why he has not given birth to blood so far.


The physical structure of quasi Knights has been very different from that of normal people in physiology, which can be comparable to the power and defense of advanced Warcraft, making these Knights a personal giant beast.

In addition to unremitting efforts every night, it also needs a little luck to have love with Knights of this level.

Ordinary women are so difficult, and the combination of female mages and male knights is even worse.

Magicians are two evolutionary systems completely different from knights. While paying attention to the cultivation of mental power in the brain, the magic flowing into the body is also imperceptibly transforming the magicians\' bodies, so that the bodies can accommodate more magic.

If the probability that Locke can give birth to a baby with an ordinary woman is 20%, the probability of giving birth to a child with a magician is less than half.

Locke fought with Santa Magicians for several years. These simple calculations are still clear.

That is, the woman who is most likely to conceive blood with Locke is Xiaxi.

Christine also has a great chance, but grace has been staring at her and Angelina is the hostess. Locke has no heart and courage.

After investigating the Royal Palace archives and asking the Knights of other families, Locke finally knew a slightly reliable way.

That is to choose the opposite sex with similar strength as their spouse.

The strength of Locke\'s Quasi knights is unparalleled among several women. In addition to Angelina\'s hope to catch up with him in a short time, it will take a long time for women such as grace and Leia.

Locke doesn\'t know whether this method can work when both sides are magicians and knights, but it\'s good to have a goal and possibility.

"To the south? Where?" Asked Locke.

"The League of Lycia, it\'s just that my brother Wang wants to ask you one thing." There was a shrewd look in Angelina\'s eyes.

Business is false and private is true. The princess goes out with her husband. This time Locke can\'t take Grace\'s women with him.

Thinking of his realm and bottleneck, he didn\'t loosen for a long time. He went out to change the environment and see some new things. Maybe there was an unexpected harvest. Locke nodded and agreed, "OK."

Angelina was delighted that she could monopolize Locke for two months again.

The mission to the League of Lycia was set up before the new year. This year, most of them can\'t spend a complete new year with their families. Locke has a little regret.

Hundreds of people marched towards the south of Fukushima.

The more you go south, the warmer the climate is. When you approach del Province, the snow melts. There is only a thin layer of snow on the ground, and the ice is still there. You need to wrap sackcloth on the horse\'s hoofs to prevent the horses from falling.

Across del province is the border between the kingdom of forstan and the southern countries. Here is the old Locke team and the eagle Corps.

The soldiers and generals of the third regiment well entertained the mission overnight and sent several cavalry teams to escort them across the border.

It is said that the southern countries, in fact, there are only two forces directly bordering on the territory in the south of fukusthan, one is the League of liquia, and the other is the West Dutch kingdom.

In the territory of the League of Lycia, there are ten lords, large and small. The small Lord depends on the big Lord. The big Lord also selects the most authoritative among himself to act as the leader of the league. This is a messy group holding together for warmth.

It is a strange alliance community when there are foreign enemies, but they are united and difficult to divide.

The first stop for Locke and his team is Kent, the top power leader in the alliance.

"Why don\'t you see your stepmother?" In the carriage, Locke yawned.

At the beginning of the new scenery, I felt OK, but after a long time, I will find that there are many mountains and forests in the League of Liberia, and the plains exist in the south of the league, while Kent is in the middle and North.

At a glance, it was all conifer forests covered with snow, white.

"She is providing for the aged in the palace." Angelina smiled. She didn\'t like the stepmother who had hurt herself.

Originally, according to the meaning of kencel\'s accession to the throne, it was to directly sacrifice the woman to the former king for burial. However, Princess Kent has cultivated a lot of confidants for so many years, and the brother of the League of Lycia has been used as foreign aid.

After a quarrel between the court and the aristocratic parliament, he ended up under house arrest.

With the new king\'s strong means and ruling power, this is also her best ending.

Locke was not interested in asking too much about the things in the deep wall of the palace. Angelina also knew that Locke didn\'t like to listen to such things, so she changed the topic and said, "I heard that there is a Moon Lake in the League of liquia, which is very good. Let\'s go and have a look later?"

"OK." Locke nodded.

Moon Lake is rich in a low-level magic material called moon stone, which is one of the more famous scenic spots in the League of liquia.

In the city of Frey, the main city led by Kent, the envoys from faustan received a warm welcome and hospitality from the Marquis of Kent.

The Marquis of Kent was thin, with a brown beard under his hooked nose and a large noble dress. He personally sent Locke and Angelina to his castle under the courtesy of the honor guard.

Locke met Princess Kent herself. She was such a mature and beautiful woman, but her brother\'s appearance was so ordinary that it was hard to believe that he was a brother and sister.

Of course, there was something in common. Locke found that the Marquis of Kent, like his sister, was a gloomy man who was good at calculation.

Whatever the Marquis of Kent thought, he needed to show great respect and accommodation.

Now standing in front of him was the prince and his wife of faustan.

On the same day, Locke and Angelina were arranged to live temporarily in the castle, and promised to send attendants and guides to lead them to enjoy the major landscapes of the Lycia alliance.

"What does the Marquis of Kent seem to ask of us?" In the room, Locke raised his eyebrows.

"Never mind him. Let\'s just give brother Wang\'s credentials to him. Brother Wang will consider others." Lying on the soft Simmons bed, Angelina rolled around without the consciousness of the king\'s sister.

"Or the luxury of the nobles of the League of Lycia. There was no such soft bed in my original palace room." Angelina curled her lips.

He felt the softness of the bed with his hand, and Locke was surprised. "This may be a unique precious textile of the Lycia alliance. Can\'t we just buy some when we go back?"

"Well..." Angelina, trapped in the center of the soft big bed, snorted and winked at Locke.

Locke couldn\'t hold back and jumped directly.

After staying for two days, in the generous invitation of the Marquis of Kent, Locke and Angelina bid farewell to the Marquis and went to the territory of the alliance.

To this end, the Marquis of Kent specially sent a whole squadron of heavy cavalry to protect their chariots.

The mission is a little more bloated than before.

"This is the famous heavy cavalry of Lycia." Looking around at the heavy cavalry, Locke commented,

With heavy body armor and two palm wide two handed swords, only the dwarf and horses produced by the League of liquia can carry this heavyweight knight.

With the heavy cavalry\'s ability to rush into battle on the plain, crush most arms. The League of Lycia has existed for hundreds of years with a loose collective system and has its own reason for existence.

But that\'s all. It\'s more than self-defense and less progress. This is Locke\'s evaluation of the Lycia alliance.

It\'s enough for those in power to have a headache just because of the backwardness among the major lords within the alliance.

"It is said that the light cavalry of the kingdom of Holland is as powerful as the heavy cavalry of the League of Lycia." Angelina said suddenly.

Recalling the route back, Locke said, "when we go back, we\'ll go from the kingdom of Jose."

"Yes." Angelina\'s eyes narrowed into crescent shape. For her, no matter what she did with Locke, she was happy.

The moon lake that Locke is looking forward to is not as beautiful as it is rumored. It may also be due to seasons. The most beautiful time of the Moon Lake is summer and autumn.

The Moon Lake in winter is all flat and white.

On the lake, some ice tramps walk carefully on the ice. They need to melt the shallow ice with their own feet to get the moon stone under the lake.

The ice skaters in this line are all veterans with decades of experience. Although they look very dangerous, they are not too dangerous.

As long as you can harvest more than ten moonstones, you can maintain your life for half a year.