Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Chapter 2060

Some of the materials sorted out at present can be modulated into an overbearing medicine soup, which can greatly stimulate people\'s absorption of Yuehua.

The state of Xia Qingchen has long been stable, and the lunar power in the body is very solid. As long as you practice quietly, the half month retreat is enough to break through.

However, since there is a medicine soup to promote a breakthrough, why waste half a month?

Soon after, in the secret room, a bucket of medicine soup was successfully prepared.

It was as red as magma, echoing with the extremely hot heat wave. In fact, its temperature was a little higher than that of the real magma.

If the barrel was not forged from special materials, I\'m afraid it would have melted through and all the barrels would flow out.

He took off his clothes and jumped inside. There was a deep burning pain on his body surface, which made his eyebrows unbearable.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Qingchen\'s whole body was red, as if steamed.

This is also Xinkui. Xia Qingchen has the foundation of body refining. Generally, people with the same level will be burned seriously if they don\'t die.

"Didn\'t let me down." Despite the severe pain, Xia Qingchen is very satisfied. The stronger the perception of the body, the more effective it is for cultivation.

"Within three days, there will be a breakthrough." As soon as Xia Qingchen\'s eyes closed, he immediately entered the cultivation.

I don\'t know.

The next day, a news without pain or itch ignited the quiet Star City, and a stone aroused thousands of waves.

"I\'m Cao! Look at the news. There\'s big news. "

"Oh, my God! The Pearl of the heavenly Star City Master\'s eye has even joined a newly established small academy? "

"Is it called the clean academy? Just checked, the establishment date is before January! "

"Are you crazy? How did the Lord of Tianxing think about sending his daughter to such a small Academy with no future? "

"It\'s a joke about my daughter\'s future!"


Countless product theories have swept the star city.

As the head of the city, everything about him is curious. His only daughter did not join Tianxing academy, but joined the clean academy, which is quite eye-catching.

What can be detonated is more than the eyeball of a good man?

Tianxing Academy.

Chen Qian had a private meeting with several close teachers.

"Duan Zhanlong, Duan Zhanlong, I asked you to send your daughter to Tianxing academy several times. I will teach your daughter with the best teacher. You repeatedly refused to send her to Imperial Academy for further study, but it was sent to Xia Qingchen! 0”

"Hehe! You are deliberately against me! "

This is a naked face slap. Well, it\'s still a double face slap.

He hit both Tianxing academy and Chen Qian in the face.

This beam is finished!

Local dignitaries were also shocked by the earth shaking news.

"No, Duan Zhanlong is cautious. Why did he do such a ridiculous thing?"

"Yes, that little Qingtian is very talented. She spent a lot of resources to cultivate from small to large. The most important thing is that she is the only one in the Duan family of Tianxing city. She sent her to a small Academy with no future. Are you sure you\'re kidding?"

"Is there another article here? Maybe this academy has a long history? "

"Oh, unfortunately, I have just checked this academy. I do have a little history, but it\'s not big."

"Oh? Do you really have a history? Tell me. "

"Do you know Xia Qingchen?"

"The detective of the police hall, the first aide appointed by his Highness the prince?"

"This Xia Qingchen, we Tianxing city should have no one who doesn\'t know?"

"Hehe, it\'s good to know. He founded this academy."


"I do know that he was a candidate to apply for a star teacher at the beginning. Now he began to create his own academy?"

"His brilliant experiences didn\'t help the Academy he founded? Is it difficult for him to cultivate a group of spies? "

"What does Duan Zhanlong think?"

"I dare to predict that his small academy will not live for more than one year. It is not difficult to open the Academy. The difficulty is to maintain and carry forward it. It requires not only strong material and financial resources, but also excellent famous teachers. Xia Qingchen, who is not even a star teacher, can cultivate good students?"

"As far as I know, there is at least one star teacher in the worst academies in Tianxing city? None of them. What can students learn? "

"Duan Xiaoqing is afraid it will be ruined unless he drops out of school immediately."

"It\'s no use dropping out. All the academies have already passed the time for students. She can\'t join other academies. She can only wait until the school starts next year. It can be said that it will waste a whole year."

"The golden age is a waste of a year. Duan Xiaoqing is afraid to be completely thrown away by his peers."

"I have a little sympathy for Duan Xiaoqing. As his daughter, I must be very oppressed at the moment?"

The city is full of wind and rain.

Duan Zhanlong, as the center of the event, was even more depressed.

"That man\'s name is Wu Yuan, isn\'t it?" Duan Zhanlong stared at Tianxin news and was speechless annoyed.

The third Guan family said, "yes, it has been found out that Xia Qingchen once injured a man in the preaching hall. This man is Wu Yuan\'s cousin. He deliberately retaliated against Xia Qingchen, but..."

He looked up at Duan Zhanlong and didn\'t say any more.

"Just use it on me, don\'t you?" Duan Zhanlong\'s nostrils are heavy and cold hum.

Wu Yuan\'s intention is obvious. He forces Duan Zhanlong to deal with Xia Qingchen.

Originally, Duan Zhanlong planned to deal with it in a low-key way. Large and small petrochemicals may not be in trouble with Xia Qingchen.

Wu Yuan was not willing to poke things out and expose them to the world.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for Duan Zhanlong to do nothing.

"My Lord, this Wu Yuan is too presumptuous. Do you want to..." the third housekeeper made a fierce look.

Although the preaching hall is directly under the management of the national preaching hall, Tianxing city can\'t manage him, but the county magistrate is better than now, isn\'t he?

You are in Tianxing city. As the city leader, there is still a way to cure you.

Duan Zhanlong said coldly, "is this the focus now?"

The point is to stir up the vortex of public opinion!

Such a hot news made him the center of discussion. Maybe even the emperor noticed the news, and even the monarch noticed it.

Duan Zhanlong points his finger on the record and is worried. At present, in the alternating era of the retirement of the upright old emperor and the ascendancy of the new emperor, as the Lord of one of the thirteen cities, the crown prince intends to replace it.

Last time, due to some reasons, the crown prince didn\'t make trouble and let him go.

But this time, if there is negative news, the prince may start.

"Then bring the young lady back immediately?" The third housekeeper was also aware of the seriousness of the matter.

This is not just a news, but related to Duan Zhanlong\'s life and destiny.

If you are a little careless, you may be doomed.

Duan Zhanlong pondered and weighed the left and right. Now he had to be careful and couldn\'t move rashly.

If you bring it back, you will sit down. Duan Xiaoqing runs to join the clean college without permission. Even her daughter can\'t control it. This is a scandal of Duan\'s family and will become the laughing stock of others.