Harry Potter's Book of Sin

Chapter 183

"Students should always take learning as a magic that attaches great importance to the accumulation of knowledge, such as deformation. Maka asked herself that it is far from being comparable to Professor McGonagall.

For example, "another Professor McGonagall" is also a great challenge for Maka.

Generally speaking, Transfiguration is actually a "preset" spell, and all its practical applications should be prepared in advance.

This preparation includes a series of form change formulas, transformation formulas of materials science, accurate and subtle magic control data, and a large number of adjustments and tests.

Therefore, the general examination of deformation class is like making a Muggle science comprehensive test paper, and it is still a thick stack with full weight.

But Maka now faces the opposite situation: Professor McGonagall gives the answer, but he relies on the answer to deduce the problem-solving process, which is obviously a higher level of difficulty.

Fortunately, when learning the deformation of Animagus, he has had a sufficient understanding of his body, and many data have been confirmed in repeated calculations.

In this way, at least half of the on-site calculation and adjustment can be omitted.

"Professor McGonagall, you really look down on me too much..." Marca shrugged, drew out her wand and ordered another chair.

The chair also began to twist and deform, but the change speed was obviously much slower than Professor McGonagall.

When the armchair finally deformed, "another McLean" opened his eyes and moved slightly astringently under Marca's control.

The warriors had forgotten about the dance, as did other little wizards. Everyone focused on the two lifelike deformation masterpieces standing between Maka and Professor McGonagall.

It's not a very strange thing to change human shape with deformation, but it's very rare to become so fine and smooth.

It can be said that some deformation knowledge contained in it is one of the key points to learn Animagus deformation.

Seeing that Maka finished the metamorphosis so quickly, even with Professor McGonagall's strictness, he couldn't help nodding. This student is always like this. He can always surprise others at any time.

Finally, the dance was started by Professor Maka and Professor McGonagall's metamorphosis: it can be seen that Maka's "self" is not smooth in dealing with the fine dance steps, but Professor McGonagall can always skillfully coordinate the past.

The two danced in the middle of the dance floor. The exquisite magic cooperation between a student and a teacher really opened the eyes of the students of the three schools.

It can be said that this is destined to be a new and unforgettable Christmas ball.

Soon, led by Dumbledore, many people also entered the dance floor and focused on their own dance steps.

At the moment, Dumbledore was waltzing with Mrs. Maxim! Compared with her, Dumbledore was a dwarf, and the top of his pointed hat just reached her chin.

However, for such a big woman, her dance steps are really elegant.

On the other side, mad eyed moody awkwardly danced a two-step dance with astronomy professor sinista, who nervously avoided his wooden leg.

I could see that if I was stabbed in the foot by that piece of wood, I would have to be helped to Mrs. Pomfrey for treatment.

The organ played the last trembling note, and the strange sisters stopped playing. Professor Maka and Professor McGonagall let their "doubles" slide out of the dance floor again, and then scattered the attached magic and turned back into two armchairs.

Warm applause broke out again in the auditorium, not only for Every warrior, but also for the unique and wonderful performance of Professor Maka and Professor McGonagall.

When the applause gradually subsided, the strange sisters began to play a new song, much faster than before.

"Invite the next partner, McLean..." Professor McGonagall looked at Maka carefully, as if to keep the student in front of him firmly in mind.

She has taught too many students, but she has never met anyone like Maka who spends all her time learning magic.

Whether the future is good or bad, he is worth keeping in mind by everyone.

But Maka didn't mean to look for another partner - he thought about this bad idea because he couldn't think of who else to invite, didn't he?

"How's it going?"

On a round table on the east side of the dance floor, Harry asked Ron as he sat down to open a bottle of butter beer.

Ron didn't answer. He just stared angrily at Hermione and Krum dancing nearby. Padma sitting next to him crossed her arms and crossed her legs, one leg shaking with the beat of the music.

From time to time, she rolled her eyes at Ron with dissatisfaction - Ron completely ignored her.

Pavati sat down on the other side of Harry, folded her arms and crossed her legs. A few minutes later, a busbarton boy came and asked her to dance.

"Do you mind, Harry?" said Pavati.

"What?" Harry said vaguely. He's watching Cho Chang and Cedric!

"Oh, nothing," Pavati said simply, and left with booth Barton's boys. She didn't come back after the song.

Hermione came, and she sat down in the empty chair of Pavati. The dance just made her cheeks a little red.

"Hello," Harry replied, while Ron said nothing.

"It's hot, isn't it?" Hermione fanned herself with her palm. "Victor went to get the drink."

Ron gave her a complicated look.

"Victor?" he said. "Did he ask you to call him 'wicky'?"

Hermione looked at him in surprise and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"If you don't know," said Ron bitterly, "I don't want to tell you."

Hermione looked at him inexplicably, then at Harry, who shrugged.

"Ron, how did you --"

"... I just want to know, where's Marca? What are you going to do?" Ron didn't stare at Hermione. He just looked bitterly at Marca in the distance and asked Hermione in a low voice.

Hermione opened her mouth in surprise.

What's going on? Ron knows his mind? He's defending Marca?

"Ron," whispered Harry, "I don't think it matters that Hermione and Krum are together - and what does this have to do with Marca?"

Ron ignored Harry's stupid remark. He just shook his head and didn't speak again.

Marca is right. Everyone has a few secrets that only belong to him - some things he may not be able to say in his life. But he can never accept a sudden ending. He can't let his hard-earned compromise become a joke.

"Why don't you go to Wilkie? He'll worry if he can't find you," said Ron.

"I don't call him that! Not once!"

Hermione, who had been silent, suddenly jumped up. Her red eyes crossed the dance floor and disappeared into the crowd. Ron looked at her back, but there was endless loss on his face.