Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 95: Harry's stupid fan

Chapter 95 Harry\'s Remnant Fan

"The space in the classroom will affect the release of the spell. Otherwise, a whirlwind would be a good choice to solve all the goblins at once." Harry remembered George\'s way of dealing with goblins in the Burrow, using a whirlwind spell. Turn all the goblins stunned.

"The wind spell is really good. The little goblin is light weight and suffers the most. Even if you can\'t use the whirlwind, simply disturbing the airflow can make them lose speed. The sonic spell will work well at this time. An amplifying spell , Sasser can make them all pass out."

Hermione also came up with some good methods. Although they couldn\'t be used this time, they could immediately remember the best method in similar situations.

"It\'s really good. We should think about how to deal with Malfoy in advance. Maybe we should think about how to deal with Malfoy in advance. I don\'t want to lose to him." Ron thought of his advantage. They are three people. Plan and prepare.

Harry and Hermione are also very bright. Who would want to lose to Malfoy. If you add them up in advance, do more preparation, and you can always improve your winning percentage.

The experience of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class made Harry and Ron also recover. They suddenly found that they were also quite strong, and they were both considered top students. In such a good mood, they have dealt with their homework and finally started to feel comfortable.

Homework started to go smoothly, and what still made Harry feel uncomfortable was that Guidro Lockhart was not hit by the Defence Against the Dark Arts class at all.

He still thinks that Harry and him are the same kind of people, and every time he sees Harry in the hallway, he will pull Harry to talk to him. It was as if the days when there were not enough admirers in the school made him a little lonely.

Every time Harry had to look at Lockhart from a distance, he quickly changed his way to hide. Besides Lockhart, he also needed to hide from another person.

Colin Crevey is a freshman in Graffindor who is enrolled this year. He is a timid and thin boy, just like Harry looked when he first started school.

The first time he saw Harry, he begged for an autographed photo of Harry. He comes from a family of ordinary people, because of the fluctuation of magic power, he has not been very gregarious since he was a child.

Now coming to the magic school, it is like entering a magical world, he is full of curiosity about everything. Seeing everything, he would take pictures with a camera hung around his neck, and said that they would all be sent to his father.

Harry is a great celebrity in this magical world, Crevey from a small town, the most amazing character ever. And as a classmate, Harry couldn\'t be unkind. This made Crevey, who had just left his hometown, been shy and not so gregarious, found spiritual sustenance.

He has become Harry’s most ardent admirer. He seems to have memorized Harry’s course schedule. Every day he "ran into" Harry seven or eight times on the road, just to meet him in person and say, " Hello, Harry." Hearing, "Hello, Colin." His face flushed and he was breathless with excitement.

He played such games endlessly, regardless of Harry\'s helplessness and discouragement every time he saw him.

Harry couldn\'t scold an admirer who was one year younger than himself, but he was also worried about being known by others that he already had his ardent admirer among the students.

Lockhart, in particular, would use a strange tone to pull him aside and teach him, and then he even believed that he and Harry were the same person.

Unknowingly, it was Saturday. Harry had said that he would go to see Hagrid with Ron and Hermione in the morning. But early in the morning, he was awakened by Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"What\'s the matter?" Harry asked with an unhappy expression, disturbing people to sleep is a heinous crime.

"Today is Quidditch training!" Wood hurriedly urged Harry, "Hurry up, get up."

"The genius just turned bright?" Harry tilted his head and looked out of the window. The pale golden sky was still covered by a layer of tulle. He couldn\'t help complaining, "Who opened the door for you early in the morning."

"Don\'t sleep, I have a new plan." Wood is in the sixth grade this year, and he will probably not stay on the team next year. He is bound to win this year\'s championship. There is a fanatic flame in his eyes, "During the summer vacation, I worked hard to make a new plan, and we will be able to defend the title this year."

Wood opened Harry\'s quilt, "The other teams have not started training yet, let\'s hurry up."

Harry looked helpless, yawned, and slowly got up from the bed. He was not awake yet, and slowly looked for his team uniform.

Wood can\'t wait to go to the court. The Quidditch spirit in his chest is burning fiercely. "I\'m going to the court first, and we will gather in a quarter of an hour."

Harry slowly found his team uniform and put on a cloak to protect against the cold. After leaving a note for Ron, he hurriedly walked out of the spiral staircase, carrying on his shoulders the light wheel 2000, which has served many times on the court.

He just walked to the hole behind the portrait, and he heard a rush of footsteps behind him, and it was Colin Crevy who also ran down. Around his neck, there is still a camera that never leaves the body~www.novelhall.com~ something is in his hand.

"Harry, I heard someone calling your name upstairs. Look at what I brought you, and the last photo was washed out." Colin said excitedly, waving the photo in his hand.

Harry stared at the man in front of him blankly. He would be caught by him so early in the morning, so don\'t he have any special hobbies. Harry froze in place, shivering.

"Look." Colin pointed to Harry as if offering a treasure.

Harry looked at his fingers dumbly. In the photo, a black and white Lockhart villain was pulling one arm vigorously, and the arm was hidden in the frame of the photo.

Harry was a little pleased that he was fighting hard in the photo, and he was not dragged out by Lockhart. "Maybe people can\'t tell that it\'s me in the photo." Harry looked at Lockhart who was gasping in the photo, and he had disappeared in the photo.

"Thank you for signing me," Colin asked sincerely.

"No." Harry immediately refused. He already felt embarrassed enough. After signing the name, he would be regarded as a narcissist like Lockhart.

"Sorry, Colin, I\'m still in a hurry. I must rush to the Quidditch stadium to train." Harry didn\'t want to continue talking to this crazy kid. He just wanted to get rid of this admirer quickly. He didn\'t hesitate to follow The portrait hole crawled out.

"Wait for me, I have never seen a Quidditch match before." The troublesome kid hurriedly followed.

"Don\'t, it\'s very boring." Harry hurriedly persuaded him. He didn\'t want to be stared at by this fanatical admirer even during training. His teammates would laugh at him to death~www.novelhall.com~ Welcome book friends to visit. Read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www.novelhall.com~ mobile phone users, please go to read.