Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 351

Thousands of floating ships, carrying hundreds of thousands of slave creatures, took off and flew to the Space Fortress beyond the plane.

These are only floating ships belonging to the holy tower. There are hundreds of floating ships on the side of the knight\'s palace, carrying slave creatures from another location to the space fortress.

The activated goblins originally transported back by the Space Fortress did not know where they had gone. After tens of millions of activated goblins were transported to the holy tower, Locke never saw them again.

As soon as he came back, he took Angelina back to the omore empire. It\'s unclear what happened in the Santa tower during this period.

But on the whole, it is clear that in these thousands of floating ships, I am afraid that a large part of the two forces combined to nearly one million slave creatures are exchanged for those activated goblins.

In fact, it is not much different from Locke\'s guess.

Although there are tens of millions of activated goblins, they are pitifully small after being converted into activated goblins.

The activated essence contained in a first-class activated goblin is only a few grams to more than ten grams, and most of these ordinary activated goblins only have the power of civilians in the wizard world. I\'m afraid the content of activated essence in the body should be calculated in milligrams or micrograms.

Several secret factories have been established in the holy tower and knight hall to refine the essence of activation.

Nearly ten million activated goblins, the holy tower and the knight\'s palace consumed about three million in the two months. The activated goblins extracted from these activated goblins were all taken out by the holy tower and the knight\'s palace, and the magician organization that made friends with the West Coast once again exchanged a large number of slave creatures.

Three quarters of the millions of slave creatures were exchanged by the two major organizations with activating essence, and the remaining quarter is their old bottom.

Three million ordinary activated goblins were exchanged for nearly one million strength. Generally, slave creatures from middle-level magic apprentices to first and second level life were earned by Santa magician.

But is that true?

The essence of activation can maintain energy stability and increase biological activity and life span. The effect brought by the former point is enough to make most magicians crazy. The latter point can also be used by not only magicians, but also Knights cultivating fighting spirit.

Who doesn\'t want to live one or two hundred more years? Ten grams of activating essence brings a life span of ten years. Among the great forces on the west coast, I don\'t know how many people are immortal. These people want to hang their lives. Activating essence is their first choice.

Locke, who doesn\'t care about the actions of the Santa tower and the knight\'s palace, is working with Angelina in B138.

Angelina, dressed in a mage\'s robe, pointed at an energy circuit and talked about something, as if calculating something.

Locke, with a lot of tools and enough energy spars in his hand, gave Angelina a hand.

Locke can\'t understand those magic energy circuits. He can only provide some physical work and do something for Angelina.

After estimating the approximate speed of the energy consuming crystal in the energy circuit of this area, Angelina took out the crystal ball, input several messages, and said to Locke, "go to the next area."

Today\'s Angelina is a little tired. This is the first day they enter the space fortress. Everything is difficult at the beginning. B138 area has not been maintained for nearly two months. There are slight differences in energy consumption and operation route compared with two months ago.

These all need Angelina to debug one by one.

Fortunately, the busy time is only in these days. When everything is back on track, she can breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as we stick to it for four months, any matter in B138 area of Space Fortress will have nothing to do with them when we reach the activated goblin world. At that time, there will be corresponding personnel to replace them.

The process of work is also the process of learning.

Although Angelina is tired, she is gritting her teeth and insisting.

The knowledge involved in these energy circuits is very cutting-edge and belongs to the official magician level, which can be developed and used.

Angelina is just getting to know each other and making some simple adjustments accordingly.

Studying the relevant operating principles of these energy circuits is no worse than Angelina\'s dull research in the laboratory.

Until two o\'clock at noon, Angelina felt a little hungry and asked Locke, "shall we have something to eat first?"

"OK." Locke nodded. He doesn\'t care. He doesn\'t have strenuous exercise and practice. He has low energy loss.

In terms of the energy reserves of quasi knights, Locke doesn\'t eat for a week and won\'t have anything. At most, he can only use 60% of his strength.

After lunch, Angelina went to study those energy circuits again. This time, Locke didn\'t follow Angelina, but went to see the scorpions.

Now, the scorpion dragons are also placed in B138 district by him. The place where they used to hold those activated goblins is the temporary residence of several scorpions today.

The scorpion dragon can be placed so close to himself, thanks to mage Cassio.

In the memorial hall, the good tempered first-class magician heard about their holiday with the white beard magician. When Locke and Angelina settled in the Space Fortress, they personally ran to arrange various matters for them.

The temporary residence of these scorpion dragons was the use space obtained from the above by the Cassio magician at that time.

Scorpion dragon can not squeeze into a cabin with those slave creatures. Both scorpion Dragon Lord Adams and Locke are very happy.

The only thing that annoys Locke is magician Cassio. I hope Locke and Angelina can dispel their gratitude and resentment with the white beard magician.

It also made Cassio very depressed. After Locke and Angelina left the chronicle hall, he didn\'t spend much effort to find out about the conflict between Locke and white beard magician.

The white bearded magician was named zelaton. He was also a famous magician among the first-class magicians. He was given the title of "fast sound" by the good doers because of his defenseless sound wave magic.

There are countless formal magicians in the holy tower. If you can have your own title at level 1, master latong has a strength strong enough to match that of assar magician.

If it weren\'t for Angelina\'s mentor, mage Kaila, who had a semi divine senior brother, and the faceless adult, who was famous in the holy tower, had a strange personality, how could latong advise two "younger generation" who were less than level 1.

Casio, who likes making friends, learned that it was his close friend, then pulled through and provoked Locke and Angelina. He had no choice but to negotiate, hoping that Locke and Angelina would not pursue the matter again.

Of course, Locke\'s mouth is full of promise, but I\'m afraid only he knows what\'s in his heart.


A little overestimated himself.. There\'s only one chapter. Try your best