Harry Potter's Book of Sin

Chapter 218

"Shut up!"

When Maka arrogantly questioned the educational problems of the Witt family and ordered them to hand over Charlotte, the middle-aged wizard who had always been depressed seemed to have finally endured to the limit.

Yes, the wizard who was thrown into his plate by Maka.

"Charlotte is my daughter. I won't allow you to insult her! Let alone give her to you -"

"Norman, it's you who should shut up..." the old master suddenly said calmly, "I warned you not to indulge your daughter too much... Not only did she let her go to Hogwarts to go to school and humiliate her surname, but also resisted the first marriage with the Augustine family last year, which humiliated our whole family..."

"But..." Charlotte's father stood up, clenched his fists tightly and said tremblingly, "father... Charlotte is also your granddaughter..."

"Of course I know," the old owner still looked calm, he just looked at his son without expression, "Charlotte is my granddaughter and a member of the family... I didn't blame her weak magic talent, but even gave Charlotte such a great honor!"

"The first marriage with the Augustine family! Do you understand what this means?" the old man suddenly raised his voice and questioned his useless son.

"... means that we can erase the grievances of nearly a thousand years and return to the power state of the alliance of powers." Charlotte's father Norman Witt hung his head and replied powerlessly.

The old master snorted coldly, and then put his eyes on Maka.

"Sorry, Mr. dihull..." he nodded apologetically. "As just mentioned, Charlotte is now engaged to the Augustine family, you see..."

As soon as Maka heard it, it was obvious that the old fox deliberately led out the engagement by scolding Charlotte's father.

As for his purpose

One is to remind Marca that Charlotte is now engaged to the Augustine family, which involves the interests of two ancient families; The second is to avoid any conflict with the Diehl family, so it takes so much trouble to explain the situation from the side.

"Hmm?" Marca frowned. "Didn't you resist marriage last year? Why, hasn't the engagement been dissolved? Can it be delayed until this year?"

"Yes... Charlotte's fiance seems to care about her very much and didn't take the initiative to give up the marriage because of her refusal." the old owner replied calmly.

The situation is indeed somewhat complicated, but there are also advantages for yourself.

Before that, he threw the half chicken leg on purpose, because he recognized it at a glance. Charlotte's father he had seen at McMillan's ball.

Now, the other party seems to have recognized him. Just now, they have taken the initiative to cooperate with their own acting - not to mention that their acting skills are no worse than Snape!

Of course, if he continues to turn his face, it won't be unnatural - after all, the deHer family are not normal. But then, maybe we'll have a real fight

What is the magic of the Witt family? He hasn't tested it yet! Seriously, he doesn't want to rush.

"Hum... Hum..." Marca thought a little, and then smiled. "If you give her to me, you will have a bad time with the Augustine family; if you don't give it to me, you will have a bad time with me... What are you going to do, Mr. Witt?"

He smiled strangely, as if he were watching a good play, and his evil taste was fully revealed.

"Mr. dihull, although I don't know what happened to you and Charlotte... I think so. What do you think..." the old owner smiled and said, "I asked Charlotte to come out and apologize to you and offer you a generous apology... How about writing it off?"

He smiled and said, "it's really not worth getting angry for a little girl, isn't it?"

Maka narrowed her eyes, revealing a trace of danger.

Just for a moment, the old owner stared at Maka. It can be seen that he is on guard at any time. If Maka does do it, he will fight back at the first time.

However, Maka just looked at him for a while, that's all.

"In that case, let her out first! I'll see her attitude and decide whether to sell your face..."

After that, Maka sat back on the chair, tore off another chicken leg and chewed it. For a time, his mouth was greasy, which made everyone feel relieved and irritable again.

"... Norman, go and bring Charlotte down." the old man turned his head and motioned to Charlotte's father.

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded silently and left the table quickly.


For the members of the Witt family, today's night is boring and oppressive - they have to get up from the soft and comfortable bed to face the disgusting guy who writes "distinguished guest" but reads "asshole".

But for Charlotte, everything outside seemed less important.

All she could do was sit on the edge of the bed and look at the dark "sky" outside the window.

She doesn't want to sleep, because it will let the last bit of free time in her life flow away in unknown sleep.

So she sat, humble and stubborn.

She will spend the last bit of time digging a hole in her heart, put in all her happy memories so far, and then bury them deeply and thoroughly.

"Benedictine Benedictine"

A quick knock on the door suddenly rang. Charlotte raised her head like a conditioned reflex, but her eyes were empty and blank.

"Benedictine Benedictine"

The knocking didn't stop, but it was more urgent... And in the tight knocking, my father's voice also rang.

"Lottie - open the door! Lottie!"

Charlotte finally recovered. She was stunned. Then she went to the door and was trying to open the door.

"Araho hole open!"

With a soft click, Charlotte's father pushed the door open from the outside. Then he hurried into the room and quickly closed the door.

"Listen, Lottie!" her father said solemnly, "Lottie, you must leave here! Dad has understood... Whether you are sent to the Augustine family or to others, it is the same... Dad can't let you ruin your life's happiness for this cold-blooded family!"

As he spoke, he took out a palm sized purse from the pocket of his robe and stuffed it into his daughter's hand.

"Take this... Take this opportunity to leave the family! As long as you go back to Hogwarts and find a way to stay there, the family can't brazenly catch you back..."

"But..." Charlotte held the purse tightly, but her steps couldn't move at all. "Father... You go with me, or..."

"I won't go." her father shook his head firmly. "If your mother is buried here, I won't go anywhere else... But you must go! Your grandfather won't do anything to me. After all, I'm his son..."

He said it decisively and simply, but in fact, for his most useless son, how would all the old family owners who put family interests first treat him?

This is already obvious.

"Father!" Charlotte said stubbornly, "if you don't go, I won't go... What's the matter? Why do you suddenly change your mind?"

"There's not much time to explain... Lottie! You have to listen to me!"


Norman took a deep breath and explained after all: "you should have noticed the riots just now - a guest came just now. He has an unusual family background. He indicated that the family should give you to him..."

"Who? Why do you want me?" Charlotte said sadly and angrily, "is it my face again?"

"Er... No, it shouldn't be..." Norman thought, "he seems to know you in Hogwarts... His name is' Marca dihull '... No, it should be another name in Hogwarts..."


While her father was still struggling to explain from the beginning, Charlotte cried out in surprise.

"Why? That's his name at Hogwarts?" Norman was stunned when he heard it.

"Father, don't you remember?" Charlotte said quickly. "It's Marca McLean! You saw him at the ball at Macmillan's house..."

"Macmillan's ball?" Norman frowned slightly, but suddenly said, "Oh! It's the boy? I remember you praised him... Huh? Isn't it..."

"In a word," Charlotte said flatly, "father, if it's Marca, don't worry --"

Halfway through her speech, she paused again.

What if it's Marca? Even if he can deceive everyone in the family with other identities, he can marry the Augustine family, but the family is bound to get it.

Instead, because of their own affairs, they let their primary school brother risk coming here. If the primary school brother encounters any danger... I'm afraid she can't forgive herself in her life.

No, no!

It's too late to think about this now. It's better to regret not having made it clear to him here

"Father, I'm going to see him!" Charlotte suddenly showed a firm expression, which looked very similar to her father just now.

After giving her father a general explanation, she walked resolutely to the side hall downstairs despite her father's obstruction.

However, when Marca saw Charlotte and Norman, the father and daughter, appeared at the side hall door one after another, it seemed as if a thousand monsters were running by.

Why not run for such a good chance? Then I'll take you to hide. No one can find it!

But when Marca saw that Charlotte's father was looking at his face and showed a flash of surprise, he knew

"As a result, it was not played just now. Hello!"