Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 311

The dripping monster opened its mouth and spat water into the pool under itself. No matter how it spat, the pool was not full.

Moody stood in front of the water dripping monster and shouted, "no! Albus, come out

The dripping monster is not moved at all. He looks at Moody's coldly, waiting for him to say the password.

"Damn it, who broke the rules! Albus, get out of here! " Moody stood anxiously in front of the monster's dripper and yelled.

The Gargoyle glanced arrogantly at Moody and turned away from him.

Patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter.

In the dark, Moody's blue magic eye turns 180 degrees. In the corridor 100 meters behind him, the strange boy who had been bound by himself flew to the top of the corridor like a giant bat. He kept a very strange posture, with his right hand stretched forward and floating in front of him, as if he was being pulled by his right hand.

In the rush, the strange boy's right hand still split a mouth, and said, "catch up with him!"

"Monster! Go to hell

Moody took out his wand and threw it in the corridor. "Smash it all! Smash it all

Hoffa was surprised that moody could not get into the headmaster's office without knowing the password, so he just vandalized around to attract the attention of Dumbledore and other school workers.

At this time, Hoffa's right hand automatically raised, his right mouth opened and shouted: "curse stand!"

The blue smash spell will be dissolved before hitting the dripping monster, turned into invisible magic, and slowly dissipated.

Hoffa breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his right hand. Miller was still a little useful, and didn't make things worse. He held up his right hand and walked slowly towards moody in this strange posture.

Mad eye moody wildly waved his magic wand, and the magic words poured out without money. However, the magic words were dissolved by Miller one by one before they touched Hoffa's body.

Finally, he stopped one meter in front of Moody's: "crazy eye, don't worry, we can talk."

"Where on earth are you from?"

"I'm not a monster."

Mad eye moody stood in front of the dripping monster. "Do you know whose territory is behind you?"

"I know, Albus Dumbledore."

"I don't know if you're going soon?" Alasto moody said, "when Albus Dumbledore comes out, no matter what monster you are, you will be brought to justice!"

"You don't know the password. You can't get into the office."

Hoffa and Moody's are getting closer and closer, he said: "don't worry, I won't do anything with you. After this year, when I finish my goal, I will put you back."

"The devil will believe you. You put me in a box and tie me up with a chain. When you achieve your goal, you will kill people. I've seen many black wizards like you in my life! "

"Come on, do you think I look like a black wizard?"

Hoffa pleaded wrongly for himself: "I didn't persecute you physically except locking you up and restricting your freedom. But it's you. If it wasn't for my special constitution, you would have killed me twice.


Moody's tone stagnated, he thought about it, his face slightly eased a little bit: "then you say, who are you?"

"As you can see, I'm an ordinary shapeshifter with my own little nineties. I have neither ambition nor threat."

"Ordinary deformer... What an ordinary deformer."

Moody's sarcastically pasted on the wall, "excessive modesty will only disgust people. If you want to hit me, why don't you just say it."

"OK, I'm a deformation master. Ok

As soon as Hoffa's voice fell, his eyes widened.

The dripping monster on Moody's back suddenly boomed open. He fell back and had to grasp the handrail to keep himself in place.

What's the password?

Moody was stunned for a second. Then, a touch of ecstasy appeared on Moody's face. The wooden legs propped him up, and he rocked up the revolving stairs.

Hoffa's face changed again and again. He hurried through the gap in the wall and up the spiral stone stairs. The door closed behind him. The stairs rose slowly and automatically, taking him to a shiny oak door with brass rings.

Moody's didn't even knock on the door. He raised his hand and said, "araho hole open!"

The tip of the wand glowed orange, and the door opened to both sides with a bang. Moody stepped into the door and opened his mouth to shout, "albus!"

"No, it's over!"

Hoffa sprang up in the sea of spirit. Miller, like an F1 driver who saw his clumsy girlfriend driving, knocked Hoffa away and took control of his body. At the moment when Dumbledore's office door opened, "Hoffa" flying in the air raised his right hand and pointed straight at Moody's back."Out of the body!"

A dazzling white light hit moody. Miller's soul snatching mantra and Barty's soul snatching mantra were not at the same level. This time, moody covered his head and twisted wildly. He stretched out his hand and stretched forward.

Even if he didn't control his body, Hoffa could feel that the mental defense line in old Moody's mind was quickly destroyed and occupied by Miller. This kind of speed is almost like destroying and decaying. It seems long, but in fact it is extremely fast.

Almost at the same time of Moody's soul snatching curse, Hoffa fell to the ground heavily, and Miller was given control of his body back to Hoffa.

In the short interval, he saw the scene in the room.

This is a very beautiful round room with portraits of all the headmasters of Hogwarts on the wall. They were all sleeping, their chests rolling gently.

A phoenix perched on a golden perch by the door. It was the size of a swan. Its bright red and golden feathers were dazzling. Now it was resting with its head in its wings. Hearing the sound, he shakes his long tail feather and wakes up. He looks at the place where Hoffa disappeared, and the Scarface man who burst into the headmaster's office.

On the wall behind the table, a shabby, patched division hat was on the shelf. In a nearby glass case, there was a silver shining sword with big ruby inlaid on its handle.

Gryffindor's sword, Goblin's weapon.

At this time, a touch of silver came into his sight. He looked back for the source of the light and saw the bright silver light in the box under fox. It was one crystal clear glass bottle after another, which was filled with bright silver material. They kept flowing, rippled like the water in the breeze, and scattered and rotated gently like clouds.

It's memory.

Next to the spinning memory bottle, Moody's covers his head and struggles in circles, unable to make any sound.

But the more he struggled, the more depressed he was. In the end, he bowed his head, like a down computer.

Patta, Patta.

The light footsteps from the deep of the headmaster's office.

Hoffa didn't want to enter the shadow world of the ghost walk.

Just entering the shadow, Albus Dumbledore, dressed in a pale wizard's robe, came down the stairs on the second floor of the principal's office.

He is carrying a shallow stone basin with grotesque carvings at the mouth, which are many runes. The silver light from the things in the basin illuminated his old face. He didn't sleep, his blue eyes were red and swollen, and his face was very tired.

Of course, he also saw moody standing in front of the headmaster's desk, motionless.

Dumbledore was stunned for about a second, and then he returned to normal without any hindrance, as if the man after work saw his son playing with water in the yard and put the meditation basin on the table.

"Good evening, moody."

He rubbed his eyes. "It seems that we haven't talked so late in a long time."


Ten seconds.

In the spirit walk, Hoffa carried his right hand and slowly retreated. At this moment, his cold sweat almost came down. It was a crazy night to get out of ravencrow public lounge to the principal's office.

He didn't feel it before Dumbledore appeared, but at the moment Dumbledore appeared, he felt enormous mental pressure. He knew that as long as the ghost walk was over, he would be immediately found by Dumbledore, even if he entered the phantom state. Only during the ghost walk time, he could stay away from the former teacher as far as possible.

"Damn it, Dumbledore has such a strong sense."

Miller's nervous voice rang out in Hoffa's mind. "It may be hard to hide the curse from him."

"To hide a second is to hide a second. Don't let Moody's look up and make eye contact with Dumbledore." Hoffa communicates with Miller in his mind.

"Do you want to call directly?"

Miller licked his lips. "If it's the two of us, metamorphosis and incantation, he doesn't have to be our opponent."

"No, not at all."

Hoffa made a quick decision to control his body to retreat slowly.

"Why, you are too pedantic."

"It's nothing to do with pedantry. Hogwarts has more than one principal."

"It seems to be right, too."

Miller said hoarsely.

In the spiritual world, they communicate with each other at a very fast speed.

In the real world, time goes by quite slowly.


Nine seconds.

Dumbledore sat in the back of the chair like no one else, even joked: "what do you want to tell me? Is the Hogwarts bed too hard for you to sleep?"

In the shadow, Hoffa controls his body and slowly retreats. He can't see Dumbledore's face clearly, but he can feel his tone mixed with some sadness and apology?

Wait. What's that tone.Hoffa felt very confused.

"There are black wizards." "I feel the smell of evil," said alasto moody, head bowed and puppet like

Dumbledore opened his mouth slightly, pushed his glasses and sighed, "you feel it too, old man."

Eight seconds.

Hoffa's body trembled as he retreated. Miller probably just controlled Moody's casual talk, but he didn't use his head at all. Dumbledore said that he also felt it. What did he feel? Do you feel yourself?

"The black star is rising, and the gods are struggling."

Dumbledore slowly put up his black magic wand: "death is aware of the provocation from the past, it will drive the carriage across the sky, where there is no grass."

"What are you talking about?"

Seven seconds.

Moody's head up, empty eyes reflect the shock of Hoffa and Miller.

Six seconds.

"I have no way to explain it to you. There is no way at all. Each of us has problems to solve, big or small."

Dumbledore looked at his wand and murmured as if in a dream: "but I believe that my best companion will always make the right choice. Are you right?"

If Hoffa was struck by lightning, the cold sweat behind him fell off. The penetrating blue eyes seem to see through the space.

Five seconds.

As the void in Moody's eyes faded, Miller gradually took charge of his body. He asked coldly, "what are you talking about, Albus?"

Five seconds.

Four seconds.

Three seconds.

But three seconds later, Dumbledore did not answer. He sat there, motionless, as if petrified. At the same time, an inexplicable sense of sleepiness surged into Hoffa's mind, and he suddenly wanted to sleep. It's like traveling all day and taking sleeping pills.

He thought it was daybreak, but he looked out of the window.

The sky is dim, the full moon is high, and there is no sunlight at all. Feeling tired at night was almost unthinkable in the past.

Fortunately, the drowsiness came and went quickly. Three seconds later, he woke up and controlled his body to continue to retreat.




Inside the office, Miller remotely controlled Moody's to push Dumbledore a few times.

After Hoffa retreated to the door, Albus Dumbledore raised his head slowly, his eyes turned from sharp to turbid. He muttered: "old, distracted..." then, as if he had just seen moody standing in front of him, he was surprised and asked: "Why are you here, alasto, how did you get in?"

He completely forgot what he had just said and repeated the question he had just asked a few seconds before.

Miller wanted to answer, but Hoffa seized his control of Moody's and manipulated Moody's, saying, "it's nothing. I can't sleep in the middle of the night all of a sudden. I really want to come and talk to you."

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Dumbledore asked with some vigilance.

"Three days in Hogwarts, I sleep in a bed harder than the Mayflower deck." Moody's lamented: "my waist, some can't hold on."


There are two seconds left for the ghost to walk.

"It's just for this. Just tell filch about it. Let him change your bed. There's no need to tell me about it."

Albus Dumbledore, absentmindedly perfunctory, turned and looked at the meditation basin, holding his wand against his temple.

"What are you doing?" Hoffa asked curiously.

"I need time to sort out my memory. I've lived too long, and there are too many memories in my mind. I can't think clearly. Go back first."

With that, he waved his hand wearily, and the door of the office slammed shut.

Before leaving the room, the last scene is Dumbledore drawing a crystal silk thread from his temple and putting it into the meditation basin.


The last second of the ghost walk.

Hoffa left the shadow world, along with the soul snatched alasto moody, was also pushed out of the room by Dumbledore's mana.

Outside Albus Dumbledore's office, Hoffa looks at his right hand.

A thick uneasiness rose from his mind.

Dumbledore at the moment than at any time to be strange, as if talking to himself, not one person, but two people. He as like as two peas in the original few seconds, calm, gentle, strong and indifferent. But since that strange sense of sleepiness hit, Dumbledore seems to have changed a person. It's like Armando dipert, 50 years old and irritable.

This made him think of what the God of nightmare said. If he stayed at this time and didn't go back, the whole world line would collapse.

What is this.

The precursor of collapse?