Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 148

Yawning, Locke straightened up against his waist on the stone, got up and twisted, "Pyo, Pyo, Pyo" the bones made a brittle sound, and Locke felt much better.

It was exciting last night, but grace didn\'t give him a good face. In the middle of the night, Locke didn\'t have the face to squeeze into the carriage with two women, one big and one small. When he came out, he just found a half man high stone and leaned against it for half a night.

He is not afraid of catching cold in one night, except for the stone.

Early in the morning, cooking smoke rose from the camp.

Locke took his share and took their sister and grace with him. Grace seemed really angry. Locke needed to coax.

Sure enough, when he knocked on the horse door, Grace didn\'t give Rock a good look. He just took the breakfast and closed the door without saying a word. Through the gap between the doors, Rock saw Kristen looking at him out of shame, and his face turned red. Rock gave a little cough and went to deliver food to Xia Xi.

As the melmos jungle gradually disappeared from public sight, the feeling of being watched gradually faded.

"Karaman\'s wizards finally withdrew their surveillance." A magician in a blue robe and hood stood at the end of the line and sighed.

Locke was just close. When he heard this sentence, what is a "Wizard" and a magician? Although he was curious, Locke didn\'t ask.

He only knew that the magician\'s name was Nolan and his character was more lonely. Locke had no chance to get close to the magician.

As the motorcade moved on, the surrounding scenery gradually changed. For two days in a row, the dense jungle became more and more sparse, and the height of roadside weeds decreased again and again until the ground became bare.

"We\'re in the next country?" Locke asked the adjutant, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Karaman kingdom is famous for its jungle and grassland. I haven\'t heard of the Gobi desert, which is obviously the next country.

Aide bender took out the map in his arms, opened it and looked at it for a while, "yes, we have arrived at the kingdom of jutusen. Next, we will cross the desert of jutusen."

When Locke heard this, he was speechless. Well, he had to cross a desert.

"There should be an oasis ahead." Bender pointed to the map and said to Locke.

"OK, let the team move on and wait until we get to the oasis." Locke ordered.

In the motorcade, Angelina and Viscount cage sat quietly aside in the carriage of the Roma knight.

"I can\'t follow you on the next journey." Said the Roma knight.

His task is to escort Angelina through Karaman kingdom. Now she is far away from the border of Karaman kingdom. It\'s meaningless for him to follow. The Kingdom needs his seat.

"OK." Angelina replied that she was the most powerful person in the whole team except the Roma knight.

"In the journey after that, you should protect Princess Angelina." The Roma Knight said seriously to the Viscount cage on the other side.

"Yes, I will never let the princess lose a hair!" Viscount cage straightened up and promised.

In the whole team, only the Roma knight and Angelina know that he is the strongest in the whole team except the Roma knight and the strength of the top Knight attendants. There are no more than five in foster.

It\'s the powerful Nolan magician. If he gets close, he may be killed by the second if he doesn\'t have time to open the magic shield.

Magicians can only show their horror by opening a distance. Generally, there are few magicians who are free to fight closely with the Knights.

He explained the matters needing attention to Viscount cage. When Viscount cage stepped back, Roma continued to say to Angelina.

"Keep these scales." The Roma Knight did not move, but a pile of purple scales on the ground appeared very abruptly.

Roma knight is also a person with space equipment, and seems to be of high grade. Besides, at least this carriage is also a valuable space prop.

"OK." Angelina picked up a black pearl hanging from her neck, took a picture of the purple scales and included them.

This black pearl is also a national treasure of Faustin. It was specially prepared by his majesty for Angelina.

In fact, Angelina also has a space ring on her finger, which is a farewell gift from her teacher, master Crimea. Of course, the space is not as big as that in the black pearl.

More than two hundred scales from the world of Warcraft are not small. Only this black pearl can fit it.

Seeing Angelina putting up purple scales, the Roma Knight continued, "a total of 210 yuan. The 200 yuan is for the Garcia knight. You can keep the other 10 yuan, which is very helpful for hatching scorpion dragons."

"Thank you, Grandpa Roma!" Angelina bent down and bowed, which the Roma Knight himself should have obtained from the scorpion Lord.

"Well, be careful all the way." The Roma knight is very optimistic about Angelina\'s growth.

A few hours later, Locke stood next to Angelina and watched the Roma Knight fly into the sky and fly in the direction of the kingdom of forstan until it disappeared.

"I envy people who can fly." Locke sighed.

"As long as you reach the official knight, you can fly!" Angelina laughed.

Locke didn\'t take up the topic. He was a formal knight. Hehe, he didn\'t even touch the edge of the middle-level attendant.

It seems that she guessed what Locke thought. Angelina waved her hand and said, "don\'t worry. When I get to the high-level magic apprentice and learn \'flying\', I\'ll take you flying!"

Locke shrugged his nose and didn\'t take it seriously. Angelina is an entry-level magic apprentice, not as good as him.

Tucson desert is really worthy of the word "desert". Locke and his team have entered the Gobi desert for three days. At the beginning, they can still encounter several oases. Later, the Gobi desert has gradually turned into a desert, and almost no living creatures have been seen. Thanks to the rich experience of the mission\'s guides, they let everyone carry a lot of water with them.

In the scorching sun, Locke chewed a roasted lizard just sent by a clever boy. The lizard was about the size of his arm. He didn\'t know where to lie down and cool down. The soldiers found it. They didn\'t need to bake it. They directly peeled the skin, rolled it into the sand, poured water on it, washed away the sand and blood, and could eat it directly. It tasted good.

It looked bloody, but Locke didn\'t care. Instead, he ate with relish.

"Brother, where is the next oasis?" Christine wore a hat made of withered grass and her petite face. In the high temperature, she not only didn\'t get tanned, but also fell with a little white and sweat.

Locke threw away the roast lizard, rubbed his hands, and went to pick up Christine. The little girl can suffer these days. If it\'s cold, it\'s better to say that there are enough clothes and bonfire, there\'s no good way to heat. Locke can\'t change the wind and ice water out of thin air.

Locke\'s armor had long been taken off. At this time, he was still wearing lock armor, which was tantamount to self Immolation.

Speaking of, it has been almost a week since entering the sphere of influence of the kingdom of jutusen. Up to now, there has been no personal shadow. It is reasonable that an army of hundreds of people should send someone to watch it at the first time, or at least send a few scouts.

After discussing with several team leaders, Locke realized that people had already been sent.

Covering his eyes with his palm, Locke looked up into the sky. Under the hot sun, several birds, like vultures and eagles, were circling over the convoy of the mission.

The kingdom of jutusen is a tribal Kingdom, which lives on grazing and gathering. Its population mainly moves in the east of the Kingdom, because there are many oases and grasslands there.

The place Locke and his entourage are in the west of the kingdom of jutusen. Even the desert and Gobi make the native people of the kingdom of jutusen reluctant to stay here.

Domestication of wild animals is their strong point. Every bird in the desert may be their eye liner. They are good at command besides birds and animals.

The wolves that come and go are their support in the Tucson desert.

The kingdom of jutusen has always not dealt with the kingdom of Karaman in the south. It is the so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. Although the kingdom of faustan has not established diplomatic relations with the kingdom of jutusen, the relationship has been maintained well in the past two years.

The sky gradually darkened, and the night was about to come. All the members of the mission took a break. The evening was the most expected time of the week, but no one would relax, because the night was also hard to stay.

In addition to the bitter cold, wild animals in the desert also began to hunt at night.


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