Head Over Heels in Love

Chapter 181: Trapped in a mountain village

I looked at Chu Xingzhi helplessly, and couldn't believe that he would act so naively.

After thinking about it, I still didn't expose him: "Good night."

There is still a lot of work to be done tomorrow. During this time, in order to restore the reputation of Wanding, Chu Xingzhi has also invested a lot of resources in public welfare.

Tomorrow, I will go to the Mountain Village Hope Primary School near Beicheng for a groundbreaking ceremony. Chu Xingzhi has already invited many media to attend.

Tomorrow is absolutely not allowed to be late, otherwise everything you did before will be wasted.

"good night."

With contentment in Chu Xingzhi's eyes, he finally left.

I closed the door, thinking about the figure I saw before, maybe this is a good thing for Zhensheng.

When break, break.

After taking a shower, I just lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

After getting up at six in the morning and having breakfast in the hotel, Shen Ran and I went to the hotel lobby, waiting for Chu Xingzhi.

After he got there, we drove to a mountain village near Beicheng.

The environment of North City is relatively backward compared to Port City, mainly because there are many big mountains around North City.

The mountains surround the North City. Compared with the North City, the environment in the mountains is worse.

In order to be able to study in the city, many children in the mountains walk many mountain roads every day and take minibuses to the city. Some families even choose to let their children drop out of school because they cannot afford the transportation costs.

In order to solve these children's reading problems, Chu Xingzhi established a Hope Primary School in the middle of these mountains in the name of Wanding.

Today is the foundation stone laying ceremony of this school.

As the representative of Wanding, Chu Xingzhi was responsible for attending the groundbreaking ceremony. Also present were the city leaders of Beicheng, and the township and town leaders of this mountain.

The number of reporters here this time is more than the number of reporters who attended the press conference last time.

This is considered to be the first time that Wanding’s representative attended such an occasion after the Wanding accident, and this time it was for charity.

Although everyone knows that most of the elements of show, this kind of behavior does benefit the local people.

The weather today doesn't seem to be too good. When we reached our destination, it was already covered with clouds.

Originally planned to change the date and hold the foundation laying ceremony, but Dong Fu emphasized that the Feng Shui master had calculated this date and decided that it would be good for Wanding.

In desperation, we could only rush over.

When we were about to hold the groundbreaking ceremony, there was already a heavy rain in the sky. The reporters only had time to take a few photos and then went back for business.

Originally we planned to leave, but the enthusiastic leaders insisted on staying us, saying that the villagers were grateful to Wanding for this move, so they decided to invite us to dinner.

If it is a change of usual times, Chu Xingzhi will definitely choose to refuse, but there are leaders related to the East District project among the city leaders who came today, and Chu Xingzhi can only agree to it.

After a lunch, it lasted almost three hours.

At the dinner, the leaders took turns to toast. Although Shen Ran helped block the wine, Chu Xingzhi and I drank a lot.

Fortunately, the driver was always on standby in the car. When the meal was over, we immediately asked to leave here.

Just when we were about to leave, the driver started the car, and the village leader stopped our car: "Mr. Chu, it’s not easy to go when it rains in the mountains. In addition, it has rained a lot in the past few days. Worried that this mountain road is muddy and prone to accidents, why don't you leave until the weather is clear?"

Most of the mountain villages here are yellow mud. Once it rains, the roads tend to become muddy and the wheels tend to get stuck in them.

More importantly, once the rain is too heavy, it is easy to develop into debris flow.

But tonight, Chu Xingzhi had a very important meal related to the East District project. If he does not go, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble.

There was a hesitant look on my face. I knew the importance of the dinner tonight, but now safety is still very important.

"President Chu, why don't you take a rest for the night and leave tomorrow?"

I have seen the weather forecast before, and it will start to clear tomorrow, so I should be able to leave here.

"Dong Wan's dinner at night, don't miss the appointment."

Before the incident, Wan Dong's patience with Wanding became increasingly insufficient. If this dinner is missed, I am afraid that Wan Dong will have a lot of trouble to deal with.

"I know, but President Chu, you watched the rain getting heavier and heavier"

What I worry about is his safety.

"It's okay."

He looked at the driver Wang: "Drive carefully later."

Lao Wang can only nod his head: "Okay."

Seeing that the village leaders couldn't keep Chu Xingzhi behind, they could only tell the driver Wang to be extremely careful.

As the leaders watched, we left the village and drove in the direction of Beicheng.

As the leaders said, this road is very difficult. More importantly, there is a growing trend of rain.

When I was sitting in the car, I could hear the pattering sound of rain falling on the window. It sounded a little frightening. I always felt that these raindrops could smash through the window.

Chu Xingzhi sat in the back seat looking at the documents unmovedly, not worried about the safety of the road at all.

Shen Ran and I look out the window from time to time, always worried about what will happen.

Just after we drove halfway, we had to pass a very muddy mountain road. This section of the mountain road is a bit steep, and there are not many green trees on the surrounding mountains.

When we drove past, there were already a lot of mud and stones blocked in front of us, so that the driver Wang could only detour.

"Mr. Chu, the road ahead is getting more and more difficult to open, do you want to find a place to take a break?"

Watching the road conditions getting worse, Lao Wang couldn't help but ask.

"The nearest village is also some distance away. That part of the journey may not be better than going to the North City."

Chu Xingzhi frowned, and what he said was indeed correct.

There are no villages around here, and even if there are, it may not be better than the road to Beicheng.

As long as you drive this section of the road, it is a road that has been repaired, so you don’t have to worry about going back.

It's just this section of the road that really requires great risks.


Lao Wang could only respond helplessly and continue to drive forward.

The car was still moving forward slowly, and when I was about to embark on the highway, I just breathed a sigh of relief when there was a sudden rumbling noise, and the road in front was blocked, and my heart panicked instantly.

"Mr. Chu, there may be a landslide ahead, and this road is completely blocked."

Lao Wang turned his head and looked at us, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

It seems that God won't let us go today.

Chu Xingzhi frowned: "How long will it take to get to Beicheng?"

"There are about fifteen kilometers left."

Lao Wang looked at the navigation, his face was full of worry.