Harry Potter's Book of Sin

Chapter 168

"... Mr. McLean, it's your turn," Ollivander returned Hermione's wand and said to Marca.

Maka got up from her seat, took out her wand and handed it to her.

"Oh, yes, yes, I remember you came to my store to buy this..." Ollivander said subconsciously, but when he took Marca's wand, he was stunned.

"This... This is... This is a wand?" he said strangely. "Who made the wand?"

Mr. Ollivander's surprised expression interested everyone, and everyone looked curiously at the wand in his hand.

From the appearance, this wand is really strange.

Its staff body has only undergone the coarsest grinding, and it has not even been painted or waxed, so it appears in front of everyone.

Not to mention the various carved shapes of other wands, it is straight and bare from the tip to the handle. If Marca hadn't taken it out, everyone would think it was just a thin wooden stick.

Maka had expected the reaction of Ollivander. He shrugged and said, "magic wand, it's enough to use... I made it myself."

When he said this, everyone except Mr. Ollivander, Harry and Hermione began to look out.

In the world of magic, the wand making process has been monopolized by a limited number of families. Usually, if you want to buy a wand, you have to go to those stores.

Needless to say, this is definitely a rare craft that can be eaten by it for a lifetime.

"You made it yourself?" said Mr. Ollivander with wide eyes. "But I can't see whose style it is from this wand... Who passed on this craft to you?"

Marca waved her hand and said, "Mr. Ollivander, you'd better check the wand as soon as possible! Harry is still waiting!"

"Oh - well," Ollivander nodded helplessly, raised his wand and looked at it carefully, "well... Scottish pine should be a little more than ten and a quarter inches long, not a very accurate specification..."

Suddenly, Ollie vanderton gave a moment, then exclaimed again, "Oh, my God - this stick core... This feeling... Is it --"

"Yes, that's the Dementor's spinal nerve." Maka nodded calmly.

It is conceivable that everyone in this small classroom was surprised. After all, no one expected that there was such a terrible thing hidden in Maka's wand.

"Can Dementors' spinal nerves be used to make wand cores?" Mrs. Maxim looked surprised and confused. She subconsciously looked at Dumbledore.

"I'm more concerned about another thing - I know that Dementors can be destroyed. But..." Mr. bagman said suspiciously, "but don't they all dissipate after they die?"

"That's just because the patron saint's curse and the Dementor had a certain reaction..." Dumbledore shook his head slightly and whispered, "as for the core of the staff... I'm not sure. Mr. Ollivander must be able to answer our doubts - he is the expert in this regard."

"Principal Dumbledore... If you ask me before today, I certainly don't know," Ollivander said helplessly. "You know, before that, no one has ever used Dementor's spinal nerve to make rod core material - at least I haven't heard of it."

He raised his wand again and looked at it again. Then he continued: "but today I personally realized that this wand core is very sensitive... Extremely sensitive! Believe me, there are not many wizards who can use this wand well. It is very selective. However, this is still a good wand!"

"Although its appearance is very rough, its manufacturing technology is very exquisite. Moreover, it seems to use some unique techniques to maintain the stability when casting the magic spell..."

"But I have to say that if I want to give full play to the power of this wand, I have to say - it is suitable for casting black magic."

This word is always uncomfortable. It will remind people of many bad aspects. But fortunately, Maka is now a member of demstrom - there has always been a tolerance for black magic.

Ollivander waved his wand, a gray fog floated in front of him, and then dissipated on the roof.

"There's a problem with accuracy, but... It's not bad. It's a very powerful wand." he handed it back to Maka and nodded. "You can make a wand at this age. I'm sure you must spend a lot of energy on it!"

Maka agreed: "yes, it's a skill that needs knowledge accumulation. I really spent a lot of time on it."

"Keep going, it's an endless road." Ollivander encouraged, and then raised his head and shouted, "well, the last... Mr. Potter."

Harry stood up, passed Marca, and walked towards Mr. Ollivander. He also handed over his wand.

"Ah, yes," said Mr. Ollivander, a pair of light eyes flashing with excitement. "Yes, yes, yes. I remember clearly."

Mr. Ollivander also spent a lot of time checking Harry's wand, and he didn't spend as much time on surprise as he had just checked Marca's Wand - he checked it carefully.

Finally, he let the wand spray a stream of wine, then handed the wand back to Harry and announced that it was in good condition.

"Thank you," said Dumbledore, standing up at the referee's table. "Now you can go back to class - maybe it's easier to go straight to dinner. Anyway, they'll be out of class soon --"

Everyone stood up to leave, but the man with the black camera jumped up and cleared his throat.

"Take a picture, Dumbledore, take a picture!" bagman shouted excitedly. "What do you think, Rita?"

"Well - well, take a group photo first," said Rita Skeeter, her eyes on Harry again, and she said a little reluctantly, "maybe we'll have to take some single photos later."

It took a long time to take pictures.

No matter where Mrs. Maxim stood, she blocked others. And the room was too small for the photographer to stand far away and take her into the camera.

Finally, she had to sit down and everyone else stood around her - yes, it was like taking a family souvenir photo called "mother and her children".

Harry and Hermione were not interested. They just stood there and posed casually.

The photographer seemed particularly eager to get Hibiscus ahead, but Rita Skeeter always caught up and pulled Harry into a more prominent position.

As for Marca, he stood beside him expressionless, and no one asked him to move.

When Rita Skeeter wanted to take some single photos of the warriors one by one, Maka simply lifted her legs and left - he didn't have time to spend here.

Finally, Harry was haunted by Rita Skeeter for a long time. When he went to the auditorium for dinner and then listlessly went upstairs to the dormitory, he met Ron.

"Here comes an owl." as soon as Harry walked in, Ron pointed to Harry's pillow and said stiffly.

There, a school barn owl was waiting for him.

"Oh - OK," said Harry.

Ron said that and went straight out of the room without looking at Harry.

For a moment, Harry thought about whether to chase him out - he didn't know whether he wanted to talk to Ron or beat him, both of which seemed attractive.

However, Sirius's reply is too tempting.

Harry strode to the barn owl, untied the letter from its feet, put it on the bed and flattened it gently.



I can't speak freely in my letter. It's too dangerous if the owl is intercepted - we need to talk face to face. Can you promise to wait for me alone by the fire in the Gryffindor tower at 1 a.m. on November 22?

I know better than anyone that you can take care of yourself, and I don't think anyone can hurt you as long as you are with Dumbledore and moody.

However, it seems that someone is trying hard to sign you up for the championship. It's very risky, especially under Dumbledore's nose.

Be careful, Harry.

If anything unusual happens, I still want you to write to me. In case of an emergency, go to Maka for help.

Please let us know if you can keep the appointment on November 22.



For the next two weeks, Harry and Hermione waited for that day.

Harry felt some kind of spiritual support from his godfather, which seemed to be the only bright spot on the dark horizon.

Hermione always felt that she might get some important clues from Sirius.


Not to mention Harry and Hermione, at least Marca had a very "full" two weeks.

He not only had to monitor Moody's movements from time to time, but also continued his magic research in his spare time.

Especially after experiencing the heart drilling mantra last time, he has been trying to simulate the magical effect of shaking the soul with Phoenician magic text. If he can succeed, he may find the key to unlock the emotional blockade.

However, so far there is no progress.

Then, he had to feed the young spiders of eight eyed giant spiders regularly and quantitatively, and occasionally go to the forbidden forest to take a walk with them at night.

To say busy, it is estimated that Dumbledore can compare with him.

While everyone was busy with their own affairs, the first event of the top three competition was approaching day by day.