Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 376

"The peripheral activated goblins are scattered and basically will not pose a threat." A report came from the command room of theater 7.

"How\'s the world tree?" Asked casus, with red hair.

"Still fighting Lord Azul and others." The herald Knight replied.

"Gee, this guy\'s life is really hard." Bolong, holding a report in his hand, sighed.

It is rare that the world tree can last so long when three semi divine Knights work at the same time.

"Hum, that\'s all. The world tree has nothing outstanding except the amazing thickness of life." Casus sneered.

"Well, in terms of the thickness of life, that world tree can be comparable to level 4 creatures." Bolong nodded approvingly.

The roots cover one-third of the wild land of mori. It can be said that the three semi God strong men face not only a world tree, but also the details of a small half of the continent.

"Lord Odyssey, let\'s speed up our progress." Bolon turned to casus and said.

"Well, in order to get the tree heart as soon as possible, it seems that I have to do it." Said casus in a deep voice.

"Shall I call mister?" Asked bolon. Sometimes it\'s more useful to join a demigod magician than two demigod knights.

"Forget it, this is the prey of our knight\'s palace." Casus shook his head.

The heart of the world tree is named by the fourth level Knight Odyssey. If Mister gets involved, they will inevitably owe him a favor.

The human feelings of the high-level strong are not so good. The world tree is already a turtle in a jar, and there is no need to do this.

Two days later, a dazzling sun appeared over the debris of the activated goblin holy city. The comet hit the earth and hit the center of the holy city.

Kasus, a strong semi God with the title of "God of fire", joined the battle of beating the world tree.

"It looks like it\'s almost over." Out of the plane, zekray smiled and said to Odyssey.

Different from the ongoing cruel battle in the activated goblin world, they are like a pair of idle friends, and the atmosphere is quite relaxed.

"It\'s just a micro plane. I\'m surprised that these aborigines can support it for so long." Odyssey is not in such a good mood as Zachary. In this plane war, more than half of the combat power of the knight\'s palace is his family, and the loss is not large.

"With the heart of the world tree, you have gained a lot." Zekley smiled that at their level, ordinary resources have little effect on them.

The essence of activation is a treasure for creatures below level 4, but it is dispensable for those who are strong at level 4. Only when you accumulate a certain amount can you help.

"Yes." Odyssey was noncommittal. The heart of the world tree, in terms of quality, is still in the category of class III creatures, but in terms of energy and vitality, it is not much worse than class IV life.

Equivalent to half the heart core of level 4 creatures, Odyssey did not participate in the attack of the Centaur world, but his harvest in activating the goblin world was definitely much more than the other two level 4 knights.

Half a year later, he was besieged by four semi God level strong men. So far, the world tree has reached the point of exhaustion.

Once a third of the roots spread across the mainland, now only the roots thousands of miles around have vitality.

The rest were cut off and destroyed.

After all, the knight hall has accepted the favor of the holy tower. The location of these roots and the depth underground are all calculated and divined by Santa magicians.

If these roots of the world tree were not cut off, I\'m afraid it could last another year and a half.

"Click, click!" A flame knife across the sky split the world tree thousands of meters high in the air. Under the power of the flame knife, it was split in two.

All the leaves dried up and fell, there was no trace of water in the branches, all the roots were dug out on the ground, and the world tree died.

An emerald green fluorescent square appears in the trunk below the world tree.

Illuminated by the green light, a touch of strong vitality came, "what a huge life force!" Azul exclaimed.

The flame knife dissipated in the air, and casus, dressed in red armor, flew over and put away the heart of the tree.

Several people are in a state of embarrassment. They have fought in wheel battles for more than half a year. This world tree is the most difficult enemy they have ever seen.

At the moment when the heart of the world tree disappeared, the ground suddenly trembled, countless gullies and cracks appeared on the ground, mountains and stones slipped, trees fell, dark clouds covered, and looked like the end of the world.

"Get out of here!" Kasus immediately ordered.

A few days later, the southern region of Mori\'s field continent showed an obvious transverse fault.

About one fifth of the land of the whole continent has sunk into the endless ocean, and the holy city that activates the goblins no longer exists.

According to the analysis of Santa magicians, the cause of such an accident is the apoptosis and decay of the root system after the death of the world tree, resulting in the instability of the continental shelf structure, which makes the land subsidence phenomenon appear.

Part of the reason is that the world tree, as the guardian of the plane, is caused by the turbulence of the plane will to activate the goblin world after being killed.

But whatever the reason, it has little impact on magicians and knights.

The activated Goblins who are still resisting in the forest field continent have been almost hunted and captured by them. Without the suppression of the top strong, the future fate of the activated goblins has been determined.

In theater 11, with Fermo in his hand, Locke wandered around the market.

Since the holy city that activated the goblins was destroyed and there was no effective resistance, the holy tower and knight Palace once again dispatched all magicians and knights to various places to hunt these ectopic aborigines in an all-round way.

This street market was consciously established by some knights and magicians. There are many good things. Before Locke set out, he wanted to find some more good things.

The chain in his hand led the scorpion dragon, which attracted a lot of attention from many magicians and knights.

Locke used the materials in the space ring to find Angelina to forge this chain by magic. It\'s rough, but it\'s stronger. With the power of quasi scorpion dragon, it doesn\'t take a little effort and can\'t get rid of it.

Of course, Fermo didn\'t dare to get away. He had been taught by Locke for a long time.

"How much is this blue star grass?" Locke stopped and asked a magician who set up a stall.

Blue star grass is a unique plant in the world of activating goblins. Alchemists can prepare a medicine to accelerate the recovery of mental power.

Locke bought it for Angelina.

Hearing a knight calling out the materials on his stall, the magician was stunned. The Bluestar grass looked ordinary. Some magic apprentices didn\'t necessarily know it. How did the knight recognize it.

The door was opened for business. The magician no longer considered how Locke recognized the Bluestar grass and directly said, "buy it now, two medium-level heart cores and one plant."