Heavenly Curse

Chapter 662

"Just let him go?"

A voice suddenly appeared in front of the abandoned place and the door of the void. Then, an old man slowly emerged, but the mark in the center of his eyebrows was not a soul family. It seemed that purple flashed away.

"Being able to come out of the fairy tomb itself represents a great opportunity. Is it so easy for such people to stay?" the soul family God general was not surprised at the coming people, but said faintly.

"You don\'t want to know what he got in the fairy tomb?" the old man continued, ignoring the attitude of the soul family God general.

"I don\'t want to know what he gets, I only know what I want." the soul family God said faintly.

"I\'m afraid you\'ll be happy at that time. After all, it\'s not impossible for such a peerless Tianjiao to die halfway. And in a hundred years, do you really think he can reach jiuchongtian? Even if he can reach jiuchongtian, how can this fairy tomb be so easy to enter? There are not a few invincible strong people who fell at the beginning, let alone a jiuchongtian." the old man obviously doesn\'t think much of Muyi.

"It\'s just a casual chess. Maybe there will be some unexpected harvest." the soul family God general said.

"Well, you soul clan have always been so cautious. Now that you have decided, I\'ll go back and prepare. I hope you can use this chess piece in a hundred years." the old man said, glanced at the door of the void, and then turned and left. Although there is a ban on the void, the old man still disappeared after a few steps into the void.

If Mu Yi saw it, he would be surprised. After all, how powerful the air ban here is. He tried it himself. It was the subsequent soul family God general who seemed to ignore the ban here. He spread his body and left.

But he can ignore the prohibition here. Why did he bother to chase Mu Yi before?


In the underworld, a human village is surrounded by hundreds of ghost families. Many places in the village are collapsed and messy. From time to time, you can see blood spilling all over the ground. In the middle of the village, almost all the villagers are gathered, and there are ghost families around.

Xu Zhen hid in the crowd. At the moment, he dressed just like ordinary villagers. He even looked more simple and honest, worried and scared. In fact, he was not from this village. He was a master who reached the second difficulty. He was chased and killed because he stole something from a small ghost family. Fortunately, he didn\'t show his true face all the way, In addition, the art of gathering breath is passed on from an expert, so we can barely muddle through.

Originally, I thought that hiding in the human village could avoid these ghost families, but I didn\'t expect the other party to be crazy. Regardless of the so-called alliance between the two ethnic groups, they not only killed people in the village, but also gathered everyone now.

Xu Zhen knew very well that the other party did this just to find him, and the more crazy these ghost families were, the more he understood how precious the things he stole were, so he couldn\'t let the other party take them back anyway.

Fortunately, his appearance did not attract people\'s attention. At the moment, all the villagers were frightened, but no one paid attention. There was a stranger around him. As for the surroundings, although most people were afraid, many people stared at the ghost families with hatred on their faces.

There is a great feud between the human race and the ghost race, which has been accumulated from generation to generation. With the continuation of blood will, almost all of these villages in the great wasteland of hell have been oppressed by the ghost race, the demon race and even other races more than once.

In front of many Terrans, there stood a burly middle-aged man. Although there was no expression on his face, the cold light flashed from time to time in the depths of his eyes.

"You\'ve been deceiving the dark ghost clan too much. This is our Terran village." the big man said coldly.

"So what? And as long as you hand over the man, our commander will not kill more, otherwise..."

In front of the big man, there stood a thin figure in armor. He was from the dark ghost family. Because he was the seventh, he was called the dark seven. In fact, the dark ghost family was far from being famous among the ghost families, let alone compared with the so-called ten royal families, but it was no problem to destroy a human village.

However, because the dark ghost clan can only be regarded as a medium clan, it doesn\'t dare to bully the Terran too much. After all, there are many strong people in the Terran. Once it really annoys the Terran, if any strong person of the Terran goes directly to his clan to kill, some gains will outweigh the losses. After all, there is only one king in the dark ghost clan. Naturally, it is far from being comparable with the Terran, After all, even if the human race is oppressed by the demon and ghost two races, no matter how miserable, there is a semi holy existence after all, and that existence can destroy their dark ghost clan with one finger.

Therefore, it is the high-level of the demon and ghost families, such as the royal families, who really don\'t pay attention to the human race.

Of course, this time, in order to hunt down the Terran who captured the treasure in the family, he can\'t be too weak. Moreover, he can confirm that the Terran entered the Terran village here, and he has laid a snare around it. The other party can\'t escape, so it must be in the Terran in front of him.

It\'s just that it\'s hard to tell for a moment. Of course, the best way is to kill all the Terrans in front of him. It\'s natural to find them at that time, but Ming Qi still doesn\'t have the courage. What\'s more, he can feel that the strength of the Terran man in front of him is not much weaker than him. After all, he can stand in the Terran village in the wilderness, I must have some skills.

"Make friends? Just by your word? And how do I know if you deliberately kill my people?" the big man continued. His name is Zhang Huai. Although he is a village head here, his strength has reached the first-class level, which is equivalent to the second difficulty of cultivating one. Moreover, he has gone far in the first-class level. If he is not a rat repellent, Maybe he got up early and killed the ghost family in front of him.

Unfortunately, as an existence, he can\'t do this, otherwise even half of the villagers in the village may not survive. What\'s more, he also knows something about the dark ghost family. It\'s not too far away from here. Once he kills each other, the dark ghost family will be angry. At that time, maybe the whole village will be destroyed, and this is definitely not the end he wants to see.

He is always brave, but he can\'t be the village head. He must be responsible for his own villagers. Of course, he also knows that what the other party said may be true. It\'s just that he can\'t do it. The Terran can bleed and shed tears, but his backbone can\'t be broken, otherwise he won\'t have the chance to rise again.

Hearing Zhang Huai\'s words, a flash of anger flashed across Ming Qi\'s face, but it was not easy to attack directly.

"Let me check one by one. If there is no one I\'m looking for, I\'ll take someone away immediately and promise not to invade your village within ten years." Ming Qi gritted his teeth and said that these words were actually showing weakness. If they were spread out, it might lead to a burst of jokes, but similarly, he had no choice.

The ghost clan is just a general term, which contains hundreds of branches, large and small, and the harmony between the ministries is far from that on the surface. In a word, it is just the law of the jungle. Once the dark ghost clan is weak, it may be swallowed up by other ghost clans around. There is no lack of perennial fighting among the ghost clans, and the ten Royal clans are even more incompatible with each other, Otherwise, if the ghost clan can really work together, even if it can\'t completely destroy the Terran, the current situation faced by the Terran must be ten times worse than now.

The same is true of the demon clan, which gives the Terran a chance to breathe. Of course, it doesn\'t matter who comes from the shelter. After all, it is rumored that the ghost clan has an emperor besides the great emperor who incarnates the great sun and shines in the underworld, which is equivalent to the sage of the Terran.

It\'s just that there are no saints in the Terran at present. According to external rumors, there are only two semi saints, and the gap between semi saints and real saints is equally huge.

"Don\'t think about it." Zhang Huai didn\'t want to compromise. At the moment, he already understood in his heart that the celebrity family pursued by the other party must also be mixed in the crowd behind him, which could provoke the dark ghost family to pursue and kill. What the other party did was by no means simple, and the more it was, the more he couldn\'t hand over people.

"It seems that you intend to go against me. Ming Qi is also a little angry at the moment. If he can\'t catch up with the Terran, he may not have good fruit to eat when he goes back.

"It\'s not that I want to fight you, but that you don\'t pay attention to my people." Zhang Huaihao said without concession.

"What if you don\'t pay attention to your Terran?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the air, and then a dark shadow slowly fell. At the same time, a strong breath filled the air and directly suppressed all the Terrans present. At present, many people collapsed to the ground. As for Zhang Huai, who bore the brunt, his body trembled slightly, his eyes flashed a touch of horror, and his heart sank constantly.

"I\'ve seen the elder." Ming Qi was also startled by the visitor, but he immediately recognized that the people were the elders of the family, and the elders of the Ming ghost family were all the existence of condensing Tao species.

"Hum, I can\'t find anyone. You\'ve really lost the face of the dark ghost clan." the elder fell down and snorted coldly, showing his dissatisfaction with the dark seven. The dark seven looked frightened on the surface, but he didn\'t care. He would rather be cautious than rush into trouble to avoid being thrown out to apologize.

Later, the elder looked at Zhang Huai. After a while, Zhang Huai felt a great increase in pressure around him. It was like a mountain pressing on him. His bones were brittle. Finally, he was unable to resist the pressure. He was forced to kneel on the ground. There were two more pits on the hard ground, and then came the sound of bone fragmentation. White bones penetrated his knees, Blood gushed out and soon dyed the ground red.

Zhang Huai bit his teeth, even though his face was very pale, but he never shouted pain.