Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 97: Malfoy

Chapter 97 Malfoy who never leaves

"We must work harder this year, and we will win the championship." Wood clenched his fists and shouted, "Now let\'s go and put the new training plan into practice." Then he grabbed the broom and took the lead out of the locker room.

It’s a good boost, but everyone is still listless. Although they are members of Quidditch, their lives are not just Quidditch games, the school\'s daily courses are also very heavy.

They spent too much time in the locker room, and when everyone came to the training ground, the sun had already risen high. Harry couldn\'t believe it when he saw Colin also in the stands. "Wood has spoken for so long, and Colin hasn\'t left yet."

This is something that makes people unhappy, and there are also things that make people happy. Harry saw Ron and Hermione. They didn\'t leave him, but watched his training together.

"You haven\'t finished training yet?" Ron asked incredulously. When he slept drowsy in the morning, he vaguely knew that Wood had called Harry away early. When he got up when he was full, he also saw the note left by Harry.

He also happened to meet Hermione while eating in the big dining room. After breakfast, the two of them also brought some bread and jam as snacks, and they came to Harry together.

"Wood talked about a lot of new tactics, and he hasn\'t started training yet." Harry looked at Ron and Hermione with envy. They were sitting in the stands, eating snacks, and he even had breakfast. Haven\'t eaten yet.

Although he was a little bit grumbling, he rode his own light wheel 2000, kicked his legs on the ground, and flew. The cool and fresh air rushed over his face, and he felt refreshed, "No matter what tactics, he didn\'t fly briskly in the air to make people happy and uplifting."

Returning to the Quidditch Stadium in the new school year, Harry found a feeling of being in water. He was flying high in the sky, quickly flying around the stadium, more than one teammate after another.

"It\'s so comfortable." Harry slowed down and opened his hands, feeling like he was flying, even though he was already flying.

"Where did the click sound come from?" asked Fred, who followed from behind.

Harry looked towards the stand subconsciously, as expected. Colin climbed to the top row of seats, held the camera high, and kept pressing the shutter. Taking pictures one by one, in the empty and quiet stadium, the sound of the shutter seemed very abrupt.

"Look here, Harry." Colin raised the camera with one hand and waved with the other.

Harry tried to hit the wall like a sap in the chest.

"Who is that person?" Fred hadn\'t seen that person, and guessed it was a freshman.

"I don\'t know." Harry didn\'t dare to admit that he knew Colin at this time. It was too embarrassing. He had no face and continued to stay, speeding up and leaving Colin far.

"What\'s going on?" Wood also speeded up, and he frowned. He had just made a new plan, and was about to use it as a secret training to do a lot of work. "Why is that freshman taking pictures? Secret training, he is probably a spy of Slytherin, who wants to spy on our training plan."

"He is a freshman in Gryffindor." Harry hurriedly explained that although Colin is an uncomfortable fellow, after all, he is his admirer, not a bad person.

"Slytherin people don\'t need spies, Wood." Fred muttered.

"How do you know they don\'t need it?" Wood was a little angry. He had great expectations for his training plan. This is what he came up with after spending a long time in the summer vacation. As a result, everyone didn\'t care. Now he met someone taking pictures.

"Because Slytherin\'s came by himself." Fred pointed down disapprovingly.

Several people in green robes walked into the stadium, all holding broomsticks in their hands.

"I can\'t believe it. I have covered the stadium today. I want to see what they want to do." Wood lowered his angry voice.

He rushed to the ground, too fast, and he was a little unstable even when landing. Harry and Fred fell beside him, confronting the Slytherin players together.

"Flint." Wood yelled at the Slytherin captain, "It\'s our training time, you guys give me out."

Marcus Flint seems to be of troll blood. He is taller than Wood, with a sly look on his fierce face, "The court is huge, Wood."

Angelina, Alia and Katie also rushed over, and the Gryffindor players stood in a row, glaring at each other.

Slytherin’s team has no girls, and their players stand side by side in a row, with Slytherin’s characteristic arrogance on their faces, squinting at the Gryffindor players.

"I have already covered the court." Wood yelled, "I have already covered here."

"Oh!" Flintra increased his tone, with a frivolous tone. "But I have a note specially signed by Professor Snape. Professor Snape allowed us Slytherin to train on the court today to train our new seekers. ."

"You have a new seeker?" Wood\'s attention was immediately caught by this sentence, which is big news, "Who is he?"

A small boy flashed out from behind six tall and burly teammates~www.novelhall.com~ His pale face with the characteristic Slytherin arrogance, it was Draco Malfoy.

"Isn\'t this Lucius Malfoy\'s son!" Fred said with a look of disgust. He still remembered the fight between his father and Lucius at the Lihen Bookstore.

"Since Mr. Lucius Malfoy was mentioned." The Slytherin players smiled even more triumphantly, "Then let you see and see, Mr. Lucius generously gave the Slytherin team a gift."

Seven people raised their broomsticks in front of them, and seven brand new, beautifully-lined flying broomsticks, all printed with the golden word "Light Wheel 2001", reflecting golden light in the sun.

"The latest model that just came out last month." Flint said smugly, and gently stroked the broom with his hand. "It is much faster than the old light wheel 2000 series. As for those old-fashioned Sweeping Seven Stars." He looked at Fred with contempt, holding an old Sweeping Seven Stars in his hand, "Sweep the floor with them."

Gryffindor players were also shocked by the seven light wheels 2001 in front of them. The broomsticks provided by the school are very old, and players with better financial conditions will bring their own broomsticks.

But these prices are not cheap, not to mention that Quidditch is only a sports game after all. Few parents are willing to buy the best broomsticks, and they prefer their children to spend more time studying instead of training.

Malfoy smiled happily, his indifferent eyes narrowed into a gap, and he silently said, "This is just the beginning." Looking at the Gryffindor players, especially Porter, Malfoy finally With a kind of uplifting sourness~www.novelhall.com~, you are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www.novelhall.com~ mobile phone users, please go to read.