Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 165

A bottle of scorpion dragon venom and some unused potions received by Locke from the accompanying magician. Locke went to a shop introduced by Henry and sold them all.

"Hmm! The venom of medium level Warcraft?" A connoisseur with two moustaches at the corners of his mouth tasted the venom brought by Locke with a silver needle.

"The quality is very high. I\'ll take 100 gold moles!" The connoisseur thinks highly of the venom, which is rare in purity and toxicity.

"At least 200 gold moles." Locke raised the price and said that 100 golden moles were too few. He thought the scorpion dragon venom was more than that price, although it was the venom produced by a scorpion dragon of low-level Warcraft level.

But who makes it have a good parent? Locke doesn\'t believe that the scorpion dragon generation at the level of Warcraft will have much worse toxicity.

"Well... All right." Before long, the connoisseur agreed to Locke\'s counter-offer. In addition to the really high quality of the venom, he also got Locke\'s promise to deliver the goods once every two weeks. In the long run, he made more money.

200 gold moles of scorpion dragon venom, plus 300 gold moles of medicine, this is Locke\'s harvest today.

Of course, not all the money from selling drugs is Locke\'s. He can get a price difference of about 100 gold moles.

The strength of these magicians accompanying Angelina to protect her is not obvious, but they are all experienced pharmacists and alchemists.

Locke, who got 300 golden moles in one afternoon and let his waist bag shrink, regained a little confidence.

Back in the mansion, she gave Xiaxi and her sister Leah 50 golden moles each.

Xiaxi and Leia have already started classes. They are in the same school as Christine, the light of France.

The school of light of France is already the number one college in Princeton. It is famous for only accepting female students. In addition, it is one of the few colleges that teach fighting spirit and magic.

This is an article about magicians.

"As we all know, magicians are a group of people with strange personalities and strong strength, but they are also human. They don\'t have three heads and six arms. Some are just beyond the knowledge of ordinary people."

"Magicians at the same level have no accurate strength positioning. There is only one factor affecting their strength, that is knowledge."

"The more knowledgeable the magician is, the more powerful the magician is, but the more knowledgeable the magician is."


"In fact, magician is a general term for element users. Next, I will introduce several mainstream element users, hoping to help readers."

"The wizard, the ancestor of all element users, is the earliest magician. It is said that the wizard was the tribal sacrifice of our human beings in ancient times. He accidentally discovered the use of magic because of sacrificing the so-called gods. Interestingly, now the wizard is the person who is most keen on hunting all kinds of gods, and the wizard is full of curiosity about the abilities of gods. The wizard is indeed the most strange character among magicians A group of eccentric people, because they are good at occult science, and many spell casting conditions of occult science are eccentric practices in the eyes of outsiders. It is undeniable that wizards are powerful. At present, the strongest in our world are level 6 wizards, level 6 astrologers and level 7 arcane wizards. Mr. Douglas is also a wizard. "

"Elemental master, the most widely used profession of elemental users at present, fire elemental master, thunder elemental master has extraordinary combat power, water elemental master, light elemental master has excellent healing power, dark elemental master\'s sneak attack is your nightmare, and earth elemental master\'s defense power is unstoppable. I only introduced the six most mainstream elemental masters, in addition to the gold division, from However, the plastic energy system is waiting. You can study it yourself if you are interested. "

"Warlocks are the most cohesive group of element users. Most of them take their families as a whole. At present, there are three most famous warlock families in our world, the Dragon warlock family, the Munich giant owl family and the black cross Viper family. Warlocks are a group of people who pursue blood power. Their way to become stronger is to trace the origin of blood. Generally, the stronger their blood is, the more their reality is The stronger the force. Warlock is also the easiest profession to start, and it benefits future generations. As long as you can integrate a strong blood and have children, your future generations will also have the power of this blood. At present, this is also one of the main research topics of the Olympic Mathematics Association. "

"The arcane master, the most mainstream profession in the element world at present, was created by Mr. Douglas, who is the strongest in the standard. At present, almost all element users regard themselves as arcane masters when exploring the truth. The level of arcane masters does not represent the level of strength, but the reserves of their own knowledge. A two-level element user may have a three-level Mathematical Olympiad level. Of course, he may only Have a Mathematical Olympiad level. Some people who pursue power will underestimate Mathematical Olympiad. These are foolish people. Even the strong are a group of people with developed limbs. As strong as Mr. Douglas, at that time, facing the siege of six experts of the same level, he used the strength of level 6 wizards to issue the powerful magic of "killing the black hole", which reached level 7 power. It is with Mr. Douglas\'s rich knowledge that he is worthy of being a famous wise man nearby. That year, we began to use the Olympic mathematical calendar. "

"In addition, element users also have astrologers, summoners, etc., so magicians are just a general term of our element users. If readers meet a wizard one day, please don\'t provoke him, because he may make you live better than die with only one hair of yours; if you meet an element wizard one day, please don\'t provoke him, because he may wave his hand Hot sun and Blizzard are called out between; If you meet a warlock one day, please don\'t provoke him, because he may turn into a wild beast to eat you at any time; If one day you meet a Summoner... If one day you are lucky to meet an arcane master, please rest assured that Arcane masters are reasonable and wise scholars. They will take a little of your flesh and blood to study, although the process will be a little painful. "

"Your dear bender Jean, level 3 arcane, elementalist - the chanter of fire."

"Written on April 4, 876."

Locke observed that the lower right corner of the page indicated that the magicians with titles were all level 3 wizards, such as the "aria of fire".
