Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 196: The difference

Chapter 196

"Don\'t be George taught me." Ginny immediately waved her hands in a panic. She was startled by the kind elder\'s behavior in front of her.

Dumbledore said with a joyful look on his face, in a tone of approval.

"Others may be able to tell you something about what you should do. But only if you really strictly demand yourself and do the right things in the right way, you can truly become a trustworthy and dependent person."

Ginny took the initiative to take the wrong actions, which made Dumbledore very pleased. Compared with the actions and care of Ginny as a child, he seemed to underestimate them.

He looked at these energetic and responsible children in front of him, and truly saw the bright future of the magic world in them.

He thought for a while and said, "Then I think that copying the Ministry of Magic\'s dangerous sequence list should enable Miss Weasley to remember more dangerous items. I think you shouldn\'t mind this punishment."

"Don\'t mind, don\'t mind." Ginny nodded desperately. Compared with the mistakes she made, even the greater punishment is reasonable, let alone just copying a book.

Dumbledore bowed his head and discussed with Professor McGonagall, and continued, "Today\'s matter, I think it is worth holding a banquet to celebrate. But the students and teachers who were attacked will not wake up in a few days, so everyone can keep it. With this expectation, continue to be happy for a few days."

Seeing that everyone became happy too, he continued, "Mr. Weasley should send your sister to the school hospital now." He turned his head and looked at George, "Thank you for sending Miss Granger back to Griffin. Many lounges, I want to say a few words to Harry."

Everyone left the room and closed the door gently.

Ginny asked with some worry, "Harry will do nothing, right?"

"It should be the mysterious connection between him and Voldemort. Professor Dumbledore may check for him and give him the same advice. Don\'t worry."

George immediately uttered his guess, and he turned his head to look at Ron again, "When you get to the hospital, ask Madam Pomfrey to check Ginny. Many black magic items absorb human vitality and must be thoroughly checked."

Ron\'s face immediately turned pale, without a word, he immediately took Ginny and rushed towards the school hospital.

"She won\'t be okay?" Hermione asked with some worry, absorbing the vitality of human beings, and just sounding it could feel how evil it was.

"Nothing will happen, after all, she has long lost the magic book, and there is no abnormality during this period of time, and she can quickly recover after training." George said calmly, he remembered a lot of potions for replenishing vitality. There are various materials in the college’s greenhouse.

At this time, in Professor McGonagall’s office, Dumbledore took a chair from the fireplace, "Sit down, Harry."

Harry sat on the chair with his knees together, looking a little nervous. He didn\'t know why Professor Dumbledore would leave him alone. Whether it is to keep George or Ginny, it seems more reasonable than leaving him alone.

Dumbledore seemed to have noticed Harry\'s nervousness too. He comforted, "Don\'t be nervous, Harry, first of all, I want to thank you."

He said, "You must have shown absolute loyalty to me in the secret room underground. Only this loyalty can summon Fox to your side."

Harry blinked in surprise. What was going on, he didn\'t understand what Dumbledore was trying to say.

"If you don\'t understand, it\'s okay. I kept you here for this thing." Dumbledore said softly, and pointed to the scar on Harry\'s forehead.

Harry subconsciously touched the scar on his forehead. This time he understood. George once told him that this scar made him have a special connection with Voldemort.

"It seems that Voldemort and I do have some connection. We are both snakes and heirs to Slytherin. The Sorting Hat also said that I would be very good in Slytherin." Harry whispered. Looks a little nervous.

Then, his voice immediately became decisive again. He said, "But I won\'t give in because of these connections. I took the initiative to choose Gryffindor. I don\'t care about Voldemort\'s threat."

Dumbledore looked at Harry approvingly, a smile appeared on his face, and he reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder.

He said, "You are doing it right. This is where you are completely different from Voldemort. What expresses our true self is never a certain trait or a certain idea. It is our own choice, our action. Action and Choices make us more important than our talents and abilities."

He pondered slightly, and continued, "Like George, his talent is still above Voldemort. But as he said, when Voldemort was proud to be the heir to Slytherin, he investigated the secret room and summoned the basilisk. When attacking classmates."

"He founded a mutual aid society and gave other students a place to exchange learning experiences. He provided financial assistance so that poor students could get an equal opportunity for learning. I see all of this."

He added, "In fact, if I had that much money, I would do it."

Dumbledore blinked mischievously and said, "Compared with his magical talent, his talent for making money is as amazing as that, and this is actually what makes me most assured."

He said, “A person who can earn wealth through legitimate business ~www.novelhall.com~ must be a person who has made a significant contribution to society. After earning wealth, he is willing to use the wealth to help them and make more In terms of human happiness, such people will make the world a better place."

"Yes, George is a good man." Harry couldn\'t help but agree immediately.

George is a good man, and the change in Harry\'s life is from meeting George. He has friends and his body becomes strong and strong. He never had to go back to the Dursleys anymore, thinking of this made him feel much happier than Riddle.

"To describe it as a good person is actually a bit rude. He is a man who can really change the magic world." Dumbledore gave George a high evaluation.

As George once said, Dumbledore is not a dispensable person in the academy, and he never knew anything about the academy. On the contrary, if there are anyone in the college, they know the college the most and know the most. Then there is no doubt that this person must be Dumbledore.

After all, whether it is George\'s height and body shape or his academic performance, these are destined to be like a giant standing among dwarfs. The picture is unignorable and unbearable.

To be continued.