Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 320

Herheim, little Barty, looks at the noisy ring building in the distance.

"Where is that?"


Hoffa subconsciously replied, "eternal arena, the stage for the dead."

"How do you know?"

Little Barty looked at Hoffa strangely.

Huo FA a Leng, immediately also curious, right ah, how can I know. This knowledge is like drilling into one's own head, waiting for others to ask questions.

Numerous ghost water flows from their sides to the ring arena, and they whisper: "who will death look for to perform this time?"

"I don't know. I've heard that he's a great Englishman. He's been in the underworld for a long time."

"For a long time, how long?"

"Two hundred years at least."

"I wish death could remember it."

"Who knows, it must be beautiful anyway."


after the ghost passed, little Barty said excitedly to Hoffa, "let's go and have a look, Mr. Bach."

Hoffa nodded. They followed the ghosts and floated into the huge Colosseum, which was very similar to the complete version of the Roman Colosseum. The stone benches were stacked high and the unknown flags were flying on the top.

The only difference is that the gravel in the center of the circle is scarlet. I don't know how much blood it is soaked through. Even if I don't have a sense of smell, I can feel the bloody gas contained in the gravel.

Looking at the scarlet gravel, Hoffa could not help shivering. He had a cruel feeling of facing the road.

At this moment, he thought of the primitive human beings who used children and virgins to sacrifice to gods in ancient times, the bloody altars and the high knives. Perhaps times have changed, but the status of human beings in the world has never changed. It's like an actor on the stage who does everything to please the audience. And this kingdom of the dead is the stage of death. Maybe the real world is God's stage.

On the ring-shaped high field, countless floating ghosts are shouting in unison, and their posture is more fanatical than when they are in the dark underground.

Hoffa shuttled through the ghost, his heart was secretly surprised. This scene was even better than that of the Quidditch World Cup. If all the living people were replaced by ghosts, it would be almost the spectacle of the Quidditch World Cup. So many ghosts gather here, what are they going to do?


As if to answer his doubts, accompanied by a burst of balloon explosion. Countless colorful ribbons fall from the sky.

A huge Clown Balloon head suddenly popped out of the stand in the middle of the ghost. On the Clown Balloon head, there was a big black man who was four meters tall. The black man was wearing gold and silver, holding a microphone. Even from a distance, he could see his excited white teeth.

Hoffa recognized him. The guy sitting on the clown balloon was Avada, the servant of death.

"Welcome to the eternal arena again to watch the game between mortals and gods!"

Awada held up the microphone and made a very loud voice: "everyone who comes to this arena will face three opponents. After defeating three opponents, he can leave the world and even let death realize his wish."

With Avada's words, countless ghosts, like drinking nitroglycerin, burst out a very fanatical voice. Little batty was infected by the atmosphere, and he also cried fanatically in the stands.

Hoffa was calm. It turned out that these people came to visit the game of death. Did death invite other people besides himself?

Avada stood up on the balloon and said with a heroic gesture: "next, let's welcome Davis Sawyer from 1864!"

Clang, clang...

with the sound of armor collision, on the edge of the sand, a tall knight in armor came out with steady steps and amazing momentum.

Hoffa recognized the armor as soon as he saw it. Wasn't it the guy who served agraia. Why did he come to the game of death?

Just listen to Avada standing on the balloon, pointing to the armor below, said excitedly: "Davis Sawyer is an Englishman. When he was born, his family went bankrupt and his father was killed by the enemy. In order to make a living, he once hunted lions and sold slaves in Africa alone. After earning enough money, he went back to England to kill his enemies. However, he was exiled to the American colony because he raped the judge's daughter, where he killed tens of thousands of Indians and became a famous planter at that time. "


Avada told the life of the man in the duel, but as the ghost of the audience, he made a sarcastic voice. He didn't know what he was sarcastic about, but Hoffa couldn't understand.

Sitting on the balloon, awada happily continued:

"now, in the consideration from the soul, can this man overcome his former strong enemy and achieve his long cherished wish? Let's wait and see. Now - let's welcome the first opponent of Davis Sawyer, one of the most dangerous magical creatures in the wild magic world, Griffin! "Roar!

As soon as the words fell, the iron cage on the other side of the sand was smashed. A giant monster, eight meters long, with a lion's body, an eagle's head and wings, rushed out. Open your sharp beak to the other half of the armored knight standing in the sand.

The armored knight and the Griffin immediately tore together, and in a twinkling of an eye, the ghost on the grandstand sent out a bloody cheer.

Looking at the blood on the sand, Hoffa couldn't help asking a middle-aged ghost nearby.

"How did that guy get his body?"

The ghost of the middle-aged man was staring at the arena and said loudly: "if you want a body, you can go to the underground nest to find a witch. She will not refuse to come, and will certainly satisfy your request."

"His body came from her, too?"

"Of course."

"But that body, didn't it melt away in a moment?"

"They are all ordinary bodies. If the Witch wants to, she can give you an iron body." "The man said excitedly:" but the price is not general, at least 50 years to work for her

"Why does she keep refining her body?"

Hoffa asked his most puzzling question, which agraia never gave him.

But the middle-aged ghost just shook his head: "no one knows what the witch is thinking."

With that, he suddenly began to shout wildly, looking very excited, and other ghosts followed him wildly.

It turned out that the armored knight in the middle of the sand defeated the giant Griffin, and ripped its belly, guts and organs all over the sand.

Hoffa looked at the blood on the sand, and he was not interested. He always felt that something was wrong, which made him not interested in watching the duel.

Working for 50 years to change a body, this man named Davis Sawyer in armor actually worked for agraia for 50 years?

Thinking of agraia's indifferent attitude towards him, Hoffa thought more and more that he didn't like it. Was he already... Green?

Avada's excited voice came from the height of the Clown Balloon: "look, Davis Sawyer, the bravest fighter of the 19th century, defeated the most ferocious Griffin in his first game, just like other monsters in his life, without any difficulty. However, Davis conquered countless foreign objects in his life, but became addicted to lust. Although he had countless women, he was bitten off by three Indian women and died of bleeding because of a drunken promiscuity

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

the ghost of the duel field burst out with laughter, but Hoffa clenched his lips and clenched his fists. He was still a lecheron. What kind of kindness can he have when he stays with aglia?

The armored man in the sand stood still in the middle of the Griffin's intestines, his chest undulating violently.

"In this feast of the soul, death has not only prepared powerful monsters for him, but also delicious food," said Avada

As he spoke, the body of the Griffin on the sand turned into red smoke and disappeared in the air.

Hoffa thought there would be another monster, but it didn't. The red smoke circled and precipitated into a red swaying Western dance hall. In the dance hall, a few beautiful women with wine bottles went to the armored knight with enchanting posture.

The ghost in the stands booed and looked forward to it excitedly.

The armored man in the sand was not excited. He stood in the red light filled dance hall, retreating cautiously, as if facing some wild beast. Retreating, a steel pipe wrapped by beautiful legs appeared behind him without warning. He bumped into it and fell to the ground in confusion.

The slender thigh, like a python, slipped from the steel pipe and turned into a beautiful woman. She climbed up the armor. The man named Davis seemed to be petrified. One of the women allowed him to take off his armor. The woman put out her long tongue and put it into his mouth. The woman's tongue was so long that the hair on Hoffa's back stood up coming.

But the other ghosts who watched were very excited, and even stood up one after another, their necks stretched long.

Less and less armor, longer and longer tongue.

Suddenly, the stiff Knight moved, and there was a strong sound from the sand. Davis tore the woman lying on his body, and pulled out his tongue at least half a meter long from his throat.

This action is like igniting the fuse. Three beautiful women turn into hungry ghosts at the same time and plunge him to the ground. He hits one of the three on the head and knocks the other unconscious. But in a twinkling of an eye, he is knocked to the ground by the other two people. He presses his armor and knocks the iron sheet off his body layer by layer. After tearing off the iron sheet, his scarlet flesh and blood are exposed. Two women were lying on his scarlet wound and sucking. While sucking, it splits into more individuals. From a distance, it looks like a group of leeches. The picture is shocking.

"More people beat less people?"

Hoffa looked at the man in the crowd who was struggling among the women and asked in surprise."It doesn't matter. There are no superfluous rules here, and there's no need for so-called fairness. Death never cares about the process, but only about the result. If you succeed, you lose."

The middle-aged ghost beside said excitedly: "you can find any teammate, any help, as long as you can find it, you take all the people in the world as a meat shield, and death will not mind."

"Has anyone ever won?"

"I don't know."

The middle-aged man shrugged noncommittally. Anyway, I don't know. But maybe Davis Sawyer is going to lose the game

In just a few seconds, Davis's flesh and blood had been eaten almost half.

Hoffa looked at the center of the field. For some reason, two voices rose in his heart at the same time. One weak voice expressed sympathy for him, and the other louder voice was cheering.

This guy's been with aglia for 50 years, and it's cheap for him to die like this. There is no death in the world that is afraid of the dead.

He was secretly thinking, but the man who fell on the sand struggled to stand up, and his whole body burned with unknown flame. The flame has a light blue, guarding him, the woman around him after touching the flame was instantly burned to ashes, disappeared screaming.

"He won, he won the second opponent!"

Avada exclaimed wildly, "look, that man conquered carnal desire. What helped him overcome carnal desire!? What's going on in his head? "

Avada got up from the balloon. "Let's enjoy Sir Davis Sawyer's thinking."

With that, several bubbles appeared on the forehead of the man standing in the sand, and the bubbles became bigger and bigger.

Finally, a picture appears in the bubble. In the picture, he is reborn from a huge crucible. A cold faced transparent silver haired girl controls the stone puppet and sticks pieces of red armor on him.

"It's love, oh hell, it's love, in herheim!"

Avada exaggerates: "more than 200 years of company, let him fall in love with his service object, the cold witch, the body maker in the dark nest."

Innumerable ghosts give out harsh hiss, which belong to the sound of eight trigrams. Hoffa's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water. The hiss in his mind were so harsh.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

"I want to free her from endless samsara."

The bloody man cried out, looking at Avada sitting on the balloon, "let her go, you demons!"

"You love her! Tell me, don't you? "

"I love her. No one loves her more than I do."

Davis roared grimly.


Hoffa's brain was kindled by something. Some kind of stigmatized anger rushed to the top door. He stood up abruptly in the stands and roared, "dare you!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha," laughs Avada, "yes, that's right, that's right, that's it!"

He held up the microphone and pointed feverishly to the stands. Countless lights instantly gathered on Hoffa who stood up.

"Next, let's welcome Hoffa Bach, the youngest legendary wizard from the magic world, who chased his lover from the living world and came to the kingdom of the dead!"

Avada: "let's see this fight between love and love."

Hoffa, driven by emotion, left the stands step by step. Little Barty quickly stopped Hoffa, he was surprisingly calm, "Mr. Bach, we have to find a way to leave here first!"

How can Hoffa hear little Barty? He just wants to tear the "rival" alive.

At this time, the middle-aged ghost beside little Patty said: "ha, what are you thinking, let him go, win the game of death, you want to leave not too simple."

Other ghosts echoed: "it's the last opponent. It's too bad to give up like this."

Little Barty's eyes widened: "if you win, this guy can go?"

"Of course, Avada is the spokesman of death. He never deceives people."

As soon as little Barty heard this, he immediately opened the way for Hoffman. He even followed him and cried, "come on, Mr. Bach, I'll help you."

However, this sentence and little Barty's obstruction, were not heard by Hoffa. He came to the center of the duel field. The gravel rustled under his feet. The cheers of the ghosts disappeared for a moment and could no longer be heard. He could only see Davis Sawyer's broken flesh and armor in front of him.

They stood face to face for less than a few seconds. Davis moved first. He ran straight up without saying a word. Hoffa also drove his mental strength to the maximum. The gravel under his feet rolled like a river and swallowed Davis in the blink of an eye.

The sand rubs Davis's flesh and blood. He rushes out of the sand with his hands and feet, and rushes to Hoffa beyond recognition. The sand forms a sharp wall on his way forward, from both sides to the middle.This time, his face was cold and he didn't leave a hand.

Each impact of the huge wall of spines would break Davis' armor and flesh, but he couldn't stop him. He rushed to the place where Hoffa stood.

Huo's law keeps retreating and distancing himself. He knows that the kingdom of the dead is not dead, so he can only hope that he can destroy his body.

But the man was incredibly resilient. No matter what shape Hoffa turned the sand into to destroy him, he could always stand up from the stormy attack and approach him reluctantly.

In the end, Hoffa was forced to the edge of the sand by him and leaned against the grandstand of the duel field.

Davis, who has no skin and only skeleton, breaks through the last obstacle and suddenly hangs on Hoffa. He hugs him on the shoulder and screams in his ear: "she's not what you think. She's like a mother to me..."

"mother, your uncle," Hoffa says angrily: "she's less than half your age."

With that, the sand turned into a fist and knocked Davis open.

The ghosts in the stands cheered excitedly.

With cheers, Hoffa controlled the sand, pressed Davis on the Roman column of the duel field, and roared, "why is she so cold to me? Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Give up," Davis said sadly with a bloody face. "As long as you give up and let me finish the game of death, I will tell you everything."

Hoffa sneered: "the last time you threw me out, why didn't you say that?"

"I remember when I threw you, but it's too late to give up. As long as you give up..." Davis's lips wriggled and his voice became more and more urgent: "as long as you give up, we still have hope, otherwise none of us can win."

Hoffa freed himself from emotion and looked at the bloody man in front of him carefully. His eyes were so sincere and anxious. It seems that there is something really hard to say.

He is not a stupid person. What just happened happened was driven by intense emotions. Agleia's indifference to him deepened the anxiety. But when you think about it carefully, some invisible and ubiquitous control is like an invisible hand, pushing him forward to an invisible end.

Hoffa: "not what I think?"

"No," Davis looked at him anxiously, "come on, give up quickly, we only have this chance..."

Hoffa hesitated, but he untied the metamorphosis a little bit.



With a dull sound, a stone appeared out of time and fell heavily on Davis' head, directly smashing his head in two. The brain is coming out.

Hoffa was stunned by his unexpected blow. Davis's anxious expression froze. His head tilted to reveal an excited face behind him.

"Mr. Bach!"

Little Barty controlled a stone and was so excited, "I did it. I did it. How's it going? Have we finished the game of death? "

Hoffa looked at the collapsed Davis and couldn't say a word.


The ghost on the stand hissed sharply to show his contempt for the act.

"A close fight, but unexpected failure."

The giant clown's head balloon floated up from the stand. Avada said in a very regretful voice: "this game tells us that sometimes it's really very important to have a powerful and intimate servant."

The clown balloon floats over the sand of the duel field, stops, and awada floats to the ground from the balloon.

"Tut Tut, another loser..."

he stood in front of Davis whose head was smashed in two and said without emotion: since you come to participate in this game, you know the outcome of the failure. "

Lying on the ground, the man's head was cracked and he couldn't speak. He gulped down his blood and stared at Hoffa with extremely painful eyes.

Hoffa saw his eyes clearly, it was deeply helpless.

But why is it helpless? He didn't have time to ask.

The giant Clown Balloon was tied to Davis and took him all the way up. The blood fell like lines, and Hoffa's eyes Rose with the man until he disappeared into the sky.

Where he went, Hoffa is clear. Thousands of meters above the arena is the way of thorns. Those who fail in the eternal arena will be hanged on the way of thorns.

After all this, Avada turned around and said, "Mr. Bach, all of you are here. Do you want to continue playing?"