Heart of Empire

Chapter 582 cost

"Stupid! Rick, you are so stupid!"

In the face of the young knight full of dissatisfaction in front of him, Jobdin was so anxious that he wanted to pull out his sword to kill him!

Especially when this young knight, called Rick, still had his neck tied and had no repentance. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

Seriously, if it wasn\'t for this kid, the head of the Templar Order, the grandson of Richard ’s paladin, Jobin immediately tied him up and gave it to the Hindlers. Already.

Aside, St. John the Chief Justice also said, "Rick, this thing you did is really wrong. Why do you do this kind of thing? Why provoke those undead?"

A young, paladin with blond hair and a heroic face, said angrily, "I\'ve had enough accusations! I\'m fighting for the Holy Light. I can\'t tolerate those unclean creatures in front of me, but I can only be gray Run away and let them wreak havoc on the land of God. The King of the Hindrells controls the undead with evil spells. What is the difference between him and the Church Cursed? You are my elders, The understanding should be deeper than mine, but I am ashamed of your cowardly behavior! There must be a battle between us and those filthy undeads, and this battle should be sooner than later! This is for the will of the Father! "

Rick, who didn\'t think about repentance, made Jobdin angry.

He had given up the thought of continuing to reason with this kid-not to mention, in fact, reasoning was useless. The lord waved his hand and motioned for the guards to come up.Rick didn\'t struggle.

It is true that although his strength is good, from a very young age, he stared at the title of a genius knight. At a young age, he has the strength of a sixteenth level knight. Although there is still a certain distance from the legend, but he has already It is a rising star, and over time, it will certainly become the pillar of the empire.

However, when the two legendary strongmen of Jobin and John were in front of him, he had no hope to break free anyway, so there was no need to make such an impossible attempt.

However, he was still upright before being dragged down by the guards.

After Rick was dragged away, the anger on Jobdin\'s face had not subsided. He held his forehead and complained, "This uneasy child ... what did the Hindler react to this matter?"

"We have not received any news in this regard, and the Hindlers have not contacted us."

"It might be a good thing," Jobin said, but he didn\'t even believe it.

John snorted and said, "But don\'t forget, His Majesty Dion, the legendary person with a bursting personality is difficult to deal with. Do you think he will not respond to this matter?"

"Six hundred undead, shouldn\'t it be anything?"

"But it is a very good excuse for others." The chief judge\'s face was cold.Jobdin was silent.

"Great lord!" Outside the tent, a guard\'s voice sounded.

"Come in."

A dusty soldier walked in from outside, and said in panic: "We have detected that the undead stationed north of the Silver and White Capital have moved. They ... seem to be coming towards us!"

Jobin pretended to be calm, "How many undead come to us?"

"They ... are out of the nest."

Not only was Jobin, but when he heard the words "Falling in a Nest", even the Chief Justice next to him couldn\'t hold his expression.

"What Dane wants to do!" Jobdin sighed angrily.

"Obviously, he is hostile to us. And if he thinks of things more badly, he may even take this opportunity to cross the Empire border directly."

Jobdin stood up and said, "Let the army set off immediately and march toward Changlu County. At the same time, inform the Pope of what is happening here and the Holy See must be prepared to deal with this disaster. In addition, John, I Old man, we have to write to Dion once to see if there is any solution to this. ""it is good."


In the end, Jobdin did not engage in the magic of communication with Dane. The news from the Hindlers clearly informed Jobin that Her Majesty Dane was very angry at the betrayal of the Holy Empire and did not intend to talk to him. The army of the Kingdom of the Hindler had already been dispatched, and the Holy Empire You must pay enough for this.

Jobin couldn\'t help it, he could only lead his army and withdraw to Changlu County as soon as possible.

The army of the undead is not moving fast. With 200,000 undead walking on the earth, there is no way to catch up with the Holy See army who fled.

Did not want to chase.

The undead army from the dark jungle, at an inherent speed, not at a slow pace, stepped towards the city of Hikaru.

In mid-April, the army of the undead led by Alan Till had already entered the territory of Changlu County.

In an instant, all the land outside the county town was occupied by the undead army.

In fact, in these places, the army of the Holy Empire did not take too much care to defend. They knew that it was impossible to hold it anyway.Even Jobin is already planning whether he wants to give up the county town of Changlu County.

But before that, what to do depends on the last communication with Her Majesty Dion.

This time, Dyne intends to accept the negotiation application carried out by the Holy Empire. After all, according to the Holy Empire, Her Majesty the Pope will personally communicate with Dion through communication spells this time, this face must be given anyway.

Of course, they did not want to continue the war, and Dane estimated that they must be prepared to take the bleeding back in exchange for the Hindler\'s strike.

Dane is going to see ~ www.novelbuddy.com ~ How much is the Holy Empire willing to pay and where is the bottom line?

The communication spell, in the hands of the mages, soon unfolded in front of Dion. An old man with a long white beard and wearing a gorgeous robe consisting of gold and white was in front of Dion.

This one should be His Majesty the Pope of the Holy Empire. "

"Good day, Your Majesty Dion."

"Good day, Your Majesty the Pope."

Regardless of what the two are thinking, at least greeting each other above, for the time being they are polite.Without making much noise in some boring places, Dane and the Pope soon got to the point.

The topic of how the war will proceed.

Dane took the lead in firing: "The Holy Empire must pay enough for previous attacks on our army!"
