Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 194: return

Chapter 194

"It seems that Dumbledore has returned to the academy. Slytherin\'s pure-blood student encountered an attack and should have frightened everyone else." George said thoughtfully.

"This is great, Dumbledore is back to the academy," Ron said excitedly, and everything really ended.

He thought for a while, and continued, "It should be able to take a person!"

His tone was a little uncertain, the Phoenix at this time looked like an owl. But some things are taken for granted. After all, it is a Phoenix, which should be very powerful.

"It\'s a phoenix." Hermione said grimly. "Do you want the phoenix to drag you into the pipe? The pipe is so dirty that Phoenix won\'t go inside."

George coughed lightly and said, "Don\'t worry, the Phoenix won\'t get muddy water, and its magic power is enough to take several people."

"That\'s good!" Hermione changed her words immediately and said, "I want Phoenix to take me." Her face was full of excitement and eager to try. This was a close contact with Phoenix.

"Well, Hermione and Ginny hold on to Phoenix. Harry takes Ron." George arranged the next action.

Hermione and Ginny gripped the Phoenix\'s tail feathers tightly, and a magical force briskly swept across their bodies. They seemed to have been given a floating curse and floated gently. Phoenix took them to fly and flew towards the entrance of the cave.

George also followed on the broomstick, Harry and Ron followed closely behind on the flying broomstick.

They walked through narrow and crowded tunnels, turning around like a roller coaster. This is much faster than when they first came. It didn\'t take much time, they quickly returned to the water pipe that had just come down.

Without stopping, with a whirr, they flew up the water pipe again. This is a magical flying experience. Not many people will ride a flying broomstick through the tunnel and over the water pipe. If the water pipe is not that dirty, so much the better.

Hermione was still enjoying the surprise and excitement of flying with Phoenix, unconsciously, the journey was over.

They returned to the floor of the bathroom where the crying myrtle was.

The thrilling journey was over, and the pool covering the water pipe returned to its original position.

Myrtle looked at them timidly, and when they suddenly appeared, they whispered, "They are all alive."

"What do you mean by this disappointed look?" Harry sternly, he didn\'t expect to be welcomed in this way.

"Oh, yes, I\'m thinking, if you die, I can allow you to stay here." Myrtle said shyly.

"Who is going to die, who is going to stay here?" Harry said irritably.

"She fell in love with you, haha!" Ron couldn\'t help laughing.

Myrtle swished, turned into a shadow, rushed into the toilet and disappeared.

They left the bathroom and came to the empty corridor.

"Where are you going now, should you go to the teacher first, or go to the dormitory directly?" Ron asked, it was still dark all around, and it should be early morning. Should I go back to rest first, or notify the teacher first.

Harry pointed to the phoenix ahead, Fox did not leave, but waited for them in front, as if to take them there.

"Well, it seems we have to see the principal first." Ron yawned and said weakly. I was still full of energy just now in the secret room, but now once we are out of danger, everyone becomes tired.

They followed Fox all the way forward, and for a moment, they stopped outside Professor McGonagall\'s office. Harry knocked on the door, then pushed it open.

Everyone walked into the room and looked at the situation in the room. Professor Dumbledore was nodding at everyone with a kind smile and bright blue eyes. Next to him was Professor McGonagall. She was clutching her chest with a worried look on her face, until it was repeatedly confirmed that there was no one coming in.

Professor McGonagall whispered quietly, "Everyone is here, great, no injuries."

She went on to say, "Where have you been, what have you done, how can you act alone." Her tone still reveals weakness and weakness, and it seems that she has not been able to recover from the fear and shock.

George took out the skin of the basilisk from his pocket, spread it out in a corner of the room, and restored it to its original size. With this terrifying snake skin, he told the story this time.

"All life goes back to fifty years ago. Tom Riddle entered the school. He pretended to be different. He was able to talk to snakes since he was a child. After being sorted into Slytherin, he immediately put himself Become Slytherin\'s heir."

"He searched and found out the whereabouts of the secret room secretly, immediately awakened the basilisk in the secret room, controlled the basilisk and killed a female student."

"He attacked the female student and implicated the closure of the school, but he was afraid that he would return to the orphanage, so he immediately stopped the attack and blamed Hagrid."

"After Riddle stopped, he was not reconciled to his plan to fail, and he did not dare to continue the attack, so that the academy really closed.

"He made a piece of his soul and personality into a black magic book. Anyone who comes into contact with that magic book will be confused by him, and then open the secret room under his control and summon the basilisk to attack. "

As George spoke, he took out a crumpled, tattered diary from him.

Dumbledore leaned forward and looked at the diary carefully with his sharp and bright blue eyes. He frowned and said ~www.novelhall.com~ Except for it is torn and wrinkled, it looks ordinary, it seems you The black magic above has been destroyed. "

"This is really amazing." He said emotionally, "He is the best student at Hogwarts before you."

He continued, "Voldemort\'s original name was Tom Riddle. He went to Hogwarts fifty years ago and I taught him. I didn\'t expect his talent to be more terrifying than I knew. I didn\'t expect him when he was sixteen. I can strip my soul and create such a terrible magic item."

He raised his head slightly, pondering his own memory, and said, "He disappeared after graduation, wandering around and wandering around, he and the most evil dark wizard in the wizarding world are in groups."

"After many dangerous magic practices and experiments, he returned to the magic world as Voldemort. There is no one at this time who can associate him with the smart and handsome student chairperson at Hogwarts."

"He has caused many disasters and done many bad things in the magical world. It was not until he was defeated by Harry\'s mother that the magical world ushered in a respite. Now he is still hiding in the forests of Albania and wants to make a comeback."

To be continued.