Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 436 The Bride's Pale Arms Parts the Red Clothing (11)

"Ku Da Shi," Zhao Min turned to Fan Yao, "Others are going to attack me, are you going to help me or not?"

Fan Yao knitted his brows and said, "Junzhu [princess], in the matters of this world, 80, 90% of them do not happen according to one's wishes. Since we have come to this, you should not force me to do anything."

Zhao Min said, "I want to force you." Turning toward Zhang Wuji she said, "Zhang Wuji, you are the Ming Cult Jiaozhu, as a real man, will you or will you not do what you have promised?"

Ever since he saw Zhao Min arrive, Zhang Wuji's heart had been beating faster; he had hoped Yang Xiao would be able to deal with her nicely and had her leave without any struggle. Now that she directly asked him, he had no choice but answered, "Of course I will do what I promised."

Zhao Min continued, "When I saved your Yu Sanshu [third martial uncle] and Yin Liushu's [sixth uncle] lives, you promised to do three things I would ask you to do, did you or did you not?"

"That's right," Zhang Wuji replied, "You wanted me to borrow the Tulong Saber for you to look at, and not only you have looked at it, you have even stolen the precious saber."

For the last several decades, the Jianghu people had been concerned about this 'wu lin zhi zun' [the most revered in the Wulin world] Tulong Saber's whereabouts. Now that they suddenly heard that the Saber had fallen into Zhao Min's hands, they were in an uproar.

"Only Jin Mao Shi Wang Xie Daxia knows into whose hands the Tulong Saber has fallen" Zhao Min said, "You can go and ask him personally."

Actually, not too many Wulin people aware that Xie Xun had returned to the Central Plains; hearing her mentioning 'The Golden-Haired Lion King', they were thrown into commotion again.

"I am most concerned about my Yifu's whereabouts these days," Zhang Wuji said, "I hope Miss could shed some light on this matter."

Zhao Min smiled mysteriously and said, "I have asked you to do three things for me, and you have promised to comply as long as the matter does not violate the Wulin world code of brotherhood or the chivalrous way. As of borrowing the Tulong Saber to look at, although I did not really look at it, but I have seen it after all; I cannot blame you if the precious Saber was stolen later. Just consider you have accomplished the first matter. Right now I have the second matter I'd like you to do. Zhang Wuji, in front of these heroes and warriors of the world, you cannot back off on your word."

"What do you want me to do?" Zhang Wuji asked.

"Miss Zhao," Yang Xiao interrupted, "Whatever it is you want our humble Cult's Jiaozhu to do, since he has made a promise, as long as it does not violate the Wulin world's way of chivalry, not only Zhang Jiaozhu will do it, our entire Cult, from top to bottom, will do our utmost to accomplish it. However, now is the time Zhang Jiaozhu and his new bride to bow to the Heaven and the Earth, other matter can wait, so please do not say too much and disturb the ceremony."

By the last sentence, his tone was rather stern. But Zhao Min looked as if she did not care much about this Ming Cult's Left Emissary of the Brightness, whose prestige had shaken the Jianghu.

"My business is even more important," Zhao Min languidly said, "It cannot be delayed even for a second." Suddenly she took several steps toward Zhang Wuji, stood on her toes, and whispered in Zhang Wuji's ear, "My second request is that you do not marry Miss Zhou today."

"What?" Zhang Wuji was stunned.

Zhao Min said, "That was my second request. I'll think about the third and let you know later."

Although she was speaking in a low voice, it was loud enough so that Zhou Zhiruo, as well as those who stood nearby, such as Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou, Yin Liting, and the eight Emei female disciples, could heard her clearly. Everybody's face was changed. The eight Emei disciples silently curled their fists inside their long sleeves; as soon as Zhao Min said anything else to disgrace the Emei Pai Sect Leader, they would make her suffer.

Zhang Wuji shook his head. "I can't do it," he said.

"So you decide not to honor your own word?" Zhao Min asked.

Zhang Wuji replied, "We have stated explicitly that it cannot violate the 'xia yi' [code of brotherhood/chivalry]. Miss Zhou and I are engaged; if I do what you said, I will violate this 'xia yi'."

With a cold laugh Zhao Min said, "If you marry her today, then you are unfilial and doing an injustice. Didn't you see how your Yifu fell into others' wicked plot during the 'Tour of the Imperial City' at Dadu?"

Zhang Wuji felt anger rising in his breast. "Miss Zhao," he said in a loud voice, "Today I respect you as my guest, therefore, I yield to you 30%. If you keep talking rubbish, don't blame me for offending you."

Zhao Min was unfazed. "So you have decided not to comply with my second request?" she asked.

Zhang Wuji remembered that with the honor she had as a princess, she did not hesitate to show her face in public [this is a literal translation of 'pao1 tou2 lou4 mian4', but I am sure the readers will understand what Jin Yong was saying], and ask him earnestly in the presence of all these heroes and warriors not get married. It must be because of her feelings toward him. He could not restrain his heart from softening. "Miss Zhao," he said gently, "Since we have come to this, I am asking you … I am asking you to understand. I, Zhang Wuji, am an uncouth villager; I am not worthy … not worthy …"

"All right," Zhao Min said, "Why don't you look; what is this?" Extending her right arm, she held out her hand in front of Zhang Wuji's face.

As Zhang Wuji saw it, he was so shocked that his body shivered. "This … this is my …" he said in a shaky voice.

Zhao Min quickly withdrew her hand and put that thing back into her pocket. "It's up to you whether you want to comply with my second request or not," she said, and then turned straight toward the main gate.

Nobody knew what kind of object she showed to Zhang Wuji, which made him looked so frightened and at a loss. Zhou Zhiruo's eyes were covered by the red veil, so although she heard the exchange between Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min, she was not able to see what it was.

"Miss … Miss Zhao," Zhang Wuji anxiously called, "Please don't go."

"If you want to follow me, you must not bow to the Heaven and the Earth with your new bride too quickly," Zhao Min said, "A real man without a strong determination will suffer a lifelong regret." She was speaking in a loud and clear voice, but her steps were not hindered at all; quickly she had walked pass the main gate.

"Miss Zhao, please wait! We need to discuss it further," Zhang Wuji called out.

Instead of slowing down, she picked up her speed and called back, "All right, as long as you do not get married today," Zhao Min halted her steps, "Then you can come with me."

Zhang Wuji turned his head around and looked at Zhou Zhiruo; his heart full of regret and guilt. He wanted to say something to her, but Zhao Min had already out of his sight. The matter on hand was very urgent, he must take the bull by the horn. Thereupon he gritted his teeth and pursued after Zhao Min.