Heavenly Sword Divine Emperor

Chapter 289

On the eighth floor, Linye passed smoothly.

At this level, his opponents are six, six powerful demons with golden bodies.

Under the roar of heaven emperor boxing and sky cold Aurora, all six opponents were solved.

The ninth floor, seven opponents, pass.

Level 10, eight opponents, pass.

On the eleventh floor, nine opponents passed.

However, at this level, he used the Silver Star holy sword and even the Shura hell, which solved the nine powerful opponents, and he himself was injured.

Fortunately, he successfully challenged the eleventh floor.


The light flashed and swept through the forest.

After the light disappeared, Lin Ye appeared on the 12th floor of the micro spirit tower.


Just came to the twelfth floor.

Lin Ye felt an unparalleled holy power, which was terrible to the extreme. This holy power was stronger than the semi holy capital he had seen, and could be vaguely compared with the holy power of the Holy One.

The sudden appearance of Shengwei almost suppressed him.

Only at this moment did he understand.

His opponent is no longer heaven and man, but semi saint.

It\'s just stronger than the general semi saint, but an anti heaven semi saint, or that\'s the strength of becoming a semi saint in the future.

Half holy.

A terrible robbery.

Although the realm is one and a half saints, but the strength is much more than one and a half saints. Just like his Lin Ye, the cultivation realm is just the rising sun of heaven and man, and the strength is comparable to the ordinary half saints.

What retribution.

He is too strong outside, but now he has tasted the disadvantage of being too strong.


Lin Ye roared.

The Silver Star holy sword appeared in the hand. The field of 1100 swords and the field of 2400 gold completely broke out at this moment. The field of gold and the field of sword were integrated, and the holy power of the Silver Star holy sword broke out.

Then a sword was drawn, and the space was suddenly broken.

Between heaven and earth, the cold light will recover as before.

A half saint\'s opponent fell.

Twelfth floor, through.

Lin Ye just stopped without any rest. The light appeared again. The light swept through Lin Ye and took Lin Ye to the 13th floor and appeared in the micro spirit tower on the 13th floor.


On the 13th floor, Lin Ye couldn\'t help but get Zou Mei.

He thought the 13th floor was two half saints.

But he was wrong.

The thirteenth floor is not one and a half saints, but two.

Two half saints.

Two strong men of two and a half saints, Shengwei severely crushed him and made him almost out of breath. If an ordinary two and a half saints, he could cope with it.

But the half saints in front of us are two terrible half saints.

Although he did not reach the semi holy, the micro spirit tower has simulated his strength in the semi holy time, and let him feel the power of his semi holy time in advance.

"Elder martial sister, I lost on the 13th floor."

"I don\'t know what cultivation is, elder martial sister?"

"It must have reached the peak of FA Xiang\'s golden body."

Lin Ye thought to himself.

Entering the Daxia World Heritage site must be the realm of heaven and man. If it is not for this restriction, he thinks that Nangong Xiyue has become a semi saint or even a saint.

"Two robbers and half saints, hey hey."

Lin Ye looked at the two powerful opponents and was moved.

Immediately, Silver Star armor and Silver Star holy sword appeared.

War armor is integrated with him. As long as one thought, war armor will appear automatically, and so will Silver Star holy sword.

this moment

Lin Ye wears Silver Star armor and holds Silver Star holy sword.

The complete set of unique thousand grain holy wares made his strength soar dozens of times in an instant.

For the first time, using a complete set of holy ware, the whole person felt the power of destroying heaven and earth on the armor and holy sword, and there was a feeling that one sword cut the space.

"Chop ~"

Lin Ye roared.

The Silver Star holy sword cuts at one of his opponents across the air.

Suddenly, the space was cut.

Two terrible two robbers and half saints burst out with terrible power and killed towards the forest.

For a time, the three voices fought endlessly in the air.

Armor and holy sword are complete sets of holy weapons. They are ten times and 100 times stronger than single holy weapons, and their defense has been greatly improved. Even if the attack of the second robbery and half holy fell on armor, it can only shock him and can\'t hurt him.

Lin Ye found that this armor can counteract 90% of the opponent\'s attack.

Add your own dragon nine changes and the first layer of absolute defense.

Finally, the attack he suffered was less than 1% of the attack that his opponent broke out. Combined with the body of self-healing, the second robbery and half Saint could not kill him at all.

However, the unique thousand grain holy weapon in his hand will seriously injure his opponent once with each sword.


Half an hour.

A two and a half saints were killed.

Lin Ye, with a trace of blood around his mouth.

After killing a second half saint, Lin Ye was much more relaxed. He found another chance. The second half Saint fell, and the battle ended at this moment.

Weiling tower, 13th floor, Lin Ye passes through.


The light swept through the forest.

Take Lin Ye to the 14th floor.

Level 14, three opponents.

Three and a half saints.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Ye killed three three and a half saints and successfully passed the 14th floor,

But on the 15th floor, he killed three four and a half saints, but he was also killed by another four and a half saints. On the 15th floor, Linye failed to challenge the micro spirit tower.

When he woke up, he had been transported away and returned to the lower part of the micro spirit tower.

The appearance of Lin Ye awakened all the shocked strong people.

Looking at Lin Ye is like looking at a monster.

More is fear, from the heart of the forest wild rise of fear.

"Young martial brother, awesome"

Nangong Xiyue\'s beautiful face showed a sweet and attractive smile and praised Lin Ye. His voice was very beautiful and just like the sound of nature, which almost intoxicated countless strong people.

"The fifteenth floor, too terrible."

Lin Ye smiled and shook his head.

On the 15th floor, with luck, he can pass.

But he was not sure about the 16th floor.

He can imagine that the 16th floor should be five five five and a half saints, let alone five. Even if it is a five and a half saints, he is choking, and only has to be killed.

Of course, he still has hope of promotion.

Because I still have a lot of room for improvement.

Just give him time and stop talking through the 15th floor.

"The captain is the strongest."

"Of course, otherwise how can you be the captain."

"Ah, not exactly. Not all the captains are called Lin Ye."

"Isn\'t Gongsun Yu the captain, but in front of our captain, he is just a small mole ant in front of the dragon, but this little mole ant is very self righteous."

"Shaochu, don\'t say that about Gongsun childe. He is the first demon of Gongsun aristocratic family."

"Don\'t mention the Gongsun family. The saint in front was crushed and beaten in the face by our captain. Now the first demon is like this again. I doubt that our captain is the nemesis of Gongsun family."

His Highness the third prince and others.

Everyone is happy for Lin Ye.

At the beginning, they were ridiculed by Gongsun Yu. At the moment, they were very happy. Such an opportunity doesn\'t happen every day. They won\'t let go of it once. They trampled on Gongsun Yu once.

For a moment, Gongsun Yu looked very ugly.

I want to find a ground seam to drill in.