Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 176: Dumbledore was removed

Chapter 176-Dumbledore Is Deposed

"Hagrid, good evening." It was Dumbledore, who greeted Hagrid and walked in. His face was very serious, without the usual kindness and relaxation, behind him was a strange-looking man.

The stranger was short, squat, sturdy, messy hair, and anxious. Looking a little honest, but revealing a bit of cunning, it reminded Harry of his uncle.

The clothes on the stranger are also very strange, the pinstripe suit, the tie is bright red, the long black cloak, and purple pointed boots, the dark green top hat under the arm, the whole body looks like a hodgepodge same.

Ron whispered beside Harry, "That\'s my dad\'s boss, Minister of Magic, Connelly Fudge." Harry used his elbow to create pain and signaled Ron goodbye.

Hagrid’s face had turned pale, with sweat on his forehead, he sank back into a chair, looked at Cornelius Fudge, and looked forward to the novel Ww.uld looking at Dumbledore. .

"I\'m sorry, Hagrid." Fudge said in a clear and quick tone. "I\'m sorry, but I have to come. There have been three attacks in the academy. This is incredible. It has never been seen in 50 years. The Ministry of Magic must take action, and we cannot wait for more things to happen."

"It\'s really not me." Hagrid looked at Dumbledore pleadingly. "Yours, Professor Dumbledore, I didn\'t do these things."

"Connelly, I hope you, I totally trust Hagrid to have nothing to do with these things." Dumbledore frowned and said to Fudge.

"I don\'t want this either, Albus." Fudge shook his hands unnaturally. "Hagrid\'s record is not good for him. He has a criminal record. The Ministry of Magic can only take such measures. We have already contacted the school board. , They also agree with this move."

Dumbledore\'s blue eyes flashed with rare anger, and he said solemnly, "Connelly, you want, it\'s useless to take Hagrid from school."

"Then you have to think about it from my point of view." Fudge\'s tone looked a little heavy, he played with the top hat in his hand, "Don\'t I do it? I am also under a lot of pressure. The attack has been happening for several months. Up."

"We have not said anything, but now everyone is watching our actions. We must take action. If we find out that it is not Hagrid, he will immediately return to Hogwarts safely. I have not said a word. . But now, if I don’t take him away, they will regard my duty."

"Where are you taking me?" Hagrid said tremblingly. He had thought of a horrible place like hell.

Fudge didn\'t dare to look into Hagrid\'s eyes, and said vaguely, "It\'s very short, it\'s not a punishment, it\'s just to prevent accidents. If you catch another person, you will be let you immediately, and we will solemnly apologize for that."

"It\'s not Azkaban, right? There are many words in Wurong Novel." Hagrid asked in a hoarse and low voice. He didn\'t want to listen to these high-sounding nonsense. He just wanted to be taken where, is it that? A place like hell.

Before Fudge had time, someone was knocking on the door.

Dumbledore went to open the door, and all three of Harry covered their mouths with their hands to avoid making any noise.

Lucius Malfoy walked in arrogantly. He was wrapped in a stern black travel cloak, with a contented cold smile on his face, showing his presence proudly and wildly.

"You are here too, Fudge." Lucius said with satisfaction. "Very good, very good."

"You come here to do it?" Hagrid\'s eyes widened angrily. "You are not welcome here, go out and leave my house."

"You must have me, dear, I am absolutely not happy to walk into yours, oh, this is also called the house?" Lucius looked around the small and messy wooden house, sneered, "I\'ll come to school to see , I heard people say that the principal is here."

Harry didn’t even believe a single expression about Lucius’ words, “I ran to school in the middle of the night, just to see and lie to the ghost! Who could tell him that Dumbledore was here in the middle of the night? It’s just that he kept staring at Dumbledore in secret."

"You want to do something with me again, Lucius?" Dumbledore asked. He maintained his polite manner, but in his blue eyes, the anger did not abate.

"Things are always so bad." Lucius said lazily, and he took out a long roll of parchment. "The board feels that you cannot protect the academy and it is no longer suitable for staying in the school. This is for you to leave. The notice of appointment and removal was signed by all 12 directors."

"You did not protect the students carefully. So far, there have been many attacks. And you have not responded, and you did not even see the shadow of the murderer. Whether it is the board of directors or the parents of the students~www.novelhall.com~ Neither can accept such a result. We can’t wait for all Muggle students to be attacked before taking action.”

"Oh, what\'s the matter, you want to do it, Lucius." Fudge said in a flustered manner. "Dumbledore was deposed. This is not something we say is not something we agree with."

"Unfortunately, Fudge, the appointment and removal of the principal is the decision of the board of directors." Malfoy said in a flat tone, "Since Dumbledore can\'t stop these attacks."

"But, Lucius, if even Dumbledore can\'t stop the murderer," Fudge said, his face was already sweating. "I mean, who else can organize these things."

"Then we can only wait and see." There was a treacherous smile on Lucius\'s face. "The twelve of us have made a decision and agreed to this appointment and removal."

He didn\'t care about the situation of the school\'s students. The students were always his pawns, and he could abandon the pawns he could use.

Harry watched Lucius\' madness, read his indifference and ferocity from his face, and made his teeth tickle with anger.

Hagrid stood up abruptly from his chair, his huge head almost wiped to the ceiling, he said angrily, "How many threats, blackmail, blackmail, and curse did you use to force them to agree to your conspiracy, ah, Lu Xiu Si?"

"Oh my God, I really dare to say, you will soon, your bad temper will cause you great trouble, Hagrid." Lucius said coldly, "I can give you a piece of advice, don\'t Shout to the guards of Azkaban, they won\'t let you off so easily."

(To be continued.)

Chapter 176 Dumbledore is dismissed [monthly ticket 180 plus more]

Chapter 176 Dumbledore’s removal [monthly ticket 180 plus more] was played by members of [no*error] [small-say-net]. For more chapters, please visit the website: