Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 182: Phoenix Dead Egg

Chapter 182 Phoenix Dead Egg

"So don\'t be disappointed in yourself, don\'t lose confidence in yourself, your ability to confuse has not weakened. The only problem is that when you have no strength, you can never convince the strong by words."

George encouraged Riddle affirmatively, and gave a high evaluation of his performance, but this did not make Riddle happy.

Riddle felt cold in his heart, and couldn\'t help being angry, "You really treat me as dead."

"No, I didn’t treat you as a dead person, in fact, I didn’t want to kill you either. Compared to Voldemort, who was chaotic and crazy afterwards, at the age of sixteen, you are more like a wizard pursuing power. You are more qualified to be a A powerful wizard."

George\'s tone was very sincere, but what he said was completely inconsistent.

Even Riddle was a little confused. What is meant by sixteen-year-old him is more qualified to be a powerful wizard than Voldemort. But he understood it after all. George didn\'t intend to kill him directly, so what exactly did he want to do?

"If you think you can make me surrender, it\'s ridiculous. I won\'t lie to you at all. Even if you destroy this Horcrux, you can\'t defeat me. I will be back soon. The next time I meet , I will let you really see what a powerful wizard is." Riddle said fiercely.

His self-esteem made him not even think about it. Even if it was a Horcrux being destroyed, don\'t want him to bow his head.

"You are not just a Horcrux, of course I will not believe in your surrender. This is not my goal, I have a better way." George\'s face was filled with an unpredictable smile.

He did not speak, but took out a bright black gem from a velvet box. The gem was as black as the universe and as bright as a star.

When the gem left the box, it shone dreamily. Yingying shining shining on Riddle\'s illusory figure, filled his translucent figure with color, making him more and more like a real person.

"What is this?" Riddle felt frustrated again, and once again he found a completely unknown power in this lower grade student.

He could feel the horror of this power, and he whispered softly, "This light is like a kind of magic power, it is a bit like life force, it can penetrate into my illusory body. But it is not life force, I can distinguish it."

He lowered his head to think, and searched for the message of this power in his own memory, "Neither life nor death, nor death nor life. There is both the vastness of vitality and the desolation of death. I can feel its **** to the soul. , This should never be an obscure thing."

"It\'s really not a nameless thing, it\'s something that shouldn\'t exist." George stared at the dreamlike gem in his hand. Even though he had seen it many times, he couldn\'t help but fall over for its beauty.

"It\'s been so long and it\'s time to start. See you next time, Riddle."

George was holding a magic wand in one hand and a gem in the other, and he was muttering words, but not in the world.

Riddle only felt that this inexplicable language had directly pressed into his soul. It was obviously an illusory body, but it seemed to bear a heavy load, which made him almost unable to straighten his body.

In a trance, the gem seemed to have a huge gravitational force, like a black hole, pulling him inward. Riddle was sucked into a distorted light and color like a real shadow.

The empty room left his final exclamation, "Phoenix?" The voice contained curiosity and incredibleness.

"It can be guessed, the magic world is still too small." George played with the black gem in his hand.

After inhaling a gem of Voldemort\'s soul and personality, it did not seem to have changed. It seemed that compared to the power of the gem itself, the incomplete soul was insignificant and was not enough to change the gem.

Not the nameless thing, but the thing that shouldn\'t exist. Phoenix, also known as the Phoenix, is the representative of life. The phoenix is ​​immortal, even if it is old, it will be reborn in the fire.

Phoenixes are creatures insulated from death. They are elves of flames, elves representing life, and the ultimate in life. Therefore, there will be no dead phoenix, no phoenix bones, nor phoenix ghost.

Under the extreme of life, the phoenix is ​​a creature insulated from death. But the world always seems to be the opposite. There is only one possibility. In one case, the Phoenix is ​​no longer insulated from death.

The ultimate birth was interrupted by nature, and a phoenix egg that was born by nature could never hatch and turned into a mysterious gem for unpredictable reasons. This kind of extreme is called the Phoenix Dead Egg, it is obviously the extreme of life, but it has the purest power of death.

In the entire magical world, Phoenix dead eggs are non-existent. Just like the phoenix can hardly be domesticated, the dead phoenix egg, which is more mysterious and strange than the phoenix, can\'t be touched and held, and no one knows.

The only legend related to the dead egg of a phoenix is ​​also the underworld phoenix that has existed in the myth. According to the legend, this underworld **** has the power to manipulate life and death.

The dead phoenix egg in front of him is a famous magic gem in the wizarding world, called the "heart of death". All the people who claimed to have this magical gem died in the end. The magical gem disappeared without a trace, without any record.

George obtained this mysterious gem in Mr. Borkin\'s shop in Knockdown Lane. Even Bo Jin, the bold black wizard, sold this precious magic gem to George at a reasonable price like losing a hot potato.

This is extremely unusual. In fact, even if Bojin loves money, his most fundamental identity is also a wizard. This is exactly what George complained about the economic structure of the wizarding world~www.novelhall.com~ wizards are always wizards first. When they can exchange power, they will never choose money first.

This is the result of many years of notion that the wizarding world is economically backward. It is also because of the shaman’s thirst for power and discrimination against mortals for thousands of years.

Being able to make such a scheming dark wizard so scared that he had to act immediately, one can imagine how hot this gem is.

But again, just as Bojin knew, a powerful wizard who wanted to dig and restore ancient magic texts. They always think that they are different from others by nature. They believe that they can surpass countless wizards in history and can accomplish pioneering things that other wizards cannot.

They will not let go of all opportunities to gain strength because of any terrible rumors.

It is also with this absolute self-confidence, with the strength and abilities far superior to others, that George finally unveiled the true face of this famous "heart of death" in the magic world, and harvested the non-existent **** "Death of Phoenix egg".

(To be continued.)
