Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 98

At the end of a spell class, few people can release their shields.

Miranda is probably the only one who can go to the front of the classroom and use the shield to fight the armor fire. She held on for a long time.

But Dumbledore didn't give her the teaching assistant position because he had other grades to test.

Hoffa doesn't know why he can't release the shield curse. Maybe his magic is low, or his talent in the curse is not as strong as he thought.

It's true that there are some unspeakable talent factors in the magic school.

However, he didn't worry too much because he couldn't release the shield curse. After all, this is the first time to release it. Maybe he needs more practice.

After the first day of the new dean's spell class.

On the morning of September 3.

The Daily Prophet arrived again.

This time, all the pages of the newspaper were just a row of big words.

Britain and France declared war on Germany.

That morning, the whole auditorium was fried, and no one was in the mood to eat.

If yesterday's blitz was just a harbinger.

Today's news is a real storm.

Miranda suddenly turned pale when she saw the news. Her mental field changed. Hoffa couldn't attend to her meal and stared at her.

But she was wearing glasses after all, and her mood didn't get out of control.

It's just that the fingers are shaking a little bit.

Agraia was pale when she saw the news. She murmured, "it's a war. How many people are going to die?"

Hoffa didn't answer, but he knew it was just the beginning.

After breakfast, all the students talked about the war fiercely.

Some are filled with indignation, some are worried, some are full of panic, some are distracted, and some are even complacent.

The smug guy was Malfoy, the ancestor Hoffa saw earlier in Diagon Alley. He sat at Slytherin's table and said arrogantly, "Muggles are fighting. If you want me to say it's a good thing, it's just our Wizard's chance to regain control of the world after death..."

he didn't lower his voice at all, and agraia was eating, He had a gloomy face.

"Rubbish." She shook her head and said scornfully.


after dinner, Hoffa and his family are going to the first class today, defense against the dark arts.

Today's defense against the dark arts class is a big one. The four courtyards are going to have it together.

The classroom of defense against the dark arts is located in the largest ladder classroom on the third floor. It is different from the classroom 50 years later. In this era, defense against the dark arts has not changed its teacher for many years, and the style of the classroom is very stable.

There are many, many glass cabinets in the walls, which are full of specimens of all kinds of dangerous creatures.

The flesh eating black elf.

The hollowed out vampire.

The dried up body of a werewolf.

A monster as high as the ceiling.

There are even Dementors that have been dismembered.

Last year, Professor Meles never taught them confrontational skills in the eight classics, and the course was mainly about story telling and interest cultivation.

But this year, Hoffa previewed the textbook, and they have to learn more than ten times as much as last year's textbook. This year, they have to learn half of the black magic creatures in this classroom.

But as soon as he entered the defense against the dark arts classroom, he saw on Slytherin's desk a pale blonde Malfoy with a newspaper sitting on the desk, talking loudly:

"it doesn't matter how many fools die, these lower creatures are too able to live, just like mice."

Tom Riddle was standing in a group of Slytherins, arms in his arms, with a look of approval and disdain.

Next to him, some hechpatch covered his ears, and some Gryffindor students glared at him.

But he didn't care. Pointing to the news of declaring war in the newspaper, he said: "all creatures are like this. The lower the creatures are, the more they have to rely on reproduction to make up for their own shortcomings."

Before Hoffa could react, she suddenly became angry. She took out her wand, pointed to Slytherin, and said, "a bunch of rubbish!"

With her curse, a pale blue smash curse came.

The young man with pale blonde hair, who had just been talking, sprang up on the table and flashed.

Other people's reaction is not so fast, contains the angry smash curse, suddenly smashed the desktop. The pages and papers were flying around and the ink splashed on several people.

With a bang, all of Slytherin's people came around. They jumped off the table and raised their wands.

"What are you doing?"

"Want to die?"

This time, the violent magic wave on the table so that all the paper, pen and book pages burst open.The conflict came a little suddenly, and Hoffa didn't expect that aglea was so hot tempered.

Seeing the attacker clearly, the boy with pale blonde hair jumped up after landing, and said angrily, "it's you, a French half breed who sows wild things in Hogwarts."

"Do you have to show your wisdom in front of others, beetle!" "What else can you do except fart?" exclaimed agraia

"Say it again!"

"I said you only fart!"

The prickly boy pulled out his magic wand and pointed to agraia without hesitation: "petrified all!"

Agraia also raised his wand, and all the floating pens and papers in the sky floated, one by one rolled up into spines and shot at Malfoy like sharp arrows.

Tom Riddell at Slytherin's desk took his arm and stepped forward, with a playful expression.

An inexplicable mental field appeared in the air, and the flying paper arrows exploded in midair.


Malfoy's petrified curse also shot on a transparent shield, rebounded and blew over a table.

It was quiet all around.

The shield disappears, Miranda puts down her wand and moves to agraia with no expression on her face. Hoffa also moves forward, looking alert.

"Who dares to go up?" he said

Hoffa and Miranda stood in front of aglia, and Miranda turned his head: "that's ABRAXAS Malfoy, the youngest son of Malfoy's current patriarch."


Hoffa frowned slightly. He saw Malfoy when he was in diagonal lane. He didn't want to offend this guy at that time. He didn't expect that he still had a conflict with him after school.

What is this, the law of the universe?

But among other things, he was born with a poor aura, a typical blood supremacist wizard.

Malfoy paced slowly, his eyes swinging back and forth among the three.

"Well, a half blood drassez, an orphan of goshak without his grandfather's cover, and a... What are you, a poor motherfucker kept by a rich woman?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The whole Slytherin table burst into laughter.

Miranda and agraia immediately raised their wands, but Hoffa grabbed them by the wrist and stiffly suppressed the furious two.

Malfoy said with a sneer, "how much did drassez give you? Malfoy will give you three times as much!"

Hoffa's face is expressionless, but the mental field permeates the whole classroom, and the dust on the ground shakes slightly.

On the other side, Tom Riddell tilted his head slightly and took a tiny step forward.

Hoffa's mental field was immediately pressed back several meters, and the secret casting of broken grip was interrupted.

Hoffa's attention instantly retreated from the rampant Malfoy and turned to the "old man" of the orphanage. The scene that the agrarian metamorphosis was interrupted directly in the air just now has made him aware of the clue.

But now it seems that Tom Riddle interrupted her metamorphosis.

This guy, who has grown up in the past summer vacation, deserves to be the Dark Lord of the future.

The atmosphere in the classroom was tense, and some small pieces of paper floated in the sky.

Those sitting in the seat of the hutch and Gryffindor have quietly picked up the book, far away from them.

But at this point.


The sound of closing the door came from the door.

An old man in a red robe strode into the door. He was slightly hunched, bald, with no hair, but a thick gray beard. He also had a marching glass for aurora to drink.

It was the dean of Gryffindor, the old professor merles, an old Auror.

"What's the matter?"

He asked harshly as soon as he came in and saw that the ground was in a mess.

Malfoy snorted coldly, threw his green robe and turned away.

Hoffa immediately grabbed agraia and tried to get her to sit back. Although the old man has a good temper, he is still the current Dean of Gryffindor. No one dares to offend him.

Several Gryffindors got up and said a few words to him, and Professor Meles immediately looked at agraia and Malfoy.

"Are you two making trouble?"

Malfoy raised his head, did not say a word, and took some Slytherins back to his seat.

Tom Riddell stood up politely: "teacher, it's OK, just play. The students have a little exchange of defense skills."

"Sit back."

Meredith said sternly, "go outside to practice defense."

Tom Riddle sat back, and Malfoy secretly pointed at aglia.

Agraia couldn't help it. She watched Malfoy spit on the ground and said in a loud voice, "garbage is garbage."This sentence made the group of Slytherins suddenly stand up again.

Professor merles knocked on the table and Auror's marching kettle flew to the sky.

He said harshly: "abuse students at will, drasse, Ravenclaw deducted 20 points!"

Slytherin, who was about to stand up, sat back slowly.

The tendons on aglea's head burst up. Hoffa took her arm with one hand and patted her on the shoulder with the other. He said helplessly:

"you forget again. It's unreasonable to want revenge here."

With that, he and Miranda took aglia by the arm and forced her to sit down.

After sitting down, aglia said to Hoffa, "believe it or not, I will kill him one day."

"Faith." Huo FA calms things down and says, "class first, not in a hurry."

But agraia obviously didn't listen to Hoffa's advice. She spent a whole class imagining how to humiliate Malfoy in the most vicious way.

Listen to her tone, she and that ancestor Malfoy feud seems to have been not a matter of one or two days. It seems that there may be a feud.

During the whole class, the three of them didn't pay much attention to it. When mellos talked about the subject of fighting against the dark elves, Slytherin's table laughed unkindly. Malfoy also made a cut throat gesture to aglia, because MEVA is also a kind of spirit.

Hoffa felt that agraia was almost to the point of cerebral hemorrhage. Miranda was holding her wrist all the time, and her face was very bad.



finally, Professor merles finished the theoretical class.

He took a slow drink and said:

"you must have heard headmaster dipert's words this year. Every teacher has to choose an assistant.

I'm no exception, but I always think that the most dangerous black magic creature is the wizard himself.

Only those who are most proficient in the dark arts can become the best defense masters.

So this year, I want to examine the target, is the defense against the dark arts, only allowed to use the dark arts, or defense. I hope to see your development and understanding of the course... "

he hasn't finished yet.

Agraia suddenly raised his hand high.

Professor merles was displeased: "why, miss drasse."

"Is it a duel?" She asked directly.

"That's understandable."

"I want to sign up."

She looked decisively at Slytherin's table, and without waiting for merles to speak, she said very quickly:

"according to the rules of wizard duel, I have the right to challenge a wizard. Of course, ABRAXAS Malfoy, you have the right to refuse my challenge! "

Malfoy looked up, looked at the people around him with a smile and shook his head. Then he looks a Su, directly one arm to support the table jumped out.

"Come on, you think I'm afraid of you?"