Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 282


With that shot.

Those warm, warm daily disappeared, cold fate pulled out its sharp fangs.

The bullet seemed to have penetrated young Hoffa's brain at the same time, shattering all the education, discipline and life he had experienced in the past, leaving only a void.

Looking at the blood in front of us, the brain hanging from the back of the chair, the bone fragments sprayed on the wall, the palm hanging under the chair, the face with a faint smile. It was as if fate had made the greatest mockery of him.

"Ha... Ha...?"

Under the action of emotional compensation mechanism, he even laughed, convulsed, difficult and aimless.

"Ha... Ha..."

he reached out shaking his hand and tried to wake up the smiling old man to stop joking with himself. But it was only a body that gradually lost its temperature.


After he was sure that he was really dead, he held his head in his arms and made an incredible scream with his fingers deep in his hair. In this scream, the homing birds with a radius of several hundred meters flew away.

He retreated, embarrassed, and rushed out. The revolving glass door of the video store slammed shut after he left. The sign of "close today" flew up into the sky. Several neighbors who were talking and laughing and carrying sticks and vegetables home were directly knocked down by him and complained angrily.

Hoffa was scared and ran away aimlessly. He didn't even know what to escape from and where to go. He felt that no matter what he did, he couldn't jump out of this terrible fate.

He had to run forward, but he didn't dare to turn his head back, as if he could see the smiling himself, the guy who fell on the chair and had no eyes.

That old bastard!!

Damn it!

Damn it!!

The scenery around him retreated rapidly. He didn't know how long he had run or how far he had run or how many turns he had taken. He hit the wall and stopped by a strange stone river. He was trembling and pale.

He slumped down on the riverside chair, looking at his palm intact. The time flare has disappeared, and the logical chain of his existence no longer disintegrates. Even a fool can figure out the reason. There are no two of him in this time and space.

But at the moment, his mental state was no worse. On July 24, 1994, he died of suicide. If a person's fate is a closed loop, is this day his own death?

Indeed, reason told him that everyone would die. Even in the most exaggerated fantasy, the so-called creator God, Da Luo Jinxian, and the primitive Taoist ancestors will eventually die in the long river of time. That immortality is but a fool's fantasy, used to fight against their own cowardice and fear in the face of death.

But then again, who is not afraid?

What's more, although there are still 50 years to live, if you can't escape the result of suicide no matter what you do, what's the significance of your efforts?

Think of the empty house, the flamboyant Lamborghini.

At this moment, he felt the extreme powerlessness and a kind of indescribable humor. That black humor must be the biggest joke God played on himself.

He wanted to find someone to talk about the changeable world, the crazy and extreme life, and his emotion that could not be described in words.

But he found himself alone.

He is not in his own time and space, nor in the familiar world. In fact, he felt that even if he was there, he could not find a suitable person to talk to.

Who is willing to believe what they have experienced?

Who can understand this complex and absurd emotion?

The world is so big that perhaps no other person's experience is similar to his own.

The huge inconceivability turned into humiliation and unwilling, which was the humiliation of being teased. He looked up at the sky, bit his fist, and his chest heaved violently.

"Dear, do you love me?"

"Of course, you little fool, I love you not only in the past, but also now and in the future."

"How long does it last?" The woman asked coyly.

"All my life."

"Well, I hate it."

"I hate it, baby."

"Don't you love me next life?"

It's late at night. There are many benches by the river. Some lovers kiss and kiss on the benches. You talk to me in a whisper, with your head on top of your head. It's very romantic.

Hoffa lowered his head and turned his head in disbelief. Other people's romance ignited the emotion that was about to burst in his chest like dynamite. It was huge injustice, incomparable injustice!

At this moment, his lover died, he was forced to cross, his nun died, fatil died, and so on."Why... It's me!"


With a loud noise, his arm changed into a bloody wing more than ten meters long, which swept by heavily.

Just like an angry child kicks the building blocks that he has accumulated. Those romantic, gentle, calm, whispering lovers were swept by the sudden disaster, flying and hovering in the river, screaming.

"I, why must I be?"

He raised his head and roared. Everything in all directions was like a huge prison. He was so free, but he couldn't breathe.

The crazy and shrill roar made the passers-by look sideways. A huge Thunderbird nearly 100 meters long appeared. He rose from the ground, fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

Countless houses collapsed, pedestrians scattered, crying and running.

As if he didn't realize it, he hovered like a madman, flew to the distance, and fell like a parabola, destroying nearly a kilometer area into ruins.



Ministry of magic.

Council of Ministers room.

Two men sat on either side of the desk.

One of them was a little fat man, wearing a long striped cape and a four horned wizard's hat, rubbing his hands and laughing awkwardly. Behind him stood a large number of Ministry officials.

Sitting opposite him was an old man in a pointed wizard's hat. He had a long white beard and a purple cloak which was dragged to the ground. He leaned back on the chair at ease. His blue eyes flickered under his half moon transparent glasses.

"Professor Dumbledore has to pay more attention to the security work of the top three competition. After all, it's about the glory of the British wizard. Last year, and the year before last..." the short man scratched his head and seemed a little nervous: "if it doesn't happen, try not to happen."

"What are you thinking, Connelly?"

Albus Dumbledore crossed his fingers helplessly: "this event is held in Hogwarts. Do you think I will damage the reputation of my school?"

"Ha ha, I'm glad Professor Dumbledore said that." With a smile, Cornell fudge pushed forward a roll of parchment in front of him: "well, you can sign this security agreement. Then we will send some Aurors to Hogsmeade. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind."

The old man with half moon glasses and a crooked nose said gently, "I also hope it doesn't happen like last year."

"No problem, no problem! Make sure everyone is at your disposal, "he said, looking back majestically at a scarred one eyed man standing behind him:" moody, do you hear me? This year, you have a heavy burden. "

"What are you worried about, Minister?" The scarred faced alasto moody frowned a little displeased: "I promise, as long as there is me, there will be no accident..."


The door was flung open.

A woman in Aurora's dress, wet and covering her shoulders, broke into the meeting room. She was panting and anxious.

Cornell fudge frowned, rose at once, and said sternly, "what's the matter, Natalie? Don't you see me in a meeting with Professor Dumbledore? "

"No... no!"

The wet woman didn't stop Fudge's drinking. She said anxiously, "Weybridge... Fifteen kilometers east of Weybridge, there's a Thunderbird out of control in this place!"

The meeting room was quiet for a moment.

Then there was a confused discussion.

"Ah, Thunderbird?"

"Isn't that something that only America has?"

"Is it hard for someone to start smuggling magical animals again?"

"Maybe it's someone who wants to... Sneak in for the Quidditch World Cup..."

"don't quarrel!"

Aurora was about to cry. She pulled out her wand and pointed to the ceiling. The ceiling at the top of the meeting room quickly turned under the magic spell, reflecting the external situation into the meeting room.

The night sky, which should have been sunny, is now abnormally rolling with endless dark clouds. In the dark clouds, dense cobweb like lightning flashes constantly. Even if you can't hear a sound, you can still imagine what degree of rainstorm the outside world is experiencing.

Aurora pointed to the ceiling. "Half an hour ago, that creature went all the way to Westminster. Many Muggles saw it."

Cornell fudge stood up in a daze and turned his eyes to Albus Dumbledore

But Dumbledore, who has always been calm and calm when the sky falls, now looks at the rolling lightning in the ceiling with his mouth slightly open and his pupils flashing with inexplicable light. Cornell fudge even called him several times, but he didn't come back to himself.At this time, the scarred face one eyed man in the crowd stood up, he was quite calm to his wooden leg to the ground, the invisible mental field diffused.

"Don't breathe, Natalie. Make it clear. What's going on?"

Mad eye Moody's face, which usually looks very frightening, has a strange sense of security at the moment. The woman wiped the drops on her face. "Well, half an hour ago, someone witnessed a huge four winged creature in Weybridge, which kept hitting the ground and was a little insane. A colleague from the Department of magical animals said that it was a Thunderbird about to become an adult... Now, there has been a large-scale riot in that area. "

"I see," moody nodded steadily, "immediately contact the Department of disaster reversal and the Department of magical animal management and control, and then call those people from the invisible task force. Let's...

" no more. "

All of a sudden, Dumbledore, who has been distracted, stood up and interrupted moody, only to see that he tidied up his robe and restored his calm and rational: "just deal with those Muggle problems, and give me the Thunderbird."

With that, he didn't look at anyone, just walked by the wet woman Auror and left the conference room.