Harry Potter's Book of Sin

Chapter 239

"How does it feel to officially take over the top three warriors?"

"Needless to say! It's great!"

"Today's method in the book of sins is too negative. Maybe it is understandable for" that "him; but for Maka now, it is too insecure to leave a thing that doesn't know when it will explode in the hands of others.

After repeated analysis, Maka shelved the two most direct clues of "roener's Bronze Eagle" and "ghost swamp in North America", which are also repeated reminders of "not to touch" in the book, but chose

Hogwarts castle, second floor, dilapidated girls' bathroom.

"Oh - Mr. McLean, long time no see -"

As soon as Maka opened the bathroom door, she saw the crying Myrtle suddenly running in front of him, sobbing and greeting him.


Maka nodded casually and went straight to the sink that was the entrance to Slytherin's secret room.

Yes, the book of sins mentions the information that the bewitching monument is sealed by Salazar Slytherin, and does not say that this clue is dangerous. Obviously, this is a relatively safe way to explore the bewitching monument.

And if anything is related to Salazar Slytherin, it is undoubtedly this chamber of secrets.

Although Maka searched carefully last time, he didn't get much at that time. Later, he collapsed the secret room.

I have to say, that behavior is really ironic for him now

Maka pulled out her wand and pointed at the faucet.

Suddenly, the faucet seemed to be alive, and suddenly it automatically elongated and turned into a silver snake to attack Maka, no less fast than the attack of any magic spell.

But Maka's hand holding the wand did not tremble. He stared at the oncoming Silver Snake and increased the output of magic.

This is a transfiguration duel across the ages. If others can sense magic, they will inevitably find that the magic fluctuation here has exceeded the normal spell intensity.

Maka's expression was dignified - he could feel it, even after thousands of years, but the power of Salazar Slytherin still surprised him.

The weeping Myrtle covered her mouth. She even forgot to sob.

Although she could not perceive the real situation, even the silver snake's raid made her feel a little overwhelmed. After the last secret room opening and the silver snake's counterattack, she may not dare to stay here anymore.

With the passage of time, the silver snake expanded under the suppression of Maka, together with the wash basin below, and the secret room was forcibly opened by him after all.

"It seems that magic is really not enough..."

As he murmured, he jumped into the huge exposed pipe.

It has been a long time since he came here last time, but the terrain here has not changed. He sighed slightly until he stood at the door of the real Slytherin chamber of secrets.

The stone gate was automatically closed when he left last time. If you want to open it, you must rely on the snake man's voice.

Originally, Maka intended to open it directly, but judging from the situation of opening the entrance before, he had to admit that he might not be able to crack the stone gate with violence.

"No, maybe you can try."

Maka stretched out her wand and pointed forward. The magic turned into silk thread. A regular Rune came out quietly at the tip of the wand. For a moment, the surrounding cold was overflowing, and Maka was immediately coated with a layer of silver frost within tens of feet around her body.

The next moment, he waved his wand with a backhand, and the cooling force concentrated on the regular runes went straight to the stone gate. The stone gate, together with the surrounding stone walls, turned into a strange pure white in an instant.

"Click" "click -"

With a series of subtle crackling sounds coming from the stone gate, the whole stone gate broke into white fragments of different sizes under the extremely low temperature.

Maka waved away the regular runes and took a deep breath to ease the sense of collapse caused by the rapid magic consumption.

After a short rest, he looked up, but the scene in the secret room had already been expected by him - it was a debris with a large number of stones.

However, the situation inside was not as serious as he had imagined earlier.

Using the floating spell to remove the rocks in the way, Maka went to the secret room and looked up. She couldn't help nodding secretly.

At the beginning, he moved some hands and feet on the support column inside and blew up a section of the column that the Basilisk didn't hit, so that they gradually couldn't bear their own weight and collapsed.

But obviously, those columns are only used to support the stone ceiling above, and the structure of the chamber itself is not stable by columns at all.

At that time, he just took off a shell inside the secret room.

"So, the decision was right..." Maka said, raised her wand and projected a beam of light.

As the light lit up the secret room, a dark hole at most two people high in the distance quietly appeared.

Look at that position. It should be behind the huge statue of Salazar Slytherin.

No matter what Slytherin's purpose of leaving this hidden entrance was, it was obviously not set up for violent saboteurs like Maka.

But now, the correct entry method is unknown.

With a magic wand in hand, Maka stepped on a piece of gravel, crossed the stones and flew directly over there.

But when he came near the entrance, he found that there was a strange magic around him, which seemed to flourish at any time, causing some residual mysterious magic.

Maka immediately stopped and suspended in mid air.

"Soul magic?"

When he sensed that the magic suddenly burst and gathered in front of the entrance, a green human shadow quietly emerged there.

Needless to say, just look at the sharp nosed monkey's cheeks. Salazar Slytherin must have not run away!

"Hissing, hissing, hissing..."

Hearing the familiar "hissing" sound again, Maka couldn't help patting her forehead.

"This broken secret room is completely designed for Voldemort!"

Snake man tune is not something that cannot be learned. Even because its syllable law is closely related to some ancient magic spells, many wizards knew it in ancient times.

But now, if you want to learn, there's nowhere to learn?

Except for Voldemort's natural snake voice, or Harry, who took advantage of Voldemort, it's not easy to learn it.

"... hiss... Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Seeing the virtual shadow "hissing", Maka sighed silently.

"Can you speak human?" he shouted.


"Talk to people!" Maka shouted, pointing to Slytherin's shadow.

"Hiss, hiss... Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

After several attempts, Maka finally determined that the virtual shadow left by salacha had no independent consciousness at all. Since she could not communicate, then

He was going to try a soul magic, but unexpectedly, after the virtual shadow "hissed" for himself, it suddenly dispersed!

Although I don't know if I missed any important information, after repeatedly confirming that there was no other magic residue, Maka had to put aside her doubts and fall into the entrance channel.

From Maka's point of view, there is nothing unusual about this passage. It is like an ordinary stone tunnel. It extends forward, and the more it goes in, the darker it becomes.

On the stone wall of the passage, there are no other tricks except the gaps between the stones.

In a trance, Maka seemed to have come to the catacombs of a Muggle world. Apart from whether it would remind him of the remnants of magic, any sign shows that it is almost the same as an ancient Muggle tomb.

After a long tunnel trip, Maka came to a small stone chamber.

There are not many furnishings here, only two bookcases made of black wood and an ordinary black desk.

There is no magic to protect them from the erosion of years. The damp underground has made them seriously rotten, and the chairs in front of the desk have even broken up long ago.