He Dotes On Me Too Much

Chatper 532

He Chaoyun laughed, and avoided it with a smirk on his face, stretched out his fingertips to touch his cheek: "I don\'t like those vulgar fans, I only like you."

Before he touched it, Pi Luoluo squatted down angrily and avoided it.

She warned him sharply: "I tell you, this kind of thing requires your willingness, otherwise as long as one party refuses, the other party will be charged with crimes! You are the upright president of the He Group, don\'t act like this Abusive means okay!"

He Chaoyun paused for a moment, looked at Pi Luoluo with a cold expression, "Who are you talking about?"

Pi Luoluo gritted her teeth, pursed her lips on purpose, then stiffened her body a little, and forced herself to shed a few crystal hot tears: "I really don\'t want to do this, you say you love me, but every time you Hurt me every time, do you consider my feelings..."

He Zhaoyun quietly looked at Pi Luoluo.

Seeing the expression of the person in front of him, Pi Luoluo was a little moved, and sighed softly.

He simply stood up again, and stomped his foot on the floor viciously: "If you insist on messing around, at worst, I will follow you! When the time comes, I will let all of you see me for the last time!"

"Are you threatening me?" He Zhaoyun was silent for a moment, his voice becoming a little colder.

On the contrary, Pi Luoluo smiled happily, and raised his voice: "I didn\'t threaten you, but I seriously thought about what I should do after being bullied by you. I really hate this kind of thing that you don\'t love and I don\'t want to, and it\'s troublesome. You respect me!"

Seeing Pi Luoluo who was on guard in front of him, He Chaoyun looked displeased.

He finally withdrew his hand, turned around feeling lonely and displeased, and left: "Okay, I\'ll let you go today, you chose it yourself, someone, send Miss Pi Luoluo to the warehouse to rest!"

When Pi Luoluo heard it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Watching He Zhaoyun leave, another bodyguard came and took her into the warehouse.

Because the villa is relatively small, the space of the warehouse is also very small. Fortunately, when I entered, I saw the abandoned sofa in the warehouse at a glance.

Zhou Xulin was also lying on it, and when she saw Pi Luoluo\'s expression happy, she struggled to get up: "Are you back? Are you okay? Did He Chaoyun say when to let the two of us go?"

"Everyone has been arrested. If you don\'t ask for anything, do you still expect to be released immediately?" Pi Luoluo sat beside Zhou Xulin weakly, rubbing his growling stomach, feeling a little worried.

It\'s okay for her not to eat, but she\'s just pregnant, what should she do with the baby in her stomach?

Turning his head to glance at the woman next to him, he thought that He Chaoyun might be angry and didn\'t want to cause new troubles, so he had no choice but to keep this secret in his stomach.

"It\'s true." Zhou Xulin followed Pi Luoluo with emotion, and leaned back on the sofa, sighing boredly.

Pi Luoluo looked around the warehouse.

Apart from the small sofa, there are discarded carpets, which are covered with dust, and some furniture that looks new but has been eliminated, none of which can be used for rest.

Take a look again, the lights in the warehouse are dim and yellow, and there are no windows, it feels a bit dull.

She felt that she was so uncomfortable all over, and with her hungry stomach growling, she became a little irritable for no reason.

"What\'s wrong with you?" Zhou Xulin looked at Pi Luoluo with a worried expression.

Pi Luoluo thought that this woman didn\'t tell the truth before, and when the two met, how could they meet He Chaoyun by such a coincidence? I can\'t help but feel a little more defensive in my heart.

She shook her head slightly: "I\'m so hungry that my stomach feels uncomfortable. Forget it, I\'d better find a way by myself."

He knocked on the door of the warehouse, discussed with the bodyguards, and asked for some water and food.

The bodyguard turned around and applied to He Zhaoyun.

He Zhaoyun was also very happy, and brought milk, bread and two fast food.

When the two little girls saw it, they almost gobbled it up.

After all the food was wiped out, Zhou Xulin sincerely thanked Pi Luoluo: "Without you, I\'m afraid I\'d starve to death too. You\'re not feeling well. Go sleep on the sofa. I\'ll go to the carpet over there."

"Let\'s be half of us." Pi Luoluo glanced at the dusty carpet, thinking that there was no way to sleep there.

But Zhou Xulin didn\'t have the slightest pretense of Miss Da. She walked over and sat down, leaning against the wall: "No need, your place is too crowded and you can\'t lie down yet. I just stretch my legs here."

"I remember you are younger than me, right? In fact, I always wanted a sister or sister who loves each other, but unfortunately, my elder brother is right, I have always been lukewarm." Zhou Xulin looked at Pi Luoluo.

Pi Luoluo smiled softly: "I\'ve always hoped to have a sister who loves each other, but unfortunately, the one brought back by the stepmother is not a sister at all."

Speaking of it this way, the two feel a sense of sympathy for each other.

However, she still felt that Zhou Xulin seemed to be much more pitiful than herself. After all, she and Zhou Meimei were not related by blood, but Zhou Xulin and her elder brother were real brothers and sisters.

Zhou Xulin sighed and said nothing.

Pi Luoluo also fell on the sofa, thinking that that person would not mess around tonight, so he closed his eyes to get sleepy, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and tried his best to protect the baby inside.

Jinling City, the dead of night.

Shen Yurong tightly held the exquisite crystal goblet in his hand, drank sip after sip of red wine, trying hard to suppress the anxiety in his heart.

The people sent out came wave after wave, but there was no news of Pi Luoluo, and all the clues were broken at the place where the bodyguard fell into the river.

The housekeeper saw Shen Yurong standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and brought a cup of hot milk: "Master, I know you are waiting for news from the young lady, why don\'t you take a short nap first? If there is any news from Special Assistant Shi, I\'ll wake you up right away."

"No need." Shen Yurong put the red wine on the small round table next to him, and said expressionlessly.

The butler was well aware of his young master\'s temperament, so he didn\'t dare to say more, put the milk aside, and quietly withdrew.

And Shen Yurong continued to stand in front of the French windows, looking at the deep sky, clenched his fingertips secretly.

When Shi Xi knocked on the door and walked in, he noticed the strong murderous intent in his brows just from his stern face, which was especially terrifying.

He said cautiously: "Young Master Shen, there is news from Zhanchi."

"Say." Shen Yurong turned around coldly and dignifiedly.

Although the tone sounds neither urgent nor slow, all the anxiety and uneasiness are hidden in this word.

Knowing that his boss is a person who knows how to restrain himself, Shi Xi secretly admired him, and hurriedly said: "He Chaoyun looks like he is alone, but in fact, in the old house of the He family, there is another person who lives secretly. The old man, I heard it is his grandfather."