Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 277




The murmur is gradually clear from far to near.

It was like someone sighing, or singing.

On the open street, the white haired man slowly stopped.

In front of us are the streets full of high-rise buildings, dark without any color, empty without a person, and the sound is just like the sound of a ballad floating in the wind.

"Greendevo, keep silent, greendevo, say nothing, greendevo, get nothing..."

with a strange and strange ballad, a line of little girls in red clothes ran through the open street in front of them hand in hand. The children were singing, their heads turned and looked at grindevo. Although they were small and delicate, their heads were white and empty.

He closed his eyes expressionless, clenched his wand and passed.

Yila, the arc flashed like a rag.

Hand in hand, the little girl was torn in half from the middle. The sharp curse cut the streets, the tall buildings, the air and the world like a sharp knife. Everything was torn apart like an oil canvas.

It's very quiet.

However, after tearing, he came to another place.


Under the cliff is the abyss. On the abyss, a man holds two people who are about to fall into the abyss. It's fatil drassez.

One of the two people who fell off the cliff was himself, and the other one he knew very well was young James Bohan, who was the second ancestor of countless bad gambling.

He went back to the summer of 1913, the turning point of his life.

By his side, Jacob still said in a trembling voice, "fatil, no... no... this can't be...

" fatil, what are you thinking about! Pull me up

"Don't loosen this hand, loosen the other one."

Grindevo looked at all this strangely. He gradually understood where he was, but he didn't know when and where he fell into a dream, just like the dreamer can never remember the things outside the dream.


After some entanglement, it was not himself who fell off the cliff, but Jacob beside him.

After fatil pulled him up, his expressionless face gave a rare wave.

"Is that what you've been dreaming about?"

Someone behind him said with a smile: "no wonder no one can understand you.

If someone has lived for more than 60 years and still yearns for love, it must be said that he is either a woman or a madman. "

Greendevo looked back. Behind the huge Kilimanjaro Mountain, there was a monster that was almost bigger than the mountains. It covered the sky and blocked the sun, like a giant whale flying in the sky.

It has innumerable arms, and its lower body is covered with jellyfish like flying barbed tentacles. Its head is wrapped in a mass of black smoke. It has no nose and mouth. Every hair on its head is hundreds of meters long tentacles. Only its huge eyes, like a lake, project endless reincarnation and emptiness.

Standing at the foot of the monster like a mole ant, grindevo said nothing. The Black Elder Wand turned into a black sharp knife in his hand. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then stabbed himself.



in the dark clouds of krasnik base in Germany, a sharp beam of light occasionally swept by.

At the outpost 300 meters away, an officer with a telescope in his hand frowned.

"What are they doing? Major

Next to the officer, a soldier with a gun on his back asked curiously.

"Nothing seems to have been done."

The man with the telescope looked puzzled and handed the telescope to the soldier beside him: "come and have a look, is this what the interview looks like?"

The soldier took the telescope and fixed his eyes.

In the round lens, you can clearly see that there are two people sitting face to face at the top of the tower used by the wizard for meditation in the distance.

One of them was a woman in a gray blanket. She was in a wheelchair, with no hair on her head, her head tilted, a magic wand on her knee, and her body trembled slightly.

Ten meters in front of her, there was a man with a straight waist, his hands on his knees, his head on his shoulders, his eyes closed, and he looked like he was asleep.

"Is Lord grindworth asleep?"

The soldier put down his telescope and asked confusedly.

No one answered.

When he put down his telescope, the officer beside him fell to the ground, closed his eyes and snored slightly.

This scene made him wide eyed. Before he asked, he suddenly felt heavy headed and sleepy. He fell to the ground and fell on the officer's body....


the black sharp knife stabbed in the air, just like a needle stuck on an inflated balloon, with a puff of bubbles in the mouth of a fish, the monster, Kilimanjaro snow mountain, fatil, and even himself all disappeared.

He awoke from the meditative state of sitting cross legged. They found that they were sitting on the sand in the shape of an ancient Roman arena. Around the arena, there were countless black shadows dancing wildly. They could not see their faces clearly. They could only see one blood red eye after another in the shadow, waving their arms and dancing wildly, just like the most enthusiastic audience, hundreds or thousands, but they could not make a sound.


the sound of gravel rubbing.

A gray haired youth, barefoot, step by step on the sand of the arena. His body is wrapped with a string of dense black chains, which entangle his body to death and go deep into the flesh.

It's hard to imagine that a person can still walk when he is tied up like this.

As the distance got closer and closer, he could even see the gray haired young man's chain was tied with several ferocious and rotten heads. The heads were stuck on the gravel and dragged along, which had been blurred by the rolling flesh and blood.

The young man stood barefoot in front of grindevo and raised the row of heads on the chain. He saw the head hovering slowly and falling on the sand. The bottom one had silver hair and big blue eyes.

"Your teacher was killed by me. He didn't understand your pain until he died." The grey haired youth teased.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Grindevo said slowly, removing his eyes from his head.

"You don't have to pose in front of me."

The grey haired youth said, "the teacher you love is gone, and all your seeds of hope are dead. Even the students you have the highest expectations, I am banished. Tell me, who else in the world will become the same as you? "

Looking at those bloody heads, grindevo slowly raised his head: "you."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha

The gray haired youth looked up and laughed, and the laughter resounded all over the world.

After laughing, he shook his head with disdain and arrogance, stepped deeply into the gravel with his feet, and opened a posture with his chained body.

At this moment, all the shadows on the Colosseum roared like boiling.