Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 355

The green mucus acid bomb with a diameter of half a meter smashed into the team composed of magicians and slave creatures under the city. When the green mucus was about to contact the ground, it suddenly burst and dispersed into countless small points.



。。。 The howl of countless slave creatures\' injuries came. It had strong corrosive mucus on the skin. As long as it was touched, it was a large bloody scar.

The magician troops protected by slave creatures in the rear were also affected and caused waves of commotion.

A magician in a light blue robe, regardless of the dead body and dust on the ground, rolled and hid before one of the acid hit her original position.

When the acid drops, a large area of green turf is corroded, and the surrounding debris such as corpses and bone dregs are also turned into black carbon in the scorched smoke.

After the blue robed magician escaped the thrilling blow, before he had a breath, he held the magic wand in his hand and sang a spell. A blue conical ice edge condensed in the air, and the surrounding temperature decreased a bit.

"Go!" The clear sound came out, and the ice was dripping in the air. After staying for a second, it flew rapidly in the direction pointed by the magician.


In the distance, the sound of ice explosion and the painful screams of activated goblins filled a corner of the battlefield.

The corrosive gunsmoke on the ground dispersed, revealing the delicate face of the light blue robed magician.

The war ended quite quickly, which is normal in activating goblins.

In every attack on the activated goblin City, what determines the time of breaking the city is always the victory of the high-level combat power.

This is only a small town with only one activated goblin city master. Under the attack of the holy tower forces, it can last two days and one night before it is defeated. The activated goblin city master who defends the city seems to have good strength.

"Diane, I have a recovery potion here. Would you like to use some?"

"It\'s getting stronger again, Diane."

"That move was so cool just now. Did you learn from master babrina, Diane?"

Around, there were compliments, laughter, or caring words. Diane smiled back at the kindness of these companions.

Everyone is growing up. Locke and Angelina have only been away for a year. The little girl who needed their support at the beginning can be alone.

After taking a bath with water magic in the camp and washing away the smell of blood and sweat, Diane put on a new mage robe and walked to the central camp.

Along the way, no matter the slave creatures patrolling the camp or the magicians passing by, they always say hello politely when they see Diane.

Dani is a student of babrina, the leader of the Santa army. She has participated in the plane war for nearly two years, which is no secret in the camp.

Before approaching the camp, Diane was outside the camp and vaguely heard the voice of babrina\'s mentor talking to others. From the voice, Diane heard some joy?

Did something good happen? Diane thought that since Leona, one of the official magicians in their team, was seriously injured six months ago and had to return to the seventh theater to cultivate, tutor babrina rarely had a smile on her face.

Pushing the door in, Diane went straight into the tent hall.

In the hall, in addition to the official magician of babrina, magician Bosh was also there. What\'s more rare is that the previously injured magician Ashar was also here.

"Hello, tutor." Diane said hello to the Lord babrina and walked to the circle of quasi magicians nearby.

To greet her students, babrina narrowed her eyes, nodded, and then chatted with magician bosh.

At present, Diane has only the strength of medium-level magic apprentices, which can make her talk and laugh with the magicians at the peak of these high-level apprentices. It can only be said that she has a good mentor.

Every official magician has countless students and apprentices, which is inseparable from his occupation and the rules of the holy tower.

Magic Research and experiments need right-hand assistants, and the holy tower is a rigid requirement. There are indicators for how many classes and magic apprentices each official magician can teach in the holy tower college in how many years.

But unlike most magic apprentices, Diane teaches her official magician level strong people and trains them as successors for future generations.

This makes other magic apprentices envy and envy. At the same time, they also have to make friends with good students. Who makes none of their mentors look up to them.

After two years of war, all magicians and Knights have grown a lot.

In particular, these little guys who have not yet reached the first level have not been influenced by the war. For the first time, they face the magical beauty and potential opportunities and dangers of ectopic face, which makes many inexperienced novices fail.

However, the war has lasted until now, and all those who can survive are old slickers. Now that Diane returns to the omore Empire, she will definitely know a lot of her friends and relatives.

Is this the same Diane who was submissive, liked to follow others in everything, listened to family arrangements and had no independent opinion.

After shaking her long soft hair, Diane and several quasi magicians threw themselves into the topic of the energy sequence emission of wind elements.

Unlike knights who like to drink and quarrel in pubs, magicians prefer this atmosphere for easy discussion.

While chatting with these senior students who are many years older than her, Diane secretly listens to the dialogue of several official magicians.

"I didn\'t expect the two little guys to come back so soon." On the throne, babrina smiled.

"Well, I still have some impression of the young man named Locke. He\'s a clever knight." Next to him, magician bosh took a sentence with a big stomach.

"Locke is good, Angelina has broken through, and Kayla can rest assured." Babrina continued.

The two official magicians talked without a word, and sometimes talked about the follow-up work of just conquering the activated goblin city. The assar magician, who was only a little away from them, didn\'t say a word.

"Ashar, can you really go back and have a rest?" Babrina couldn\'t help but say to Ashar in the corner of the camp.

Assar is still the same black magic robe for thousands of years. It is estimated that only Locke knows how white and moving the figure is covered under the black magic robe.

Magician bosh also turned his head and cast worried eyes.

The answer to the two was that assar magician did not have a light \'en\' without emotion.

Looking at the performance of assar magician that strangers are not allowed to enter, babrina has known her for hundreds of years. It\'s no wonder that she sees strange things, but bosh has no choice but to smile bitterly.

Assar magician was seriously injured. In the battle that ended today, he joined hands with him to kill an activated goblin city master.