Hazure Skill ‘Mapping' wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Saikyou Party to Tomo ni Dungeon ni Idomu

138 Chapter 136 Later

In clear cloudless weather, the faces of the \'Arrivers\' returned to the city of Purif.

Among them, of course, are the appearance of young priests.We were able to get back the cat safely.

After I finished my battle with Suez, I was unlikely to be able to scratch the eyes of the guards on my own, and I would be clutching my hands in an empty room that was not popular.

There was a sudden earthquake and the church was in a hurry.

There was also a hole in the security detail, and at that time, I was able to join the neme that came out of the room.

It wasn\'t that hard to join Roslia and Sophie.

Apparently, the earthquake occurred when Roslia activated the core of the fortified city where she slept.

I certainly ordered the chaos, but I didn\'t think it would disturb the church that far.

It is true, however, that this helped to distract the guards, and it is also true that the hidden passages that emerged as a result of the activation of the fortress enabled Roslia and the others to escape safely.

When the four of them meet, activate the Transfer Gate.He flew under Erin, who was opening the other gate, and fled out of town.

By the time we get to the city of Puriff, we haven\'t been able to confirm the presence of the pursuers who are targeting us.

According to information gathered along the way, it appears that the city of Bisril has regained the function of a fortress city.

The Bithrill fortress was built by a hero who symbolizes the country.

Once it has returned for the first time in hundreds of years, it is no wonder that the whole country has become a festival.

The locals spoke cheerfully on the road, and stalls and taverns were flourishing.

The whole country was covered in a bright mood, which might have made it a peaceful world for the time being without the Virgin.

"Still, why am I asking...?"

While sitting on the sofa in the living room, Roslia groans at the newspaper she got along the way.

Looking from the side, Roslia\'s name was written small on the end of the newspaper.

"Because Roslia does what she wants....."

Sophie looks at Roslia with a grudge.

"Did you put magic into the fortress city?But thanks to that, Bithrill is a festive town.If so, isn\'t it better to be honored rather than wanted? "

"I don\'t know. Because of Roslia, I have even been appointed.what an excuse to His Highness Leifa..... "

"Don\'t be so depressed.The princess will take care of it. "

"Why is Lord Reifa negotiating and speaking on the assumption that he will do something about our nomination?I\'m telling you never to drop Roslia\'s nomination. "

"Am I too thin?"


As they laughed at each other\'s conversations, Sophie\'s sharp eyes punctured us.

"Why is Notebook laughing?I mean, it\'s the same as the notebook that broke into the church.Why aren\'t you asking? "

"Isn\'t that the difference between being involved in Roslia or not...?"

"It\'s unreasonable. I\'ll talk to His Highness Reifa and we\'ll negotiate a notebook for him."

"Don\'t try to sell my people, man."

Apparently, Sophie has a lot of dissatisfaction with eating Roslia\'s collateral.

I was hoping that a serious Sophie would be able to grasp Roslia\'s lead, but this time Roslia has outperformed the runaway power.

The Force opens its mouth as it stares at her as she seeps tired.

"I knew you were right to follow Erin..."

Were you able to fulfill the Revenge to Cardinal Fuge?

"Oh, I beat him up this time."

Apparently, the Force was able to perform a snowfall at the party house.

That\'s Cardinal Hooge with Suez in his pocket.

The decision to go under Erin, the backbone of the operation, was accurate, but at the end of the day, he mistakenly saw the power of the Force and failed to catch us.

"Now we can finally get back to dungeon tactics."

Erin says the Force claps his hands with a bright voice.

"No, not yet. We have your broken sword."

"If that\'s the case...I\'ve fallen out of my head over my neck.... "

"Don\'t forget yourself."

Well, what if we were looking for it while exploring the dungeon?

There are still many magical objects sleeping in the dungeon.

It will take time to find a sword commensurate with the Force.

Although there is still a pile of things to do, the problem has been solved for the time being.

Neme, who had not returned to the party house for more than a month, bowed in a flash.

"Thank you all for coming to help Neme.Thanks to this, we can return to the dungeon strategy. "

"Of course, if you\'re in trouble, you can help."

It was the Force that answered first.Continue to open Erin\'s mouth.

"You can\'t attack a dungeon without a neme."

"I know your sister was the most enthusiastic about the dungeon."

My next speaker was Roslia. [M]Keep your chest open.

"No, you can thank me even more.I accept as many rewards as I can. ”

"Read the air. Roslia should learn a little more humility."

Sophie penetrates Roslia, trying to tear up the neme.

It was good for Roslia to brighten up this slender atmosphere, and I appreciated Sophie\'s presence as a stopper for Roslia.

"I\'m glad Neme\'s back."

"Thank you, Sophie."

Neme bowed again and looked at everyone\'s faces and said.

"Once upon a time, Neme said he wanted to dominate the dungeon to meet God."

"That\'s what you said."

"But I don\'t think I need to see God right now."

"Eh, that means I\'m quitting the dungeon strategy."

It was Erin who responded loudly.

Neme replies with a bitter smile to her who takes too honest a reaction.

"It\'s too early. Please listen to me until the end."

"I mean, isn\'t that how it works?"

"I don\'t know how you saw it, but it\'s like saying such a thing from Neme\'s expression.You should try to guess a little bit more. "

"Is this just me being dull?"

Following Roslia\'s remarks, Erin nodded when he saw everyone\'s faces.

There was a maid knight leaning his neck, but he kept an eye on it.

"So, what did Neme want to say?"

Erin coughs when the punishment seems bad.

Neme said while holding her small fist.

"I want to continue my Dungeon offensive!I want to make my dream come true with everyone, and I wonder what\'s waiting for me at the bottom of the dungeon! "

"That\'s the same for me."

It was the Force that followed Neme\'s remarks.

"At first, he said he wanted to attack the dungeon because he wanted to, but honestly, it doesn\'t matter now.I just want to have an adventure with you and make my dream come true with Jin. "

"I don\'t think that\'s what the Force said..."

"No, I\'ve often been able to talk to girls who have been on the road lately.Do you think it would be better if I kept quiet? "

"I\'ve ruined everything with one word just now...."

Maybe this kind of thing hasn\'t changed much as before.

Even if humans look different, the fundamentals aren\'t much different.

"I don\'t care about the magician\'s gift anymore.I know what it\'s like to be a nerd. "

Leaning against the wall, Erin opened her mouth.

Roslia asks, pointing her finger at her mouth.

Well then, why are you conquering the dungeons now?

"Why... why... why...?"

"Why is it questionable?"

Roslia pointed at Erin as she questioned her and pulled her sleeve.

"Look, Notebook! There are people who are not motivated to attack the dungeon!That kind of person disrupts the party circle.Let\'s get you out of here now! "

"Why do you have to leave?People who try to kick people out of the party are more disruptive! "

"Thank you so much for everything.I\'ll never forget about Erin.... guzz "

"Don\'t cry like shit!I won\'t quit even if I have an emotional vibe! "

Somehow, these two haven\'t changed much since we first came to the party.

Are you close or not?Perhaps it\'s bad, but these two arguments also seem to be necessary for the "Arrivals" now.

"Why do you keep on fighting the dungeons?"

"Of course, that\'s because I\'m with Notebook."

That\'s what Roslia said, hugging me from the side.

Soft feeling and warm body temperature are transmitted over the arm.

"That\'s not good! That\'s what I wanted to say!"

"No, first come first served."


"Well, that\'s all for now, isn\'t it?"It\'s fun to dive in the dungeon with you. "

I didn\'t think Roslia would say that.

As usual, Roslia became Roslia and took care of the "Arrivals".

"I\'m no longer doing this for His Highness, but everyone in The Arrivals owes me, and I want to continue my life here even more."

"So, Sophie. What about Notebook?"

Roslia asks as she strengthens her arms.

I wonder. The reason why I attack the dungeon.

In order to change myself, which I hated, I entered the "Arrivals" and set the goal of dungeon domination.

But I\'m not what I used to be.

I can\'t decide for myself whether this change is good or bad, but I didn\'t hate myself as much as I used to.

Still wanting to explore the dungeons is probably because I like the dungeon strategy.

The scary, painful, and deadly dungeon strategy could be enjoyed from the bottom of my heart with these people.

"I thought you liked dungeon tactics."

"Notebook thought so."

Everyone may have strayed from their original purpose, but the goal of the Reachers (Albers) remains the same.

Unprecedented dungeon domination. Towards that dream, the party members are in line, and the "Arrivals" are at their peak.

What is the view waiting for the next level?All I had to do was inflate my chest with expectations.