Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 350

How dare you!?


Hoffa closed his eyes again.

When you open it again, the AK47 turns into a hand-held howitzer!

He thought about it and thought it was still not possible, so he closed his eyes again. When he opened them again, the howitzer turned into a huge shotgun.

That's more or less...

he nodded with satisfaction.

Pull the valve, the fire gun ejects tens of meters of fire dragon.

He engulfed the pursuing police dog and police, and burned the skirts of two elegant medieval girls on a picnic.

"Ha ha ha ~"

Hoffa couldn't help laughing.

He thought it was a little funny.

But I haven't waited for him to celebrate his boldness for three seconds.


Dozens of Tiger tanks burst out of the raging fire.

Behind several police actually opened the tank to catch up!

Before long, Hoffa was blocked in the street by nearly 100000 subconscious groups, most of them were barking hounds, and a few were roaring tanks.

Sure enough, he thought, Silby didn't disappoint himself. He could do so without magic. Without Slytherin's curse, he was afraid that he would have been able to enjoy his retirement on the deck of herheim.

He turned his horse to get out of the encirclement through the alleys of the street.

However, in such a tense moment, an untimely guy rushed out of the alley, said with a valiant voice: "stop, you are surrounded by us!"

He was dressed in a black tights, riding on a horse, and behind him was a retro cloak, both retro and sassy.

"Who are you?" Hoffa saw that he was not a group subconscious, so he asked politely.

"Good question!"

The man said with joy, his cool hair flicked, and an eye patch appeared on his eyes: "I'm Diego on the surface, pretending to be timid and afraid -" I took out my foil from my waist - "but in the middle of the night, I put on my make-up and raised my sharp sword to uphold justice and rob the rich and help the poor. Who am I? Zorro

Zorro pointed at Hoffa with a sword and changed his dramatic tone: "die, Sergeant Gonzalez!"

It turned out that he was a guy who was dreaming. Hoffa relaxed his vigilance. However, it was not over yet. Another handsome boy in a green hat flew over the sky and landed beside Zorro. "Oh, hi, Zorro, do you need help?"

"Go away, Peter Pan, this is my opponent!"

Zorro said, holding up his sword and standing on the tank with his waist crossed: "for God's sake, let's have a one-on-one life and death duel, Sergeant Gonzalez!"

Hoffa hasn't answered.

The boy, who looked like Peter Pan, saw him and exclaimed, "Captain hooker, it's you. I've been looking for you for a long time!"

Then, he also pulled out a sword, but the sword was a wooden sword: "give the fairy out quickly."

Zorro was not happy, he took back the sword: "Peter Pan, if you have to steal my limelight, then we have to score first."

"You don't even have a horse. How can you be my opponent?" Peter Pan said.

Zorro sneer, his sword stroke, "arrogant, it's time to give you some pain."

"Come on, masked swordsman, I've meant to compete with you for a long time." Peter Pan rushed up with a wooden sword.


The two dreamers unknowingly scuffled together, and Hoffa didn't even know what had happened. After thinking about it, he could only understand it as the grotesque dream.

He speeded up and drove the horse, trying to say that the two men were sneaking away when they were fighting, but a third man fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a roar.

He was a muscular man with a full face and beard, a shield in one hand and a hammer in the other.

"I've finally found you, jemengard!"

Cried the strong man in ecstasy.

"What the hell! Who are you? "

Hoffa asked.

"Don't you know me? I'm sol!"

The strong man was wronged and tears rolled in his eyes.

That expression chilled Hoffa.

In front of them were three silly hangers who had a good dream. Behind them, the group subconscious was getting closer and closer. The tanks were rumbling apart, and the gun tubes spewed out flames.

He hugged the horse's neck and said, "it's like we have no way to go."

"Is that all you have to be?"

"If you die here, your body in the real world will also become a vegetative one," the man who became the God of nightmare reproached him

"Make yourself smaller first!"

Hoffa yelled in the ears of the men.The horse turned into a sparrow and fell into Hoffa's hands.

In the gunfire, Hoffa closed his eyes. He became a pedestrian helicopter, with a propeller coming out of his head and flying straight up. Dodged the first round of ground fire.

Peter Pan and Zorro, who were fighting on the ground, were not happy to see the posture.

"Stop, Captain hooker!" Peter Pan flew after him.

"Hey, Sergeant Gonzalez, you can't get far!" Yelled Zorro, holding his hat.

"Yemenggad, wait for me. We haven't decided yet." Sol picked up the hammer from the ground. The light flashed and he floated.

Looking at Peter Pan and Thor, Hoffa smiles coldly and closes his eyes again. When he opens his eyes again, his body becomes the most beautiful and fluent triangle.

Looking at his own appearance, he laughs and happily compares his middle finger with the subconscious of the group behind him: "eat fart, stinky brother!"

With that, accompanied by a huge sonic boom, it took only a second for him to disappear into the sight of all the subconscious groups. The wind blew Peter Pan from the air to the ground. He cried in despair, "Oh no, my old enemy, my life."

Zorro hate to lose his hat: "hateful, do not take so much publicity!"

Thor threw out his hammer and yelled, "wait for me, jemengard, I'll find you!"

After all, the hammer didn't catch up with Hoffa.

The air flow in the sky passed by, leaving the three people behind.

"I take it back. You're more daring than I thought."

The God of nightmare couldn't help praising him.

"Thank you." Hoffa, who became a blackbird scout, replied.

"What is this?"

The God of nightmares turned back to a beautiful woman, curiously sitting in the cabin, feeling around: "is Muggle plane in 50 years?"

Hoffa smiles and doesn't answer. Naturally, he won't tell the God of nightmares that he has become an American blackbird reconnaissance plane with a speed of Mach 3 per second and can fly a kilometer per second. Naturally, it's not Peter Pan or the World War II antique planes that can catch up with him.

He discovered the benefits of dreams.

Here, he can do almost anything he wants to do, completely unrestrained. If in the real world, he wants to become a blackbird reconnaissance plane, it's no doubt a dream. It's too unrealistic, even if his metamorphosis is 100 times more powerful than it is now, because he doesn't understand the structure of blackbird, let alone its operation principle.

But in his dream, he did it so easily because he wanted to be like this.

No wonder so many people are trapped in this world and can't extricate themselves. In the real world, nine out of ten things are unsatisfactory, and how many can really bear them.

After you get rid of that mass subconscious. The blackbird reconnaissance plane flew across the sky, became a human again, and landed on the ground.

This area is much quieter than the place where I just entered the dream before. The ground is covered with soft grass, and the grass is crystal clear with unknown red fruits. In the shade of a tall tree, a group of snow-white girls are having a picnic. They see Hoffa standing in the distance. They cover their mouths and smile.

Hoffa sat on the ground, grabbed a crystal clear fruit and put it into his mouth. He chewed it up. A gust of wind made several girls laugh in the distance. Everything was so harmonious.

"What are you thinking?"

Nightmare sat down beside him.

"I was just thinking, if there is anything I want, does that mean that the higher my cognitive level, the more things I can do?"

"It's true."

"But it's not free." Hoffa said easily: "just now, I summed up two rules of the world."

"You said

"First, I can only imagine things within my cognitive scope, and dreams beyond my cognitive scope can't help me realize them.

2、 I have to enjoy this dream with my heart, otherwise the group subconscious will come to me and get rid of me as an alien. "

"Not bad."

Nightmare nodded. "But what does that have to do with you looking for sylby?"

"It matters a lot."

Hoffa said:

"the dreams we see are just illusions. If sylby Spencer sets these rules, then we can only get close to sylby's real position by entering the world of rules."

The God of nightmare frowned. "You mean

"I mean, we can't find him here."

With that, he stood up, patted his ass, and went to the girls who had a picnic under the tree with a smile. When the girl saw a boy coming, she immediately began to smile.

These people must be those who pay great attention to the sense of ceremony in the real world. Hoffa can see that they are spread on the ground with neat Plaid tablecloths, and put the exquisite cakes in neat small pieces in the dining plate. The knives and forks behind the dining plate are placed in standard eight characters."Oh, hi." He said hello in a friendly way.

Several girls immediately chirped up and covered their mouths.

Hoffa squatted down beside them. "Do you all live here?"

"Yes," said a brave girl, "my little sisters and I live in that castle."

She pointed to the distance, and Hoffa looked. There was a hazy castle, which was not real.

"Are you a man, a knight, a baron, or a marquis?"

The talkative girl continued.

"I'm nothing." "The proletarian," Hoffa said

"Che AI"

the brave girl immediately showed a look of disdain and held her arms and stopped talking. One of them, however, kept looking at Hoffa shyly and dodgily.

"It's beautiful."

Hoffa pointed to the cake and exclaimed, "did you make it yourself?"

"Yes... Yes, I made it myself." The girl who peeped at him raised her hand, blushed and stammered, looking very shy.

"That's good. Can I have some?" Hoffa asked, pointing to the cake.

"Eat ~"

the shy girl quickly lifted the carved plate with her white hands and put it in front of him.

Hoffa forked a small piece with a silver fork and chewed it in his mouth. Shy girl clenched her fist in her chest, looking forward to him, waiting for his praise. Bold girl is still holding the arm, impatient looking at him.

The cake is delicious, soft and sweet.

But Hoffa closed his eyes and carefully imagined a piece of dog excrement in his mind. Sure enough, the cake turned into a piece of dog excrement in his mouth, which was crying, astringent and disgusting.


His face was livid, and he spat out the dog's excrement with a loud voice. He said sternly, "what did you give me to eat? It's so disgusting!"

The girl who was waiting for praise fixed her eyes and saw that the muddy things he vomited stuck to the exquisite tablecloth and cake. Suddenly, her eyes widened in consternation and a shrill cry of panic was issued.


Then, like a cat in the tail, they cried and ran away in panic. One of them stepped on her skirt and even fell to the ground.

The God of nightmare looked at this scene in the distance and shook his head helplessly.

As soon as the girl left, a large number of heavily armed medieval soldiers rushed over on horseback, and their eyes were extremely fierce. It's like a housewife with a severe cleanliness habit seeing the stains on the wall, who wants to wipe out the heretics who destroy the beauty of dreams.

Before he could wipe his mouth, Hoffa rushed back to the God of nightmares, pulled her to lie on the grass and began to kiss.

He not only kisses, but also tries his best to imagine each other as aglia, imagining that he is lying on the grass with her now.

The God of nightmares, who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, almost didn't spit out, but when he saw the soldiers coming from a distance, he immediately restrained himself and began to enjoy the moment.

Dada dada!

The sound of the horse's hooves was like a tide.

The fully armed subconscious soldiers came and drew out the sharp blade. The result only saw two people under the tree, you Nong I Nong, suddenly looked very confused. They turned their horses around and beat around the pile of shit.

They lost their goal.

After a few turns, they didn't find out who destroyed the dream, so they had to put away the blade. Pick up the pile of dog dung on the ground, turn the horse around again, and return along the same road.

When Yu Guang saw the subconscious soldier, huofa immediately got up and said, "go, go, follow up!"

Then the God of nightmare understood what Hoffa wanted to do. He lay on the ground and became a horse, while Hoffa became a soldier. He turned over and got on the horse and followed the soldiers who carried out the rules.