Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 10

"Your battalion has the strength of a brigade. The highest officer is Baron kaiduoqi. Even the captain is a knight under the Baron, so if you want to continue to climb up, you have to climb up the baron. Isn\'t it all a baron\'s word about military achievements?" Said Xia Xi.

"So I need to rely on young master Sauron? He is the eldest young master in the territory and is likely to be the successor of the Baron in the future. Now he takes refuge in the less powerful young master and is likely to be appreciated and cultivated by the young master." Locke was still a little clever. He immediately reflected the reason why Shaxi suggested him to take refuge in young master Sauron.

"Yes, I think the Baron is the most powerful in your barracks now. Next is your captain and young master Sauron." Xia Xi explained, "since the Baron and the captain do not participate in the election of captain, you should hold on to master Sauron\'s thighs. Moreover, I even think that the Baron is to establish his own team for master Sauron."

Xia Qian is worthy of being a person who has grown up in the market since she was a child. She is very precise about secular human feelings. Locke once heard from Warner that the third and fourth squadrons might be merged into one squadron and then re established. At that time, Locke listened to it as a joke and didn\'t take it seriously, but Xia Xi said it seemed that it was really possible. If a new squadron was set up, who would be the head and Deputy squadron leader? Isn\'t a team without a leadership framework suitable for young master Sauron\'s training experience and building a team?

Locke\'s thought was like a burst of enlightenment. He kissed Xiaxi excitedly and said the news of the merger of the squadron with Xiaxi. Xiaxi also confirmed her idea.

"Why did the Baron set up a team for the young master so early? Moreover, it is said that the Baron\'s second son is now in charge of the territory in China." Locke still doesn\'t understand.

"There are so many things you don\'t understand. Why do you care so much?" Xia Xi gave Locke a white look. "What you have to do now is to climb up and make our future life better." After all, Xia Xi is just an ordinary civilian who grew up in the market. Although she is smart, she still doesn\'t know enough about the affairs of the aristocrats or even dare not understand. In this era, ordinary people are more in awe of the aristocrats.

Locke has no ambition. He is very satisfied to eat and wear warm clothes with his family. Xia Xi\'s "we" moved him. He hugged Xia Xi and said, "our future will be very good."

Locke didn\'t wake up until sunrise the next day. As for the reason, it was naturally that there were many wars when the two people moved last night. "Is it too long?" Locke couldn\'t help muttering. Patted his face to wake himself up. Locke strode to the barracks.

Last night, Locke and Xia Xi agreed to take refuge in young master Sauron. As for gifts for young master Sauron, Xia Xi suggested that you don\'t need to be too expensive or extravagant. You\'re a small captain. If you can have any good things to be filial, it\'s better to give gifts that meet your identity, which can not only reflect your sincerity, but also lower your threshold and don\'t do those fancy things, Make master Sauron think you are a useful person.

From the story of the young master as the vice captain of the cavalry squadron and his deeds in the camp, Locke also felt that young master Sauron was not a person who paid attention to material enjoyment, so he listened to Xia Xi\'s suggestions. As for the gift he chose, it was the kind of wine he drank with Uncle York yesterday. Xia Xi said that she didn\'t have much of this wine, and there were only five bottles left. She had to buy some wheat and other raw materials to make it. This time, he brought two bottles to see Master Sauron.

Locke returned to the camp. The camp was in a mess. The noise of these guys could be heard all the way. This time, Peter, a young servant on duty at the camp entrance, had bright eyes. He was Kane\'s attendant and a full-time archer.

"Brother Locke! You\'re back!" Peter suddenly shouted, which frightened Locke who had just come to the door. Locke squinted at him. Needless to say, he knew what medicine he sold. Without saying more, Locke opened the curtain of the camp and went into the camp.

"I guess brother Locke is still ploughing in the tavern landlady\'s quilt..." Kane\'s excited cry was heard far away. It seems that this guy didn\'t hear Peter\'s reminder at the door. With his back to the tent door, he danced to the others in the tent about his lust.

Locke silently walked behind Kane. As soon as the laughter of others in the camp changed, Kane was worthy of being a scout. When other people\'s faces changed, he immediately responded. A vicious dog rushed to eat and fell forward, avoiding Locke\'s sweeping legs. Another loach rolled to the left and avoided Locke\'s step. Locke is worthy of having the strength of second-class soldiers to compete with first-class soldiers. Just a hasty step, the ground also aroused a layer of dust and made a dull noise.

"Wow, brother, please calm down. I\'m just kidding." Kane knows that the boss is serious when he sees Locke\'s momentum. He can\'t beat Locke. In addition to the suppression of strength, which Archer do you see is good at hand to hand combat? He\'s not stupid. He doesn\'t want to be beaten up by the boss for nothing.

"Hum, you haven\'t stepped back." When Locke saw that Kane had evaded two moves in succession, he did not pursue him for secretly slandering himself. This guy is a loach, Locke muttered.

"Well, stop it. After training these days, Yade, you take Phil and them to the town factory of the green palm tavern." Locke told the surrounding team of brothers that it was only to deal with some local ruffians and hooligans. One third class soldier and four or five servants were enough.

Locke\'s remark also revealed many meanings. First of all, Locke asked his men to go to the tavern and market in the town, which is beyond the energy of a small captain. Although he has this strength, he can\'t act recklessly if he doesn\'t have the energy. This is a taboo, which indirectly reveals Locke\'s necessity for promoting the captain of the first-class squadron.

Secondly, Locke only ordered to go to the town these days, which also revealed a message that the team may be leaving. As for where to go and living in the military camp, we all have a number in mind more or less.

Finally, I went to the green palm tavern town. Thinking that Locke hadn\'t returned all night, it\'s not difficult for these big soldiers to think whether their boss had something happened with the beautiful landlady. The boss sent himself to protect his sister-in-law. OK, that means he didn\'t treat himself as an outsider. He must have protected himself. This also indirectly shortens the cohesion of the team.

As for Locke, let Yade take a group of servants to the town, not only because they are enough to deal with those gangsters. The woman who protects herself, who doesn\'t want to put the strongest power in the past? One is that there are patrol school sergeants in the camp. At present, they are still a small team leader and can\'t do too much. The second is to train them. Most of these servants were added to his team in the last year. A year or two ago, they were even just ordinary farmers. They still didn\'t experience enough war. Let them straighten out those gangsters and exercise more or less. Don\'t look at yesterday. They all played hard. It was Locke and Kane. They led their heads and inspired their blood.

After living together for such a long time, several old timers understand the meaning of the captain\'s words. It\'s okay if they don\'t understand. Kane will remind them when they are free at night.

This is the charm of Locke. He informs his teammates of some edge sensitive information in advance, which not only makes them prepare for battle in advance, but also makes them full of confidence in their promotion.

At about 3 p.m., Locke came to the center of the barracks. This is where the Baron, the captain and master Sauron live. It is worthy of being the Baron\'s eldest son. Outside master Sauron\'s tent, there are at least two teams of troops guarding. This is still an open sentry. I secretly believe there are many experts.

Ask the guard to inform master Sauron, and Locke waits outside the door. He came to visit young master Sauron alone this time. He only brought two bottles of wheat wine packaged in glass bottles, which he carried in his hand. This is what he and Xia Xi have discussed for a long time. Master Sauron doesn\'t like ordinary gifts. He doesn\'t have good gifts. It\'s better to bring two bottles of wine. Wine in the military camp is the best medicine to pull in the relationship. Taking two bottles of wine can not only pull in the relationship between the two people, but also Locke can pick up the plane to show his loyalty without appearing impolite.

After the routine body search, the guard summoned also came back. He invited Locke in. Locke nodded to him, tidied his clothes a little, and went into the camp.

This is the first time Locke came to master Sauron\'s camp. He had little communication with master Sauron before. He just said hello respectfully when he met in battle or in the military camp. In Locke\'s impression, young master Sauron is a strong and easy-going man. As an aristocrat, he did not despise the ordinary civilians in the military camp, but fought with them. There is no doubt about young master Sauron\'s strength. He is a strong man who learned fighting spirit like Uncle yoshak, Locke estimated that with his current ability, he could draw with master Sauron at most.

It\'s amazing that those who don\'t learn fighting spirit can fight with those who learn fighting spirit, which is no less than a challenge beyond the level. Of course, the greater reason is that master Sauron is an aristocrat and the direct heir of a baron. Of course, master Sauron will learn family fighting spirit from an early age, but the Baron will certainly not put his son in danger, It is also reasonable that Locke\'s strength killed from the sea of blood can match those who hold fighting spirit.