Heaven-relying Sword And Dragon-slaying Sabre

Chapter - 220 Cold Edge of the Flying Heaven-relying Longsword (16)

The man was taken aback. "That might be true," he said, "Although he wanted to take Zhu'er as his disciple, when the cold attack came, his blood will be congealed into ice. If that happened, I am afraid even his own daughter …"

The more Zhang Wuji thought about it, the more he was frightened; he ran madly as if his life depended on it.

Suddenly the man exclaimed, "Ah, what's that behind you?"

Zhang Wuji turned his head around to see, but suddenly all he could see was darkness as his entire body was encased in an enormous sack; followed by the sensation of his body lifted to the air. It seemed like he was captured inside a cloth sack, which was lifted up by that man. Quickly he stretched out his arms, trying to rip the cloth sack. Who would have thought that the sack was made of neither silk nor animal hide? It was exceptionally tough and durable. He groped around to feel the cloth; obviously it was a coarse homespun cloth, but he could not make even a crack on the seam.

The man tossed the sack on the ground, laughed out loud and said, "If you can drill out of my sack, I'll consider you an expert."

Zhang Wuji exerted his internal energy and pushed ferociously outward with both hands, but the sack simply followed his push without showing the least bit of cracking under the stress. He raised his right foot and kicked with all his might. 'Pop!' the sack only curved outward slightly. It did not matter whether he pull, push, roll, stretch; the sack simply followed his movements without giving way to his strength.

The man laughed and said, "Do you give up?"

"I give up!" Zhang Wuji said.

'Slap!' the man slapped the sack right on his buttocks and said with a laugh, "Kid, just stay inside my 'qian kun yi qi dai' [lit. Heaven and earth (the universe) air pocket] nicely, don't move; I am taking you to a good place. If you open your mouth to speak and your presence is exposed, I might not be able to save you."

"Where are you taking me?" Zhang Wuji asked.

The man replied, "Since you have fallen into my 'Universe Air Pocket', if I want to take your poor life, do you think you can run away? As long as you don't move and don't make any noise, you will reap the benefits."

Zhang Wuji thought the man made a lot of sense; therefore, he did not struggle anymore.

The man added, "You can get into my cloth sack; that is your good fortune." Slinging the cloth sack over his shoulder, he dashed forward.

"What about Zhu'er?" Zhang Wuji asked.

"How do I know?" the man replied, "You talk too much and make a lot of noise, I am going to shake you out of my cloth sack."

Zhang Wuji thought, "If you really shake me out of this cloth sack, I could not ask for anything more." But his mouth did not dare to reply; he only felt that this man's feet were very fast.

After running for several hours, inside the sack Zhang Wuji started to feel hot, so he knew it was already daytime and the sack was heated by the sun. A moment later, he felt the man was walking on an upward slope; it seemed that they were going up the mountain.

They continued climbing the mountain for more than four hours. Zhang Wuji felt the nip of the cold air on his body; he mused, "Looks like we are climbing a very high mountain, the peak must be covered in snow, that's why it is this cold."

Suddenly he felt his body was flying in the air. He could not restrain from shouting in suprise. But before his shout vanished, he felt they were stopping; that man had landed on the ground. Zhang Wuji understood, the man must have had taken him on a jump just now. He assumed that they were on a dangerous precipice on a high mountain peak; the man jumped while carrying him on his back, the mountain rocks must be very slippery since they were covered with ice and snow. Supposing his foot slipped, wouldn't it mean both of them falling together and die with their bones shattered?

He was just thinking about these things when the man leaped again. He successively leaped several times; sometimes he jumped higher, sometimes lower, sometimes he jumped far, sometimes near. Although Zhang Wuji was inside the cloth sack and could not see the least bit of light, he knew the local terrain must be extremely steep.