Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 262: Happy Snape

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Chapter 262: Happy Snape

The huge monster was immediately covered with frost. The fierce and terrifying monster immediately looked like a clown in a box, unable to move.

It was another silver light beam, and the huge monster exploded, exploded into wisps of light smoke, and then disappeared.

"How could it be a basilisk?" Professor Lu Ping said painfully.

Then he thought of something again, and he moved his gaze behind him.

The calm and composed trio were holding their wands in battle, which was completely different from the rest of their weakened classmates.

He laughed self-deprecatingly, "I still underestimated the students\' ability. From your heart, Bogut found the monster that everyone is afraid of. It doesn\'t have to frighten others one by one. Just need to become a basilisk to frighten everyone."

"But we have retreated far too." Harry explained awkwardly.

"Bogut has a keen perception. It can not only know what people are most afraid of, but it can also detect the presence of a powerful crowd. A Bogut who has lived long enough and is smart enough can even know that everyone is afraid. s things."

Professor Lu Ping looked at the many fainted classmates, only to feel a headache.

His accident was not a small one. Although the students were not injured, the shock was enough to delay their studies for a few days. If anyone complained, he would be very troublesome.

The only good thing is that there will be no backup professor in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, and no one will fire him anyway.

"Professor, let\'s take our classmates to the hospital." Hermione asked carefully.

Harry and Ron began to try to wake up the classmates who had passed out.

This was only the first week of school, and it was already the second major accident. Unfortunately, it was the teachers they had contacted privately. It seems that the teachers who stick to them are easily unlucky, which makes them very embarrassed.


The accident in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class spread like wildfire. The happiest one was Snape. He has heard that Professor Lupin wants Bogut to become him and then wear Neville\'s clothes.

Fortunately, Lupin’s conspiracy did not succeed. Maybe it was because he was too stupid. Maybe it was because Neville was too stupid. It was the two of them who had lost their luck.

Most of Gryffindor’s third-year students were scared into the hospital by the basilisk, making Madam Pomfrey very busy. Fortunately, they were just frightened, they were far away, and they quickly eased over. It seemed that no one was going to be like Malfoy, pretending to be injured and trying to drive away the teacher.

Neville was in close contact, and Bogut became a basilisk. Fortunately, although he was timid, he seemed to be very nervous. He soon began to appear on campus again like an okay person.

Snape even had a good feeling for Neville. He patted Neville on the shoulder and said, "Longbottom, I have to say, as long as you appear in the enemy\'s camp, you are the most reassuring teammate. ."

Snape was in a good mood these days, and he hadn\'t even made things difficult for Neville.

Not only for Neville, Harry, Ron, and Hermione also experienced some relief from their torment in the Potions class.

They didn\'t know whether the ignorance curse had worked, or whether Snape was in a good mood recently, but anyway, as long as he wasn\'t made things difficult, the school life was always happy and joyful.

The shadow of the basilisk did not give everyone much fear, they quickly remembered that the basilisk had been killed by George. But it was the basilisk that really saw the basilisk, the basilisk that took up almost the entire house, that made them even more incredible.

They just stood in front of the false basilisk and had lost consciousness in fright, and the students of their same grade were already able to kill the basilisk.

An undercurrent of climbing and competition quietly surged in the academy. In the night fighting club, the training became more intense and hard.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he was not as pessimistic as Professor Lu Ping thought before that he was not rejected by his classmates.

In the next few classes, Professor Lu Ping never dared to take out Bogut. But the other courses are equally lively and exciting, and are completely under the control of Professor Lupin.

They studied and studied the little monster red hat, which is a kind of unpleasant little monster. They will look for places where blood flows, and they will lurk nearby.

In the guard towers of the castle, in the deserted battlefield trenches, they waited to attack those who lost their way, kill and plunder those who were injured.

They also studied Kabbah, a crawling aquatic creature that looked like a monkey with scales. They have webbed hands, and they are often used as water ghosts looking for the dead. They lurks in the pond and strangles the waders who break into their territory without knowing the depth.

The only headache for Hermione was that she chose the divination course. She was very troubled. Why couldn\'t the chosen course be given up. She is also very thankful ~www.novelhall.com~ She did not choose all courses.

Every time the class taught by Trelawney was a torment, Harry and Ron had no intention of accompany her to suffer, she could only go to this boring class alone.

Professor Trelawney explained all kinds of oblique shapes and symbols, allowing everyone to guess all kinds of random predictions.

She repeatedly emphasized that she could not teach the students anything. Only students who have a vision can comprehend the power of these prophecies. Hermione only agreed with the previous sentence.

"I shouldn\'t be stupid to think that as long as the courses offered by the school need to be studied. I\'m so stupid, why should I learn how to predict the future from the tea dregs?" Hermione shook her head and complained weakly. .

Ha said in a relaxed tone, "It is very fortunate that we finally met again. There is a course that academic masters will hate."

He immediately pointed to Hermione\'s wand and said, "Don\'t think about the unhappy things, you see that your patron saint\'s call has been affected."

"Call God to guard!"

Harry chanted the spell briskly, and a cloud of silver smoke rose from the end of the wand, turning into a fuzzy shadow.

He said lightly, "Maybe it won\'t be long before I can summon the physical patron saint."

Seeing Harry\'s progress, Hermione\'s tone was a little weak, "Why can\'t I summon the physical patron saint after practicing for so long."

The difficulty of the guardian god\'s spell surprised her. She has been learning the spell very fast all the time. She could immediately understand the teacher\'s explanation in class, and for the more difficult spell, she only needed a few days at most. But the curse of the guardian **** has really troubled her for a long time.

(To be continued.)

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