Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 144: Scream

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Chapter 144

"This time the murderer has targeted Malfoy. Not only did he control the basilisk, they even sent the house elves to attack Harry directly. They must still be in collusion with Voldemort." Ron said angrily.

By the time Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the bathroom, the news that Colin Crevey was attacked and became unclear had spread throughout the college.

Rumors abounded in the college, and everyone was trembling and suspicious. The students in other colleges avoided Slytherin, and the Slytherin students seemed even more arrogant and windy.

The freshmen in the first grade traveled together in groups, for fear of being attacked when they were alone.

Ginny is at the same table with Colin Crevy, and she is even more upset about Colin\'s affairs. In order to make her happy, Fred pretended to be a lunatic and a leper, and turned out to be full of abscesses, coming out from all corners to scare her.

Percy was furious and said that she would write to their mother, Mrs. Weasley, and this made them stop their mischief.

Suddenly, amulets, eliminators, and all kinds of weird things became popular in the college. Faced with this situation, Ron sold the extra roosters at a good price. He even wanted to sell the rooster he brought. He felt that he was pure blood and didn\'t need yào.

It\'s a pity that Hermione and Harry stopped him without hesitation, reminding him that it might be Malfoy who controlled the basilisk, and he dispelled the idea.

In addition to buying a big rooster from Ron, Neville Longbottom also bought smelly garlic, an amethyst, and a rotten water newt tail.

He seemed particularly worried, "They have already taken action against Filch. Everyone knows dào. I am similar to a dumb gun. The next one to be attacked is probably me."

In the second week of December, Professor McGonagall began to collect the list of students who stayed at school during Christmas as usual. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all signed the list. They also inquired that Malfoy was also going to stay in school, which was even more suspicious now. They decided to use the compound decoction during this time to get news from Malfoy.

It\'s a pity that the soup is really not easy to make, they still lack the horns of the double-horned beast and the skin of the African tree snake. These can only be found in Snape\'s storage room. No one wants to deal with Snape. Being caught by him is more terrifying than facing the Slytherin basilisk. He would definitely fire Harry and the three of them. He had waited very hard for this opportunity.

"We need a way to make a noise." Hermione suggested. It will be the Potions class on Thursday. They need to seize this opportunity.

"One person to cover, one person to sneak into Snape\'s office so that we can get the horns of the two-horned beast and the African tree snake skin." Hermione suggested her approach.

"Then who will cover and who will steal?" Harry and Ron asked her nervously.

"I think it\'s better for me to steal it." Hermione said seriously about her test. "You have caused enough trouble. If you are sent xiàn, you will be expelled immediately. And I have no previous conviction, all , You just need to mess up the class and make Snape too busy for a short time."

"Okay." Harry and Ron looked at each other with embarrassment. In Snape\'s class, making trouble may not be as dangerous as sneaking into his office, but it is definitely not an easy task.

On Thursday, they came to the big underground classroom as usual, and the potions class remained the same as usual. Between the wooden tables, twenty crucibles stand upright one by one.

On the table are copper balances and jars of materials. Snape patrolled back and forth in the smoke of the cauldron, making waves of rough criticism and ridicule at the Gryffindor students.

The Slytherin student was gloating while watching the fire. Draco Malfoy liked Snape very much. He kept teasing Harry and Ron with provocative eyes.

They weren\'t very tolerant people, but they knew that if they dared to fight back, they would be deducted points or even imprisoned. Snape was not a serious person. What\'s more, they still have serious things today, so how can they be in the mood to provoke Malfoy.

"But" Harry suddenly had cares, he didn\'t even care about the potion he made in his hand, he just waited for Hermione\'s signal and waited to disrupt the class.

When Snape finished laughing at him and walked away from him to find fault and bully Neville. Hermione gave him the signal, and Harry bent over from the bag behind the cauldron and quietly pulled out a string of strenuously drawn fireworks he had obtained from Fred. It can create fireworks and explosions, used to disrupt the potions class, and it will definitely make the classroom jumpy.

He quickly tapped a little with his magic wand, and the fireworks made a creak and sparks burst out. Only a few seconds, without delay, Harry straightened up, aimed at the target he had chosen, and smashed the fireworks into Gore\'s pot accurately.

Gore’s decoction exploded in an instant, and he shot the whole class with his head and face. Under the attack of the splashing swelling potion, the classroom screamed~www.novelhall.com~ Malfoy was shot by Gore’s potion His face, nose and even face were swollen like foamy bread. Gore covered his eyes with his hands and stumbled around, his eyes swollen like a crucible.

Snape desperately controlled the order of the scene, but it was useless. The students were like headless roosters running around. In the chaos, Harry saw Hermione sneak out of the office, and she acted.

Harry was anxiously observing the situation in the classroom, unable to make people react, and could even make a second shot when necessary.

"Quiet, quiet." Snape exclaimed, "I have medicine here, and all the students who are splashed come to me to get the medicine. Damn, if I tell you who did it?"

Harry held back a smile. He saw Malfoy, whose nose was swollen like a pumpkin, holding his nose with his hands, and running towards Snape crookedly.

The other classmates also shoved and squeezed in front of Snape in a mess, some of their arms were swollen like their legs, and their bodies were hanging crookedly. Some mouths were so swollen that they couldn\'t even speak.

In the chaos, Harry saw Hermione sneaking back into the classroom again, with a swelling in her clothes. Without being sent, Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief and relieved.

Everyone drank medicine, and all kinds of swelling gradually subsided. Snape walked to the cauldron of Gore Explosion, used a clamp to clip out a twisted ball of firework ashes, and the classroom became silent. It turned out that someone deliberately made trouble in this Demon King\'s classroom, which is simply bold.

Snape\'s face was pale, he roared in a low voice, "How dare to mess with my class, I will find out, and I will expel this person."

(To be continued.)

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