Heavenly Dao Sword Emperor

Chapter 19

After lunch, Feng Qingyun and his wife took their daughter Feng Ziyan back to the backyard of the hall to rest. The remaining six martial brothers cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks. After that, they all returned to their rooms to rest. Dongfang Shenyong followed Zheng ZiNuo to his room.

"Younger martial brother, take a break at noon. After noon, I\'ll teach you the door rules of Lingyin sect," said Dongfang Shenyong.

"Elder martial brother, do you have time now? I want to learn it now. If I learn it as soon as possible, I can start to practice martial arts and martial arts earlier." Zheng ZiNuo said.

"Of course I have time. I\'m afraid you\'re tired when you\'re young." Dongfang Shenyong replied with a simple and honest smile, "since you\'re so progressive, let\'s start now."

"Hmm!" Zheng ZiNuo nodded happily.

They sat down beside the bed, and Dongfang Shenyong began to say, "the founder of our sect handed down 90 rules. The entry-level disciples must remember them."

"Article 1: respect teachers; Article 2: love fellow students; Article 3: don\'t form a divine religion; Article 4: obey teachers\' orders; Article 5: take care of the younger generation... Article 9: abstain from greed; these nine are the general program. There are ten sub articles under each article. Just remember these nine articles first, and the following can be remembered slowly. Can you remember them?"

"Article 1: respect your teacher; Article 2:... Article 9: abstain from greed. There are nine articles in total, and there are ten articles under each article. Do I remember, elder martial brother?" Zheng ZiNuo finished without a pause.

"Darling, you have such a strong memory at a young age. It\'s good. It\'s good. Then your first introductory training course will be very simple." Dongfang Shenyong praised. He remembered that it took him several days to write down these 90 rules and disciplines when he was ten years old. He couldn\'t help admiring Zheng ZiNuo\'s memory when he was only eight years old.

"Oh, by the way, younger martial brother, can you read and write?" Dongfang Shenyong asked.

"Well, a little. My mother often teaches me at home." Zheng ZiNuo nodded. When it came to my mother, there was an indelible yearning in his heart.

"Oh, only a little. After that, I\'ll use this time to teach you to read and write during your lunch break every noon." Dongfang Shenyong, the eldest martial brother, is loyal and dutiful.

"OK, thank you, elder martial brother." Zheng ZiNuo nodded and asked eagerly, "elder martial brother, how should I practice martial arts next?"

"Hehe... Don\'t be too anxious. You\'re still early from the real martial arts cultivation." Dongfang Shenyong said with a smile, "from my feeling, have you just awakened the power of innate soul?"

"Yes." Zheng ZiNuo nodded.

Dongfang Shenyong stretched out his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger together, gently wiped them on his eyelids, and then suddenly opened his eyes. A red light shot out of his eyes and covered Zheng ZiNuo\'s body.

Zheng ZiNuo only felt cold all over, as if he had been stripped off and naked in front of Dongfang Shenyong. When he was ready to ask what he was doing, the feeling disappeared in an instant.

"Well, orange martial soul, level 3 of innate soul power." Dongfang Shenyong said first. Seeing Zheng ZiNuo\'s expression of surprise and doubt, he then explained, "just now this is a small skill in martial arts cultivation, called soul eye, which can detect the level of martial soul talent and soul power cultivation of your opponent. You will understand it later."

"Oh, yes, I\'m the orange martial soul, the power of three-level innate soul." Zheng ZiNuo nodded, and his heart finally came down. Originally, he really thought that Fang Changlao had made a mistake.

"Well, the level of martial spirit is relatively low, and the power of innate soul is also very weak. So, younger martial brother, you must redouble your efforts in the future, otherwise your accomplishments will be difficult to improve." Dongfang Shenyong frowned and said.

"I know, thank you, elder martial brother." Zheng ZiNuo was more favorable to this man who was as kind as his brother.

"OK, first you remember the general outline of door rules I just taught you. Now I\'ll help you get the rest of the door rules and regulations and introductory classics from the library." Dongfang Shenyong got up and left.

After a while, he saw Dongfang Shenyong coming in with two thick books and a thin booklet.

Zheng ZiNuo was excited when he saw the two thick books and thought, "is this the secret script of martial arts cultivation? It\'s a little thick, but I have plenty of time now, and the guidance of master, elder martial brother, good martial mother and elder martial sister should not defeat me."

"Younger martial brother, this booklet is the door rule of benzong. You can read it if you have nothing to do. You can ask us if you don\'t know or understand." then he picked up one of the two thick books and said, "Younger martial brother, these two thick books are the martial arts morality Sutra handed down by our ancestors of Lingyin sect and the martial arts world left by the martial arts sages of the sun and moon mainland. You can learn these first before you can officially practice martial arts."

"What?" Zheng ZiNuo was surprised and looked at Dongfang Shenyong. It was incredible.

"Ha ha... Younger martial brother, when we first got started and heard the master\'s order to let us read these things, we all looked the same as you." Dongfang Shenyong said with a smile, "Lingyin is a cultivation that attaches great importance to the nature of the mind. It is said that cultivating the mind before cultivating the martial arts requires morality. It is difficult for people without good moral cultivation to cultivate the road. Moreover, martial practitioners are generally very powerful. If they do not have good moral cultivation, they think about doing bad things all day, how much harm will it do to the world. Therefore, this martial arts Tao Te Ching is a necessary course for us to learn at the beginning 。”

Looking at Zheng ZiNuo, he nodded thoughtfully. He continued,

"The martial arts cultivation world is a manual of martial arts cultivation, which records many events in the martial arts cultivation world. After reading these books, you will understand how much effort you will spend in cultivating martial arts in the future without these classics, so you\'d better read them carefully. As long as you work hard and spend a year and a half with your memory, it\'s not difficult to read them If you go to practice martial arts then, you will find it much easier. "

"Oh, I see." Zheng ZiNuo nodded. He knew that this simple and honest senior brother would not cheat himself. Then he asked, "elder martial brother, will my task in the future just be reading?"

"Of course not. In the future, you have to get up every morning to practice with us, that is, the basic skills of martial arts cultivation. Only after you practice your body well, you can get twice the result with half the effort. This is almost the same as reading these two books. You have to do it," said Dongfang Shenyong.

"Oh, is it running or something?" Zheng ZiNuo asked.

"It\'s almost the same, but it\'s not so monotonous. You\'re just a beginner now, and you\'re young and have weak innate soul power. So in the first three months, after you get up every morning to practice with us to explore the soul eye, you take a small sapling of Metasequoia lanceolata, run down the mountain from here, and then cut a big tree in the Metasequoia lanceolata Forest in the ten-year area. You can choose the thickness and cut it After that, find an open space to plant the small saplings, and finally drag the big tree you cut back. The task of this day is finished, "said Dongfang Shenyong.

"Soul searching eyes? I can cultivate soul searching eyes so soon?" Zheng ZiNuo didn\'t care much about cutting trees and planting trees. Instead, soul searching eyes attracted him. He asked, "elder martial brother, how do you cultivate soul searching eyes? Is it difficult?"

"Ha ha... It\'s hard to say, it\'s easy to say. In fact, the key to exploring the soul eye is your spiritual power. The stronger your spiritual power is, the deeper your cultivation of exploring the soul eye is." Dongfang Shenyong explained, "The soul searching eye is divided into four realms: overview, insight, mustard and vastness. There are two major cultivation methods, namely, the internal cultivation of the heart method formula and the external cultivation of the special eye medicine by watching the purple Qi East in the morning. After you read the two classics in front of you, I will officially teach you the heart method formula of soul searching eye. During this time, you will follow us for external cultivation."

"Hmm!" Zheng ZiNuo nodded.

Next, seeing nothing, Dongfang Shenyong returned to his room to practice. Zheng ZiNuo was anxious to practice martial arts, so he took the time to look at the two classics in front of him. As for the door rules, Zheng ZiNuo didn\'t care, but said he had time to look again.

"The way of heaven, if there is more to lose than to make up for the deficiency..." Zheng ZiNuo picked up his pen, looked at the Wu Xiu Tao Te Ching seriously and meticulously, made a small mark on the words he didn\'t know, and asked Dongfang Shenyong later.

Although he didn\'t understand the meaning of those long sentences in the Sutra, he once heard his mother say that reading a book a hundred times has its own meaning, so he didn\'t worry.

Time hurried by under Zheng ZiNuo\'s forgetful book. It was not until the evening when Feng Ziyan ran to ask him to eat at dinner that he climbed down from the mountain of books.

"Eh? Younger martial brother is so hard-working. He tried his best to learn the Tao Te Ching on the first day, ha ha..." Feng Ziyan is like a little princess. She has been spoiled by many martial brothers since childhood. In addition, she is also the beloved daughter of Feng Qingyun. No one dares to provoke her, so she is also a bully on the Xunfeng peak. Therefore, she didn\'t knock at the door when she came to Zheng ZiNuo\'s door and directly pushed it away. Zheng ZiNuo, who was reading, was startled, and the Wu Xiu Tao Te Ching in her hand also fell to the ground.

Zheng ZiNuo was so frightened by the wind Ziyan that he frowned slightly, but didn\'t say much. He got up and picked up the book and asked, "what\'s the matter?"

"Well, have a meal. My mother asked me to ask you to have a meal." Feng Ziyan found that Zheng ZiNuo looked a little wrong and said with some restraint.

"Oh, dinner? Is it so late now?" Zheng ZiNuo looked out and saw that the sun was about to set. Then he looked at the Wu Xiu Tao Te Ching in his hand. He read less than 20 pages all afternoon and couldn\'t help feeling a little lost.

"Well, the sun is almost going down. Let\'s go." Feng Ziyan said, holding Zheng ZiNuo\'s small hand, "that book can be read slowly. I began to read this profound martial cultivation moral classic when I was five years old. It took me three years to read it."

"Three... Three years?" Zheng ZiNuo was surprised when he heard the speech. He stopped walking and asked, "you started to study at the age of five and studied for three years, that is to say, you didn\'t officially practice martial arts until you were eight, did you?"

"Well, yes, I have been practicing martial arts for more than a year." Feng Ziyan turned her head and replied.

"Three years, it will take three years for me to practice martial arts, eh..." Zheng ZiNuo sighed and thought to himself, "three years later, I will be eleven years old, and after I step into martial arts, I don\'t know how many years it will take to learn. Can my father and mother wait?"

"Younger martial brother, what\'s the matter with you? Why are you sighing at a young age?" looking at Zheng ZiNuo\'s sad face, Feng Ziyan also had some sympathy. Since she learned Zheng ZiNuo\'s life experience from her mother, she vowed to take good care of herself. Now the only younger martial brother, so she moved to ask him to eat.

"Nothing." Zheng ZiNuo reluctantly smiled and replied, "but I feel that three years is a little too long. I still have my parents\' revenge to repay. I\'m afraid they can\'t wait so long. It\'s all right. Let\'s go, elder martial sister. Let\'s go to dinner."

"Hmm!" Feng Ziyan nodded, but she seemed to have something more in her heart.

Dinner is no different from lunch, but this time Zheng ZiNuo didn\'t sit still as at noon. Instead, he took the initiative to go to the next kitchen and not only filled a bowl of rice for himself, but also brought a bowl for his teacher\'s wife to repay her kindness to bring rice at noon.

After dinner, Zheng ZiNuo said goodbye to his master, martial mother, senior brothers and his lovely little martial sister, went back to his residence, lit an oil lamp and continued to read.