Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 306

There are four famous witches whose names have been handed down to this day:

brave Gryffindor, from the barren swamp,

Beautiful Ravenclaw, from the quiet riverside,

merciful hechpatch, from the open valley,

shrewd Slytherin, from that quagmire.


in the distant castle, there is a faint song.

The separation ceremony has already begun, leaving Hoffa with few choices. For resurrection, he will enter even hell, let alone Hogwarts.

It's just that little Barty can't go to the party like that.

As a result, he pulled out the box that little Barty was pushing and opened it like a door. Inside the box is a room of 60 square meters.

Inside the room, alasto moody, stripped and only in underpants, was tied to a post with his mouth chained and unable to make a sound.

When he saw the bald boy come in, his one eyed boss twisted wildly and angrily, shaking the chain and making a jingling sound.

Hoffa completely ignores moody. He throws little patty, who is unconscious and groaning in pain, into the box, then pulls out one of Moody's hair, goes to the corner of the room, takes out the compound decoction that Nicole lemme helped him make, and adds Moody's hair.


The compound decoction gives off a puff of green smoke and becomes clear from the paste.

He took off his clothes and drank the medicine with his head up.

Outside the box, the rainstorm is getting worse.

Inside the box, Hoffa covers his head. His body changes rapidly under the action of compound decoction.

His back was bent, numerous wrinkles grew, one eye was sunken inward until it disappeared, and even his right leg was only half shrunk.

"Um... Um... Hun... Hun..."

old moody watched the scene, his canthus were about to crack, and he swayed wildly on the chain.

"Old man, your maintenance is terrible!"

Hoffa, who became Moody's, stood in front of Moody's and played his own JJ.

"Wuwuwuwu... Er... Evil... Evil... Villain...!"

Old Moody's hoarse roar, forced in the chain issued a unwilling roar.

"I'm offended. It's in your life."

Hoffa smiles sympathetically, jumps to him on one leg and locks his mouth to keep him quiet.

Then, he jumped in front of little patty with one leg, took off Moody's artificial leg and eyes, and installed them on himself.

The blue magic eye was worn in the deep socket of his eyes. As soon as he went in, he turned up and gave him 360 degree vision.

Then he picked up Moody's wand again. It was no surprise that the wand in his hand was similar to an ordinary piece of wood, and had no link with him.

Cross dressing is over.

He took a deep breath and went to the familiar and strange castle.

The heavy rain was still pounding against the high, dark windows. Another burst of thunder made the windows click. After entering the porch, the first creature to greet him was a cat squatting on the head of armor and licking its palm.

He took a look at Hoffa with his red eyes, immediately jumped down and disappeared with his tail erect.

Mrs. Loris is here. Can filch be far away?

The loud voice of the familiar man came from the hall, which made Hoffa feel like a world away.


"Mr. filch, the administrator, would like me to tell you that this year, several items have been added to the forbidden items in the castle. They are scream swims, wolf tooth flying saucers and combo boomerangs. The whole list includes about 437 items, which can be seen in Mr. Filch's office, and people who are interested can check them... "

outside the hall, a thin and bald old man stuck his ears to the door of the banquet hall, like a perverted husband peeping at his wife's affairs.

When he heard Dumbledore's words, he gasped with excitement, his thin palm rubbing his chest unconsciously.


Hoffa stood behind him and said a cold hello.


Filch, who was obsessed with eavesdropping on the school rules read by the headmaster, jumped up in fright. As soon as he looked back and saw a terrible face, he immediately raised his hands and leaned against the door, shaking like a surrender soldier and asked, "are you... Are you

"Take my luggage to the defense against the Dark Arts Office."

He handed filch the suitcase with old Moody's and little Barty in his hand and said faintly.

Filch came back, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. Squeeze out a smile, "it's the professor. I'm going now. I'm going now." He took Hoffa's suitcase in his hand friendly and respectfully, and went upstairs. But when he got around a corner, Hoffa heard filch complain secretly:"It's dereliction of duty for the professor to come so late... It's dereliction of duty. Even if he's late, he looks so scary. I don't know what Dumbledore thinks. Hum, the professor of Hogwarts is getting worse every year..."

in the auditorium, Dumbledore's loud voice continues:

"as before, I want to remind you that the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue is a student Those who are not allowed to enter, however, are not allowed to visit Hogsmeade village. I also regret to tell you that there will be no Quidditch College Cup this year.

That's because a big event will start in October and continue throughout the school year, taking up a lot of teachers' time and energy - but I'm sure you can all have a lot of fun from it. I am very happy to announce that this year in Hogwarts -- "

at this moment, there was a deafening thunder, the door of the auditorium was banged open, and the principal's speech stopped.

Hoffa stood at the door, leaning on a long crutch, wrapped in a black travel cloak, looking directly at Dumbledore, who was about 100 meters away from him.

Is he controlling Cedric and looking for himself?

For a moment, Hoffa even wanted to tell Dumbledore the whole story and see what he would say.

But he immediately guessed what Dumbledore would say when he saw himself. It must be a long line of life philosophy. There's love, it's about courage, it's even about accepting fate.

The idea goes out quietly after a circle in his mind. What does the principal's oversight have to do with him? He is tired of wiping others' buttocks.

Dumbledore, who was standing in front of the Eagle Statue in the distance, was also stunned. His eyelids drooped under his crescent glasses, and he seemed to be surprised by Moody's appearance.

Hoffa stepped forward with his wooden legs and crutches.

The students in the auditorium are photographed in the ferocious appearance of old moody and Hoffa's huge mental field. They are silent for a moment. They stare at Moody's steps, and some even drop the cake in their hands.




With the sound of the wooden legs hitting the ground, Hoffa stood in front of Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore is no longer what he looked like when he first met at the orphanage. At that time, he had a red beard, often wore elegant velvet robes, and looked young and bright.

Now, instead, he looks like Armando dipert, with a long silver beard and wrinkles on his forehead. The only difference between him and dipert is that he is in a good mood now.

"How's the road?"

When Moody's (Hoffa) stepped into the teacher's chair, Dumbledore offered his hand and asked gently.

"Not bad."

Hoffa also extended his hand and held each other's long, dry hands.

"I won't go around just now."

Dumbledore asked quietly, holding his hand.


"Any sign of the black wizard?"

Dumbledore asked jokingly with a wink.


Hoffa said coldly.

Dumbledore couldn't help laughing. He patted Moody's (Hoffa) on the shoulder and pointed to his right-hand seat: "it's hard for you this year."

Hoffa sat down, and the greasy haired Severus Snape moved his chair as if he didn't want to get too close to him.

Because of his being late, the party is over. The food on the students' table has been removed, but there are still some leftovers on the teachers' table. Hoffa felt hungry. He shook his head, pulled a plate of sausage, held it up to his incomplete nose and smelled it. It was really familiar.

He took out a piece of paper from his pocket. In the process of taking out the paper, it became a knife. He poked the knife into one end of a sausage and ate it as if no one else was there.

"Please allow me to introduce our new defense against the dark arts teacher," Dumbledore happily broke the silence, "Professor moody."

There were only a few voices in the hall, and only Dumbledore and Hagrid clapped.

Hoffes didn't care and sympathized with moody. The old guy has been a black wizard all his life, and his popularity is not as high as that of the swindler gidero lohat, probably because lohat sells better.

He took a sip of the compound decoction from his pocket and looked at the teacher's mat. Severus Snape is looking at himself cautiously, and the little professor flavey is talking happily to Pomona sprutt of hutchpatch.


Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"As I just said," he said, looking at the students in front of him with a smile, "in the next few months, we will be very honored to host a very wonderful activity, which has not been held for more than a century. I am very happy to tell you that the top three competition will be held in Hogwarts this year"You're kidding!" Cried Fred Weasley.

The tension that had been hanging over the auditorium since Moody's (Hoffa) entered the door was suddenly broken. Almost everyone laughed, and Dumbledore laughed with admiration.

"I'm not kidding, Mr. Weasley," he said, "but since you mentioned joking, I heard a very funny joke about a troll, a nun and a banshee. They all went into the same pub..."

Hough felt as like as two peas, he pushed the plate aside and looked at ddumlido. He looked exactly the same as the original one, and did not have the black mark of his own imagination, nor did he recognize Moodie's true identity.

Who on earth is looking for himself in the dark?

Is it grindevo?

No... no, grindevo has seen himself bald.

As Hoffa was thinking, he felt someone looking at him.

Looking around, Professor Mileva McGonagall, Dean of Gryffindor, sitting on Dumbledore's left, was staring at the knife in his hand with her mouth slightly open.



a few minutes later, Dumbledore talked about all the rules of the top three competition.

The party ended in a happy atmosphere.

Dumbledore suddenly stops Hoffa as everyone rushes out of the auditorium.

"Moody, wait a minute."

Huo FA was just like Zhao Gongming, who heard Shen Gongbao calling out to ask Daoyou to stay. He turned his head slowly and stared at Dumbledore with his blue eyes.

Come to all come, or intend to do something bad, in front of the former teacher is he had to step over the ridge. He was nervous about the top wizard's private conversation.

When everyone in the auditorium left, Dumbledore stood in front of Hoffa, his smile gradually disappeared, his expression became worried, "did you go to fudge, what did he say?"

Hoffa was stunned and immediately realized that something was wrong.

Moody is a member of Dumbledore's order of the Phoenix. Before that, Dumbledore didn't know why he asked moody to talk to the Minister of magic, Connelly fudge, so he left himself to talk.

But whether the old Moody's went to fudge or not, what fudge said, he didn't know at all, because he disguised himself as Moody's only tonight.


Dumbledore looks at Hoffa.

The sad expression became a little confused.

Facing the worried blue eyes of the old professor, a cold sweat on Hoffa's forehead slowly flowed down. He realized that he had to say something, and if he kept silent, he might immediately show his feet.

"What else can you say," Hoffa said faintly, "you don't know our minister of magic."

He kicked the ball back.


Dumbledore turned around with the back of his hand behind him.

"So he was totally indifferent to what you found?"

"Yes, totally indifferent."

Dumbledore sorrowfully put his finger into his silver hair, looking very upset: "fudge, fudge, how can you attach so much importance to power that you don't care if you are missing?"

Hoffa had no expression on his face, but he was about to jump up and boast of his wit.

He speculated that Moody's should have reported the missing persons in the Quidditch World Cup to Dumbledore, and Dumbledore also asked Moody's to ask fudge for help.

So, did Dumbledore realize the existence of Greenwood? He couldn't help smiling from the corner of his mouth.

"No, we can't let Ryder do this again." Dumbledore said firmly, "this year, you take some time after the course, and we'll send some more people to focus on searching for Peter Pettigrew."

Er... Hoffa's smile disappeared.

Did Dumbledore think that Tom Riddle's masterpiece was the disappearance of people everywhere?

"I think... Maybe Voldemort is not the only threat..." Hoffa thought about it and said slowly.

"What did you say?"

Dumbledore frowned.

Hoffa said tentatively: "I said, Voldemort and Wormtail are only two people, and it's impossible to do too much exaggeration. Maybe there are other black wizards...

"moody, what do you think, why didn't you be so reserved before?" Dumbledore frowned.

Hoffa immediately realized that mad eye Moody's is a man who can talk about things, and he is totally different from himself. The more he hesitates, the more Dumbledore will feel wrong.


He said at once, "I suspect grindevo is up to something."

Dumbledore's eyes suddenly sharpened. "What are you talking about?""I'm just speculating."

Moody (Hoffa) swung his cloak and stood up: "Voldemort lost his servant. Now he doesn't know where to hide and linger. I think he alone can't make so many people disappear quietly. There must be someone else working in the dark. "

Dumbledore looked at Hoffa, his sharp eyes darkened little by little. At last, he sighed: "no way, you are too suspicious, alasto. Gellert grindevo can't make any more waves. Don't worry. "


Hoffa's eyes widened, completely puzzled.

"His fate has been sealed." Dumbledore waved: "don't worry."

"Destiny is sealed? What does that mean

"Forget it."

Dumbledore showed a trace of sadness in his eyes, but it soon disappeared. "You don't need to worry about this. I have a small request for this year's course."

"What requirements?"

"Every time the top three competition in history is an opportunity of frequent turmoil. When the witches gather together, it is impossible to drink tea quietly.

I think our students are in urgent need of self-protection ability, so I'd like you to demonstrate the three unforgivable charms to them

Hoffa had a dull expression.

After a pause, Dumbledore continued, "and, if you can, I hope you can focus on Harry Potter."