Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 340

"Don\'t be picky!" Angelina puffed her mouth and said coquettishly.

The baby in Angelina\'s arms flashed big eyes. Seeing Angelina\'s appearance, she suddenly "giggled" and laughed, which made Angelina kiss for a while.

Since the birth of Prince kensell, his status as a prince has been finally established. Up to now, the other children of King Faustin are either willing to be an idle prince or find another way out - in history, many famous ministers came from the royal family.

The baby is only two and a half years old this year. He has just learned to walk. Up to now, he still depends on others to hold him.

"Why don\'t you see sister mity?" Angelina held the baby in one hand, took the tea served by the maid in the other hand, took a sip and said.

Mity is the wife of Prince kensell and one of the few friends kensell and Angelina had in the palace when they were children.

Not seen for several years, Angelina was expected to marry mitti to her brother. The eldest daughter of the Marquis of marmen was famous for her virtuous and good temper.

Her appearance is not much worse than that of Angelina. Prince kensell married mity, which can be regarded as a match.

"She went back to Mamen\'s house first." Prince kensell smiled.

He and his wife have just returned to flor. As the future king and Princess of Faustin, they have a lot of things to do as soon as they come back, some are official and some are social. In short, they have little leisure time.

In addition, the baby doesn\'t have much time to take care of. He can only stay in the palace and let the wet nurse and maid take care of him.

The day after Locke returned to flor, he was lucky to be recruited by the prince to the palace and had dinner with the prince.

Besides him, Angelina is here.

The prince\'s dinner today was very ordinary. He didn\'t call other nobles to form a ball, nor ordered the maids to sing and dance for fun, but set a table of dishes from the palace chef.

On the long table, at the request of Prince kensell, Locke sat next to the prince, with Angelina on his right hand.

Clumsily eating the court secret steak with a knife and fork, Locke was more satisfied with the dinner.

When he was in the eagle legion, he learned that the wise and commanding Prince kensell was close. After close contact, Locke found that he was a peaceful and restrained adult.

Prince kensell is a few years older than Locke, about 30 years old. Under the king\'s years of exclusive training, Prince kensell is calm and dignified.

Locke asked several questions in succession. The whole dinner was conducted at the rhythm of Prince kensell.

Locke is not a strong man. He is worried about how to cater to the prince. He simply asks and answers, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

"Locke, your fighting talent is very good!" Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Prince kensell gave Locke a little praise.

This is not Prince kensell\'s nonsense. At the age of 26, Locke arrived at a high-ranking attendant. He can be regarded as a genius in foster.

Moreover, Prince kensell also felt that Locke had reached the edge of breakthrough. Once he was promoted to the peak of high-ranking attendants, he should also be taken seriously as a member of his royal family.

In Faustin, high-ranking attendants were able to take the post of commander of the guard, while quasi knights were the post of commander or deputy commander of the guard.

These positions are not only related to the strength of the parties, but also related to their origin and the family behind them.

Otherwise, with the strength of the high-ranking attendants of the knight of will, he can only be a baron\'s courtier.

In the face of the prince\'s praise, Locke was happy and modest.

If the future successor of Faustin admitted his relationship with Angelina, their marriage would be at least 50% stable.

"Brother, if there\'s nothing wrong, let Locke go back first! He\'s at the critical moment of breakthrough!" Angelina pursed her lips.

Throughout the dinner, Angelina maintained Locke\'s performance all the time, which made Prince kensell very helpless.

But fortunately, he at least got a good truth about Locke from his short contact.

There is indeed a political marriage in the kingdom of Faustin. Take his prince kensell as an example. Is he really mity, the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Emma? Maybe only the person concerned knows.

Faustin has four legions, the garrison Legion and the lion Legion are directly controlled by the royal family.

The Xiongfeng Legion and the eagle Legion are controlled by the other three Marquis families.

Since the death of the last Marquis wood seven years ago, the Xiongfeng Legion has never recovered and has become the bottom of the four legions. Only the eagle Legion supported by the two Marquis families has maintained a long-lasting momentum after the war.

As the head of the eagle army, marquis marmen has more and more voice in the nobility and the royal court while the eagle army has grown in recent years.

Prince kensell married the eldest daughter of marquis marmen, which is also the most correct and rational decision.

"Well, well, Locke, go back first." Prince kensell raised his hand, and he was extremely spoiled with his sister.

"Well, your highness, I\'ll leave first." Locke left his seat, made a noble salute to Prince kensell, and respectfully left the hall.

Not seen in a few years, the young "Lion" of Faustin has learned to restrain his minions. Although Prince kensell looks friendly throughout the whole journey, Locke still feels a sense of oppression due to his unaccustomed status and rights.

Eager to get rid of this repressed state, Locke just wants to improve his strength as soon as possible.

The quasi knight is close at hand. Just now at the dinner party, Prince kensell also implicitly proposed that as long as Locke can be promoted to quasi knight, he will support their marriage.

He is already a semi political victim. Prince kensell doesn\'t want his sister to embark on this old road.

As long as it is what Angelina needs and wants, Prince kensell will try his best to meet it.

Moreover, the 25-year-old Angelina is already a number of older unmarried princesses in the history of Faustin. Both king Faustin and Prince kensell have broken their hearts about Angelina\'s personal marriage.

For several consecutive years, Angelina has been studying as a "proton" in the omor empire. There are almost no young talents in her country. The king and Prince don\'t want Angelina to marry away from other countries. So far, it seems that only this boy named Locke is the most suitable?

Angelina also held the firm attitude of not marrying Locke, which made the marriage so hasty that it was decided in the dark promise of Prince kensell, the indifference of King faustan and Angelina\'s excitement.