Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 136: Ghost book

Chapter 136 Ghost Book

"In the void, chanting and mental power cause elemental resonance to construct a spell. This is so difficult, it is difficult to imagine how the strong ancient wizards cast those powerful spells."

George knew that his mental power had been transformed by a blessing potion. Compared with other classmates, his mental power was powerful and incredibly stable.

It is precisely with this extraordinary spiritual power that he can master the cast of ancient spells, and like Kate, just a little natural talent, even the basic part of the ancient spells is difficult.

"Fortunately, we are still young, even if compared to the ancient wizard apprentices, we are still young. Meditation cannot be slackened. Its role is not only on ancient spells. The practice of ancient spells can be reduced. , Maybe meditation has reached a higher level, and ancient spells will become easier to master."

George also had no better way, he could only say a way that was not a way.

Kate looked a little discouraged, and said noncommittal, "It has to be so."

It didn\'t take long from the initial surprise of the ancient spell, to the numbness, to the current discouragement. But it is precisely this, an invisible change, an invisible gain. It will quickly drain people\'s energy and dissolve people\'s will.

This has nothing to do with self-control, it has nothing to do with people\'s diligence. People can only learn from ▽ long ▽ wind ▽ text ▽, ww∧wc︽fwx.n≤et things that you think are meaningful, once you don’t feel the meaning, no matter how reasonable it looks, how “should” it is , Can\'t really convince people.

George thought for a while, then continued, "My latest research is more meaningful than the ancient spell, if you are interested."

"Interested." Kate said hurriedly. She did not expect that George\'s recent research was not an ancient curse. I couldn\'t guess what was more meaningful than the ancient spell, and I was immediately full of curiosity.

George moved the stool to Kate\'s side and sat a little closer. With a light wave of his hand, the window curtains suddenly closed, a few candles in the room naturally burned, and the bright room suddenly became a little yellow.

He rolled up his sleeves, showed his hands back and forth, signaled that there was nothing in his hand, and then stretched out his palm, "Watch my hand."

Kate was a little surprised by George\'s behavior, the dim room, the faint candlelight. It made her feel a little warm and strange. She didn\'t dare to look at George\'s face, but felt that her ears were hot. She lowered her head and stared at George\'s palm motionlessly.

There was nothing in her palm, and she wondered in her heart, not dare to ask what George showed her, "He has big hands, but he looks good."

The thoughts floating around made her ears even hotter.

But suddenly, her mind was completely attracted. She forgot to think about it, she forgot her hot ears, she stared at the sudden appearance of the abnormality with all her concentration, she saw it.

The bright spots of light converged in George\'s palm, like a faint starlight, and like a moonlight sprinkled under water.

Spots of light continued to appear and converge continuously, creating something out of nothing, and quietly flashing out of the void. The light spots slowly converge, and they are crystal clear and form one water drop after another, and the water drop converges into the Milky Way. Fluorescence flickers in the palm of the palm, and the palm rests on the galaxy. The beauty is incredible.

The change did not end there. The Milky Way continued to shrink and converge. Finally, all the light spots and all the water droplets merged into a translucent thin book.

Kate couldn\'t help being curious, stretched out her finger, and poked the translucent book.

Just like passing through the air, the book still floats silently in George\'s palm. Through the translucent book, Kate\'s slender and beautiful fingers are showing.

"Illusory?" Kate asked uncertainly.

"Guess again." George signaled that Kate didn\'t guess correctly.

"Magic?" Kate didn\'t know where he heard the word.

George said angrily, "How can a magician really come from nothing? Is it so hard to guess? You can see it every day."

"Curse, ghost?" Kate bet that she had never seen the sight of George in his hands anywhere else.

She could not imagine that this was not an illusion, what else could it be, but she still gave two answers that she could see every day.

"It\'s the ghost book." George didn\'t plan to be cryptic, and he told the truth directly.

"Can you make ghosts?" Kate only felt that something was broken, that was her three views from the distance.

"For the time being, we can only make some ghostly objects, and they can\'t interfere with reality." George didn\'t exaggerate, it\'s worthwhile to make ghosts.

But even if it is just creating ghosts, it is already very impressive, and it is not impossible to create ghosts in the future.

"But how can people make ghostly things?" Kate didn\'t know what to say anymore, just thought it was completely impossible.

Unlike those magical worlds with necromancers, there is no necromancer in this magical world.

Even in a world where there are necromancers, it is incredible to make ghost items. In fact, necromancers can\'t make souls. They just kill people, and enslave souls through torture and pollution.

In this world, ghosts are a special kind of existence, they are the products of grieving wizards after their deaths. There is no way to create or control ghosts, at least wizards can\'t do this. But now, George is breaking this rule.

George knocked on her head, looked at Kate who was holding his head, and said earnestly, "The wizard is the person who made the impossible possible~www.novelhall.com~ He went on to say, "It didn\'t exist before, only representing us do not know. Since ghostly things have always existed, they can naturally be created. Wizards just make the impossible possible. Why can\'t we do things that ghosts can do? "

"But the wizard is not a ghost." Kate whispered, but the facts were in front of her. Although she had shattered the Three Views, she quickly changed her mind and deduced the meaning of it.

Just as the ancient magic spell can be realized, it represents the modern wizard, can also master the power of the ancient wizard, and can use the ancient wizard\'s spell. Even if this is difficult, the process will be very long, but as long as the conditions are met, it can be done. Just like a lottery, no matter how low the probability is, as long as the conditions are met, it will definitely appear in the end.

And sorcerers can make ghostized items, so it also means that sorcerers can finally make ghosts, even souls, even if it will be difficult.

In this process, creating ghosts can naturally come into contact with ghosts, harm ghosts, and even enslave ghosts or even souls. And this is something that even the craziest devil cannot do.

(To be continued.)