Head Over Heels in Love

Chapter 266: People are here, the heart is not far away

What he meant, dare to love is the legendary verbal saying no, but the body is very honest?

Well, I admit he was right. For the experienced him, I was defeated.

"Acceptance of the body does not mean acceptance of the heart."

I was dubious, wishing the man to leave quickly.

"If you are here, your heart will not go far."

He was so rascal that I couldn't describe it. I gritted my teeth and looked at him: "Shameless."

Dare to love this partner only after I left with Gu Xining, I can't imagine what happened to the two of them.

"Wang Moshan said, you should be shameless to the woman you love."

His words instantly reminded me of the more shameless man, he must have caught up with Qin Ge in this way!

If I can leave, I must let Qin Ge clean him up!

This guy seemed to be playing for real. Just as I was thinking about how I should let this man leave here quickly, a soft female voice came into my ears.

"Miss Lin, are you okay? My elder brother is a little worried, let me come in and have a look."

I slander in my heart, even Gu Nanci's character, would worry about me? Gu Xining is afraid that Chu Xingzhi is with me, so come and have a look?

"Your Miss Gu is here."

I glanced at him and said coolly.

I don't believe that this servant can continue after hearing Gu Xining's voice!

But obviously, I made a mistake.

Even if he heard Gu Xining's voice, he never let go of me and let me leave.

"Chu Xingzhi!"

I lowered my voice and called his name to remind him that Gu Xining was still standing outside!

If Gu Xining really ran into the picture of me and him in the women's room, what would it be? What does he think of me? !

This feeling makes me feel terrible.

Gu Xining's footsteps seemed to be getting closer and closer to the toilet compartment where I was. As her footsteps approached, my heart beat faster and faster, and it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest.

"What are you afraid of?"

His calm eyes seemed to say that I was making a fuss.

His words stunned me.

What am I afraid of? Obviously he broke into the women's toilet and shackles me in it, but the person who was afraid became me.

"Are you sure you want to be seen by Gu Xining like this?"

My voice became a bit cold. Since he is not afraid anymore, what am I afraid of?

For the rogue, you have to be more rogue than the rogue.

"It's okay."

When he said these two words, I looked at him with a calm expression on his face, and it seemed that he really didn't care about it.

I opened the toilet door directly. I thought he would stop me from moving, but it turns out that he never reached out to stop me when I opened the toilet door.

I even feel that he really wants me to do this.

As soon as the toilet door opened, I met Gu Xining's surprised eyes.

She immediately covered her mouth with her hand, and her eyes quickly turned red, as if there was liquid condensing in her eyes.

"You, you know what you do"

The look of her bewildered made me frown.

I never thought that Gu Xining was a simple girl. After all, the person who could replace Nan Sheng also experienced competition in the Gu family.

Some of Gu Xining's small actions even made me feel that she was imitating me.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be here. Sorry."

Before Chu Xingzhi and I could speak, Gu Xining covered his mouth and turned to leave.

Looking at her figure, she seemed to be sobbing.

"She is really tolerant."

Obviously she could question the two of us at this time, or even make accusations, but Gu Xining did not do so.

Even Nan Sheng, I am afraid he can't control his emotions so well.

"Me and her, there will be nothing."

Chu Xingzhi's voice was very weak, so weak that it made me feel that he was joking.

There was a sweetness spreading in my heart, I deliberately ignored this feeling, I was afraid it was just my illusion, or just a temporary comfort.

"Really? You don't need to tell me about these things."

Affected by his words, my voice is not as confident as before.

I glanced around. Although no one came in for the time being, there were so many guests at the dinner today, and there might be others coming in.

It would be really ugly to be hit by the time.

"Are you sure you want to stay in the women's toilet all the time?"

I looked at him and motioned for him to look around.

I found that today, I really have the ability to achieve what I want.

Before thinking about whether Gu Xining would appear, I heard her voice. I was just thinking about whether I would be hit by other people when I heard the sound of high heels.

Moreover, it is getting closer.

"Are you really going to be the focus of everyone's discussion? You lunatic!"

Today, all the people who came to Haicheng were savvy people. If Gu wants to win the Haicheng project, I will have to interact with most of the guests at the banquet today.

If the story about me and Chu Xingzhi in the women's bathroom were spread out today, I would not dare to imagine what kind of jokes they would make at dinner with them.

I urged him to leave, but he was unmoved. Seeing his calm expression, I became more and more mad.

This man really has the ability to drive me crazy no matter what.

"Chu Xingzhi!"

I gritted my teeth and called his name again. I can't count how many times he broke my emotions.


He raised his eyebrows, his dark eyes with a slight smile.

At this time, is he still smiling?

The sound of high heels got closer and closer, and I could even hear the other person talking outside.

If I remember correctly, that person should be the wife of Chuang Ju. I had a few words with her before, and she seemed to be interested in some gossip.

It happened that such a person scared me even more.

I can almost imagine what happened between me and Chu Xingzhi, ten minutes later, everyone in the banquet hall will know.

"I'm afraid I'm afraid it will do?"

Why is this man still struggling with the question of whether I am afraid or not? I'm really speechless.

"Today's Banquet"

The voice was so close that you could hear the content of Mrs. Zhuang's chat. At this moment, I grabbed Chu Xingzhi, dragged him into the corner, and blocked me.

I thought that Chu Xingzhi's generous body could block me more or less?

Who knows, the moment I pulled Chu Xingzhi over, he already sealed my lips!

The sudden soft touch made my mind stagnate for a moment. I stared at the man in front of me, how could he be so shameless? !

With an obvious smile in his eyes, I was convinced that I would not speak.

"You, you"

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Zhuang Ju's voice was full of shock.

At this time, Chu Xingzhi slowly turned his head to look at her: "Is there something wrong?"

The straightforward appearance seemed to be Mrs. Zhuang Ju's going to the wrong toilet.

(Six changes today, 10:10 next)