Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 455 Will the Encounter While Lion-slaying Cause a Calamity? (11)

The short-bearded priest, Shao He, continued, "Lightning rapidly comes out of Yu Zhen, pursuing the star [dian zhu xing chi chu yu zhen – remember that their monastery was called 'Yuzhen Guan']."

The three priests moved around in a circle, always keeping the Du husband and wife in the center.

Zhang Wuji saw that the priests were moving to the left and all of a sudden to the right and vice versa. It looked like a three-element formation, but not quite a three-element formation. Their three swords were weaved into one bright net, but they did not attack the enemy.

After the three priests had moved for seven, eight steps, Zhang Wuji started to understand the principle behind the formation. He mused, "These three priests are very sly; they said it was a three-element sword formation, but it actually has the five-element principle hidden in it. If the enemy believes it was a three-element formation and fights the heaven, the earth and the mankind, three positions, they would be devoured by the five elements. Then it would be difficult for them to escape, and they would be either killed or injured. They are only three people, but launching a five-element formation; each one has to occupy more than one position and overcome their many variations. Their 'qing gong' and their sword techniques must be extraordinary."

The Du couple stood with their backs against each other. Four hands flickered with silver rays, twelve short blades were constantly exchanged. Not only they switched the blades from their left to right hands and vice versa, but Du Baidang's blades moved to Yi Sanniang's hand, and Yi Sanniang handed over her blades to Du Baidang's hands. All along not a single blade fell down, the short blades exchanged hands smoothly.

Zhao Min was baffled by their movement. "What kind of magic trick they are playing?" she asked in low voice.

Zhang Wuji knitted his brows without answering. He watched intently for a moment and suddenly said, "Ah, I understand. He is afraid of my Yifu's lion's roar."

"What lion's roar?" Zhao Min asked.

Zhang Wuji kept nodding his head, and suddenly sneered, "Humph, based on their skill, they want to slaughter a lion and subdue a tiger?"

Zhao Min was more confused than ever, "Are you talking in a riddle?" she asked, "Why are you talking to yourself and leave the listener in bewilderment?"

"These five are my Yifu's enemies," Zhang Wuji said in low voice, "That old man is afraid of Yifu's lion's roar, hence he punctured his own ear to deafness …"

'Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang ….' Suddenly they heard a series of clanging noises close to each other, just like a string of pearls; the five of them had begun fighting. Three Swords of Qinghai sent out five attacks in succession, all of which were parried by the Du couple. The twelve short blades in their hands went back and forth between the two of them. Under the moonlight the blades looked like three rings around the body, their defense was very tight.

The Qinghai Three Swords tried to penetrate their defense for a long time without any outcome and they immediately changed their tactic into defense. Du Baidang took the opportunity to enter their defense line; his short blade attacked the small and thin Taoist priest, Shao Yan's abdomen.

There was a saying within the martial art practitioners, 'an inch longer, an inch stronger; an inch shorter, an inch more dangerous.' The short blades were less than five inches long, so they were extremely dangerous. 'Swish, swish, swish!' Du Baidang launched three blades which all were meant to kill without any regard for his own safety.

Ma Fatong and Shao Yan immediately launched a double attack, which was fended off by Yi Sanniang's blades. Now they know that the blade technique this couple trained was based on close coordination between the two; one attacks the other defends. The one who attacks focused his/her attention only on the attack. Likewise, the one who defends only care about the defense. Neither one needs to divert his/her attention.

As Shao Yan received three successive attacks, he was forced to block frantically, and retreated several steps back. Du Baidang pounced on his chest, all his blades were aimed to Shao Yan's vital points. Shao Yan's condition was getting more and more critical.

Shao He let out a long whistle, and his sword movements changed. Together with Ma Fatong, the two swords formed a sword net between Du Baidang and Shao Yan, keeping Du Baidang three feet away from them. Now three swords joined together in a very tight defense, so tight that even water would not be able to penetrate.

Zhang Wuji let out another cold laugh and whispered in Zhao Min's ear, "Both of the sword and the blade techniques are meant to battle my Yifu. Look at them, they all concentrate on defense and do not attack too often. More defense less offense; we won't find the outcome of the battle even if they fight for another day and night."

Indeed, after several failed offensive attempts, Du Baidang also changed his tactic into defensive. In low voice Zhao Min said, "Jin Mao Shi Wang's martial art skill is outstanding. These five fellows only concentrate on defense, how can they score a victory?"

They saw the five people exchange blade and swords stances, and successively use seven, eight different moves, but victory or defeat was still difficult to be seen.

"Hold it!" Ma Fatong suddenly shouted, while leaping out of the circle.

Du Baidang also withdrew. His silver beard fluttered, showing off his might and power.

Ma Fatong said, "The blade technique virtuous husband and wife employed, was it trained to slay the lion?"

"Ah!" Yi Sanniang exclaimed, "Your vision is very good."

"Virtuous husband and wife's son was killed by Xie Xun, of course this great enmity must be avenged," Ma Fatong said, "Since you have scouted the enemy's whereabouts at the Shaolin Temple, why didn't you make your move at the earliest convenience?"

Yi Sanniang cast him a sidelong glance. "This is our husband and wife's personal affair," she said, "We don't see any need to trouble Daozhang [respectable term to address a Taoist priest] over it."

Ma Fatong replied, "Yuzhen Guan and virtuous husband and wife's dispute, as Yi Sanniang said, was over a small matter. It certainly does not worth fighting with our lives at stake, does it? How about we turn the enemy into friend by working together to find Xie Xun?"

"What kind of enmity does Yuzhen Guan have against Xie Xun?" Yi Sanniang asked.

"There is no enmity, hey hey," Ma Fatong said.

Yi Sanniang said, "If you don't have anything against Xie Xun, why would you painstakingly train this set of sword technique? We both train different techniques to achieve the same goal, which is to fight the Seven-Injury Fist."

"Yi Sanniang's vision is also very good!" Ma Fatong said, "In front of a sage we do not tell a lie; Yuzhen Guan only wants to borrow the Tulong Saber."

Yi Sanniang nodded. She rapidly wrote several characters on Du Baidang's palm. Du Baidang replied by writing several characters on her palm. Both husband and wife communicated using their fingers instead of their tongues. Using such technique, they were having a discussion for a while.

Yi Sanniang said, "We, husband and wife, only want to seek revenge. For that, we are willing to shed our lives. We have no interest in Tulong Saber whatsoever."

"That's great!" Ma Fatong happily said, "The five of us work together to break into Shaolin. Virtuous husband and wife get your revenge, Yuzhen Guan get the precious saber. By combining our mind and strength, we can accomplish a great merit. Both sides obtain their desire, friendship will not be harmed."